Cabo Verde

Coreia do Norte, Daily NK, Inglês
2024-05-08 12:57:47
“The 10th meeting of the 14th session of the Supreme People’s Assembly of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) was held on Jan. 15 at the Mansudae Shrine in the capital, Pyongyang,” according to Rodong Sinmun on Jan. 14. (Rodong Sinmun-News1) Some four months have passed since North Korean leader Kim Jong Un asserted that two states exist on the Korean Peninsula, denying the concept of national reunification, and ordered that the North’s constitution define South Korea as the “invariable principal enemy.”  However, the follow-up to this order remains shrouded in fog. The Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA) — the North’s legislature with the authority to amend the constitution — has yet to even hold elections for new deputies for the 15th Assembly, despite the five-year term of the 14th Assembly ending in March. This suggests that the matter is a conundrum with many factors to consider. Amending the constitution...
Taiwan, Epoch Times, Chinês
2024-05-08 12:55:40
臺東縣政府舉行2024年模範母親表揚活動。(臺東縣政府提供) 【記者龍芳/台東報導】臺東縣政府8日舉行模範母親表揚活動,今年由縣內各鄉鎮市公所推薦的模範母親總計20名,台東縣長饒慶鈴代表縣民向每一位偉大的母親獻上祝福,感謝所有溫暖守護家庭用心付出的母親,也期勉為人子女善盡孝道,珍惜和媽媽相處的幸福時光。 今年度由縣內各鄉鎮市公所推薦的模範母親共20位,包括蘇片(91歲)、范黃銀妹(86歲)、黎美(81歲)、邱鳳琴(80歲)、林麗珠(76歲)、林珠菊(73歲)、陳田石英(73歲)、林足好(72歲)、温秀花(71歲)、蘇李美英(71歲)、賴菊妹(71歲)、姜秀琴(70歲)、古善美(68歲)、利玉英(68歲)、曹釧蜜(67歲)、丁綉育(67歲)、謝益(67歲)、胡昭青(66歲)、鍾佩芳(65歲)、卓秀麗(54歲)。 活動現場也播放每位模範母親的家庭照片,並剪輯與子女對媽媽的感謝影片,讓媽媽們倍感溫馨。每位媽媽除用心照顧家庭,也熱心公益。其中,高齡91歲的蘇片女士曾在去年獲得「人間媽祖」志工獎;林足好女士從學校退休後即踏入志工行列,曾獲績優志工金馨獎;古善美女士幫助部落中酒精成癮者及生活困難的人,對部落的付出有目共睹。 Source link
Catar, Al Watan, Árabe
2024-05-08 12:54:28
• مدير إدارة مشاريع الطرق: مشاريع مناطق أراضي المواطنين تحظى بأهمية بالغة كونها تؤثر بشكل إيجابي ومباشر على حياة المواطنين • نائب رئيس المجلس البلدي المركزي: أشغال بذلت جهود كبيرة لتنفيذ مشاريع أراضي المواطنين وقد لمسنا أثرها الإيجابي على أرض الواقع • القسائم المنجزة تابعة لمشاريع ستخدم باكتمالها إجمالي 18,870 قسيمة • إجمالي 5,570 قسيمة سكنية تمت خدمتها بالبنية التحتية في المناطق الشمالية • 1,015 قسيمة مخدومة في المناطق الغربية، و1248 قسيمة في المناطق الجنوبية. الدوحة : انتهت هيئة الأشغال العامة “أشغال” من إنجاز خدمات البنية التحتية لـ 7,833 قسيمة لأراضي المواطنين في مناطق مختلفة شمال وغرب وجنوب دولة قطر، حيث تم توفير شبكات طرق متطورة وبنية تحتية متكاملة لهذه القسائم من خلال عدد من مشاريع برنامج تطوير البنية التحتية للمناطق الذي تنفذه الهيئة بهدف خدمة احتياجات السكان والمساهمة في تحسين جودة الحياة والظروف الصحية والبيئية في مختلف مناطق الدولة تماشياً مع أهداف رؤية قطر الوطنية 2030. تتوزع القسائم المنجزة...
Taiwan, Taiwan Plus News, Inglês
2024-05-08 12:53:47
Seven Taiwanese nationals are being prosecuted for their role in a cross-border document forging ring. Facebook
Catar, Gulf Times, Inglês
2024-05-08 12:53:12
The death toll from the floods taking place in Brazil rose to 95, as heavy rains continue to fall on the country, with dozens of people still missing.The death toll from flooding and landslides caused by massive rainfalls over the weekend in Brazils southern state of Sao Paulo reached 44 as searches continued for dozens still missing.Local sources reported that flood waters caused a power outage for several days for tens of thousands of people in the city of Porto Alegre, capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in southeastern Brazil and its surrounding areas.Heavy rains also damaged more than 200 areas in Rio Grande do Sul, destroying many roads, bridges and dams.Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva pledged to provide significant support for rescue and reconstruction efforts.Rio Grande do Sul was hit last September by a tropical cyclone causing floods that killed more than 50 people....
Coreia do Sul, Korea Times, Inglês
2024-05-08 12:52:02
Minerals used to produce cathode materials are on display at POSCO Future M’s laboratory in this undated file photo. Courtesy of POSCO Future M By Park Jae-hyuk POSCO Future M published its third responsible minerals report recently to show the battery materials company’s efforts to establish a sustainable supply chain for minerals used to produce cathode and anode materials, the company said Tuesday. The annual report covers POSCO Future M’s activities to prevent human rights violations, environmental destruction and funding for illegal groups. It also unveils the company’s efforts for supply chain sustainability, such as the establishment of a management process when purchasing minerals. In 2021, POSCO Future M became Korea’s first battery materials firm to have published a responsible minerals report, amid the growing global concerns over supply chain management after the European Union forced due diligence of a company’s protection of the environment and human rights. The company...
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