
Guiana, Guyana Times, Inglês - [original-title]
2024-07-27 07:57:48
GPF to crack down on misuse of trade plates – Guyana Times Home News GPF to crack down on misuse of trade plates The Guyana Police Force (GPF) is intensifying efforts to combat the illegal use of trade plates on Guyana’s roadways as such, the head of Traffic Education at the Traffic Headquarters in Eve Leary, Sergeant Richard Trotz has issued a stern warning to vehicle dealers and operators.According to Trotz, there are over 200 vehicle dealers in Guyana, and a significant number of trade plates are being improperly used. Sergeant Richard Trotz, head of Traffic Education at the Traffic Headquarters “According to section 21 of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act, a trade plate or dealer’s license is issued to the owner of an auto sale once he is registered with the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA). He pays a prescribed fee of $150,000 with an application and he...
Guiana, Guyana Chronicle, Inglês - [original-title]
2024-07-27 07:56:41
AS part of their ongoing commitment to supporting orphanages across the country, the Sheriff Group of Companies, through its subsidiary Sheriff Construction, has once again joined forces with the First Lady of Guyana, Mrs. Arya Ali, in her “Adopt an Orphanage” initiative. In an exclusive interview with the Guyana Chronicle, Ameir Ahmad, the Managing Director of the Sheriff Group of Companies, expressed his deep personal commitment to the cause. Ahmad shared that his motivation stems from a profound empathy for underprivileged children, particularly those abandoned by the very people meant to care for them. Managing Director of Sheriff Group of Companies, Ameir Ahmad “I am extremely busy due to my work and the responsibility of managing the Sheriff brand, and sometimes I wish that there were more hours in the day to get more done. However, through our First Lady’s ‘Adopt an Orphanage’ initiative, it gives me the opportunity to...
Guiana, Guyana Times, Inglês - [original-title]
2024-07-26 23:32:09
Guyana making progress in transitioning to clean energy – UN Permanent Rep – Guyana Times Home Top Stories Guyana making progress in transitioning to clean energy – UN Permanent Rep – says Guyana will be even more competitive with reduced energy costs Guyana’s Permanent Rep to UN, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett While certain parts of the world struggle to achieve clean and reliable energy, Guyana is making much progress, through the use of its natural resources, to achieve the transition to clean energy. This is according to Guyana’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett.During a Wednesday night dialogue on the Summit of the Future, which will be held from September 22 to 23 at the United Nations, Rodrigues-Birkett spoke about Guyana’s energy transition. According to Rodrigues, the energy transition is one of several priority areas that Guyana will champion at various forums, including at the upcoming summit.“If we take for...
Guiana, Guyana Chronicle, Inglês - [original-title]
2024-07-26 23:30:51
Dear Editor,AFTER reading Hamilton Greene’s letter in the July 19, 2024 publication of Stabroek News, I felt compelled to transfer memories to words.“Elder” as he now seems contented to call himself, should do some serious and HONEST reflections if he wants Guyanese to pay attention to his thoughts, seemingly affected by distorted memories.On another occasion, he has fumbled the ball, mumbling in his now accustomed way about a warped, unsubstantiated account while again in a series of comments, attempting to stir the cauldron of racial and political animosity in our now peaceful co-existence.Hammie sought to drag along the Linden corridor, a contract awarded for the construction of a school which would benefit the children of Linden, to a “known PPP supporter.” Without seeking to confirm whether this is foundational, my question is: aren’t PPP supporters entitled to contracts? In this particular case, he didn’t mention if the contract was “properly awarded.”...
Guiana, Guyana Times, Inglês - [original-title]
2024-07-26 14:16:38
VP Jagdeo challenges AFC to come forward with its national development plan – Guyana Times Home Top Stories VP Jagdeo challenges AFC to come forward with its national development plan – accused Party of using PPP/C as a cover for own ineptitude In response to calls by Alliance For Change (AFC) Leader Nigel Hughes for the political parties to come up with a national bipartisan development plan, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has urged the AFC to come forward with its own plan.The call by Hughes comes at a time when the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) administration has several such plans out in the open.During his weekly press briefing, Jagdeo who also serves as the General Secretary of the PPP/C, made it clear that his party has no interest in being used as cover for the AFC’s inability to come up with a development plan of its own.Jagdeo was of the...
Guiana, Guyana Chronicle, Inglês - [original-title]
2024-07-26 14:15:35
Dear Editor,WELL-KNOWN social commentator Mr Ravi Dev stated in a recent newspaper letter that the PPP/C has an option to call elections early in Guyana. His rationale is the perception that the PNCR and the AFC are in disarray prior to and following their recent party congresses. Even if these parties are in some internal trouble, the PPP/C, in my opinion, would not be tempted to call snap elections.The PPP/C had several months of interaction with Guyanese before the 2020 elections to develop a manifesto, which they declared as a “covenant” with the people. In that manifesto, the theme of which was, “Our Plan for Prosperity,” they stated: “We all want a society which is free, prosperous, socially equitably [sic], globally competitive and which serves every Guyanese equitable[sic].” In the 2020 manifesto the PPP/C made several promises, such as to allocate 50,000 house lots, create 50,000 new jobs, reduce VAT...
Guiana, Guyana Times, Inglês - [original-title]
2024-07-26 04:12:33
Govt makes 3rd withdrawal of $62.3B for 2024 from NRF – Guyana Times – $176.782B withdrawn to date The Government has withdrawn $62.3 billion from the Natural Resource Fund (NRF), marking the third tranche of the $329.8 billion in withdrawals approved by Parliament for the year.The announcement was made on Wednesday, with the Finance Ministry stating that the US$300 million was withdrawn from the NRF on July 22, 2024.According to the Ministry, this is in accordance with the NRF Act 2021, as amended by the Fiscal Enactments (Amendment) Act 2024. This Act had seen parliamentary approval being granted for the total withdrawal of $329.8 billion.“In accordance with this approval, the Government of Guyana has made its third transfer for 2024, totalling US$300 million (equivalent to G$62.394 billion) from the NRF on July 22, 2024, to the Consolidated Fund. This transfer brings the accumulated withdrawals to date in 2024 to US$850...
Guiana, Guyana Chronicle, Inglês - [original-title]
2024-07-26 04:11:09
Veteran journalist Shirley Thomas, passed away earlier this week after a period of hospitalization. Shirley, a beloved member of the Guyana Chronicle family, leaves behind a legacy of compassionate journalism and dedicated service. With over two decades of experience in the media, Shirley Thomas was an award-winning journalist known for her genuine humanism and preference for the simpler things in life. She was a calming presence, able to connect with anyone in distress, offering comfort and reassurance. Her colleagues remember her for her gentle approach to interviews and her unwavering kindness. Shirley was also known for attending funerals to offer support to bereaved families, reflecting her deep empathy and commitment to her community. Shirley held a Diploma in Public Communication from the University of Guyana and began her career as an Information Officer at the Guyana Information Service. Her outstanding work earned her five PAHO/WHO Caribbean Media Awards for Excellence...
Guiana, Guyana Times, Inglês - [original-title]
2024-07-25 17:53:19
Govt to crack down on public officials using insider info to steer contracts to themselves, friends – VP – Guyana Times Home Top Stories Govt to crack down on public officials using insider info to steer… – says all must benefit from opportunities during region 6 outreach Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has put public officials on notice that the government will be cracking down on those who use their positions and influence to steer contracts towards their companies, thereby abusing the procurement system. Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo as he addressed residents During an outreach to Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) on Tuesday where he met with residents at the JC Chandisingh Secondary School in Port Mourant, the Vice President addressed issues concerning corruption in the public procurement system.For instance, Jagdeo spoke out against certain families hogging the majority of contracts, while depriving others from benefitting. Nor is that the only thing...
Guiana, Guyana Chronicle, Inglês - [original-title]
2024-07-25 17:52:14
THE ongoing hostilities in Gaza have resulted in the devastating loss of nearly 40,000 lives, with women and children being the primary victims, creating a dire humanitarian crisis that demands urgent action from the international community.Guyana’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, delivered a powerful and urgent plea at a recent Security Council debate, calling for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza. Her address is a clarion call for decisive action to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people and secure a stable future for the region. Rodrigues-Birkett’s address underscored the Security Council’s responsibility to act decisively to end the violence that has devastated countless Palestinian lives. She eloquently described Gaza’s situation as a “multilayered catastrophe” characterized by oppression, indignity, and deprivation. This stark portrayal of the humanitarian crisis reflects the grim reality on the ground, where life has become synonymous with constant bombardment, starvation, and inadequate...
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