Five new Commissioners to the Solomon Islands Independent Commission Against Corruption (SIICAC) have been formally appointed and sworn-in by the Governor General His Excellency, David Tiva Kapu on Monday.
SIICAC is now chaired by former Attorney General and senior lawyer, James Apaniai. The Deputy Chair is Ms. Florrie Alalo with three new commissioners including Mr. Jimmy Sendersley, Mr. Alfred Ghemu Kituru, and Ms. Michelle Lam.
“On behalf of all SIICAC Staff and myself, we wish to congratulate the new Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, and 3 other Commissioners on their respective appointments and look forward to working closely with them as they discharge their duties and responsibilities in their new important roles as SIICAC Commissioners,” said Director General John Kouni.
Mr Kouni also thanked the Chairperson and all the members of the Nominating Committee, the Secretariat, OPMC, and the Government House for their work in ensuring strict compliance with required legal and administrative procedures and processes during the nomination and selection process.
The Commissioners will go through a set of induction programs scheduled to begin in the first week of March.
As a leading agency mandated to combat corruption in the Solomon Islands, SIICAC requires cooperation between all national integrity, accountability, and enforcement agencies.
SIICAC’s role includes the implementation of the provisions of the Anti-Corruption Act, 2018, that includes the successful coordination of the engagement with the key stakeholders to carry out its four vital functions – investigation, prosecution, education and prevention, and to ensure coherence across these functions.
The appointment duration under the Anti-Corruption Act 2018 for commission members is five (5) years.