
Jamaica, Jamaica Gleaner, Inglês
2024-05-09 02:07:56
For many years, members of the visually impaired community have faced significant challenges in accessing printed information, often having to rely on others for assistance. This lack of autonomy has hindered their ability to fully participate in various aspects of society. However, with the recent implementation of Braille birth certificates, this long-standing barrier is being removed, paving the way for a more inclusive landscape where individuals with visual impairments can navigate their own journeys with greater independence and confidence. On May 1, 2024, Executive Director at the Jamaica Society for the Blind (JSB), Conrad Harris, was the first person to receive a copy of the freshly printed Braille document. He expresses his elation to JIS News, describing it as a “great experience” to have a document in a format that he can easily read. “One of the issues we have from time to time is that when we have information...
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Ilhas Virgens, Stjohn Trade Winds, Inglês
2024-05-09 02:05:57
Many lights in Charlotte Amalie remained off until Wednesday evening. (Submitted photo) St. Thomas and St. John residents faced a nearly half-day power outage after a lightning strike earlier Wednesday, according to the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority. The extent of the damage is still under investigation by WAPA crews, according to officials. While all feeders had power restored by 2 p.m., isolated outages persisted. This latest incident comes after days of heavy rain that caused a major power outage on St. Croix last week. The recent weather has also had a significant impact on the territory’s roadways. Public Works Commissioner Derek Gabriel reported Wednesday that his department has been battling road issues throughout both districts. “Major landslides were reported starting around 6-7 a.m.,” undermining roads on the west and north sides of St. Thomas, Gabriel said. Traffic signals were also knocked out due to the power outages, which...
Haiti, Haiti Liberté, Francês
2024-05-09 02:02:11
Les soldats kényans de la Mission multinationale d’appui à la sécurité en Haïti sont sur le point d’intervenir, suite à la lettre du Conseil présidentiel de Transition (CPT) au président kényan William Ruto. Les 9 membres du Conseil présidentiel de transition (CPT), les nouveaux traîtres à la Nation, sont déjà à l’œuvre. Travaillant sous le diktat de l’administration coloniale américaine, ils viennent de commettre un autre acte d’infraction contre le pays en écrivant au président Kenyan William Ruto le lundi 6 mai pour réclamer le déploiement des forces étrangères que les puissances occidentales en accord avec le Conseil de Sécurité de l’Onu ont baptisé pour mieux vendre leur projet: Mission multinationale d’appui à la sécurité en Haïti. Cependant les préparatifs pour salir et souiller une énième fois le territoire haïtien par les occidentaux vont bon train.  Ils ont déjà acquis un bon nombre de pays à leur service tels que les...
Haiti, Haitian Times, Inglês
2024-05-09 02:00:42
Overview: Some residents in the hilly neighborhood of Cap-Haïtien are selling rocks to make up for their demolished homes. This is partly due to the town hall’s refusal to compensate them, as their houses were not registered within the commune. CAP-HAITIEN — In the sweltering heat, a man and two teenage boys are hauling large, gold-colored rocks down Laborie, a hilly neighborhood in Cap-Haïtien. They are going to sell these rocks, which  have been on the hilltop for years. Following a landslide triggered by heavy rains in northern Haiti last week, the town hall demolished several houses. This government’s action cleared the way for residents to move the rocks from the debris. The authorities deemed these hilltop homes as a continuous risk. Consequently, many residents have started collecting and selling these large rocks from the rubble. For resident Djeff Maurancy, these gold-colored rocks serve as makeshift compensation, as he and...
Cuba, Cuba Si, Espanhol
2024-05-09 01:56:29
Ropa reciclada, de segunda mano, “trapishopin”, “shopintrapo”…  variados y creativos son los nombres con que los cubanos hemos bautizado a esa alternativa comercial que hoy se posiciona entre las más demandadas… porque no abundan otras al alcance de la mayoría.   Foto: tomada de Facebook Pero aun cuando la ropa reciclada ocupa en esta Isla un posicionamiento diferente al de otras geografías y son variopintas las fibras que entretejen el asunto, en estas líneas se habla de otra interesante interpretación que hoy se le da a la ropa reciclada en el mundo. Ocurre que no son pocos los países donde aumenta la tendencia que se opone a la llamada moda rápida o fast fashion privilegiando en su lugar a la ropa de segunda mano, y no porque falten opciones o se trate de otra nueva tendencia aupada en las pasarelas.  Guadalajara. Foto: EFE En Guadalajara, por ejemplo, diseñadores y activistas...
Cuba, Artemisa Diario, Espanhol
2024-05-09 01:55:24
¿Todavía no ha encontrado regalos para las reinas del hogar? Lléguese entonces hasta el bulevar del municipio cabecera, donde carteras en fibra, textil y piel, velas, calzados, jarras sublimadas, relojes, pullovers y reproducciones constituyen excelentes ofertas de la versión artemiseña de la Feria Nacional de Artesanía Arte para mamá, que comenzó con un desfile de modas, a cargo de Rosy Becerra. La oportunidad se extenderá hasta el próximo 11 de mayo en la sede del proyecto Croma, de 9 a.m. a 4 p.m., informó Joel Castillo Correa, representante en el municipio de Artemisa de la Unidad Empresarial de Base del Fondo Cubano de Bienes Culturales. Cinco artesanos, dos trabajadores por cuenta propia y jóvenes vinculados al grupo de la casa de cultura Delfín Fleitas muestran al público sus creaciones, matizadas por el buen gusto y la funcionalidad para el disfrute individual o en el hogar. “Se trata de una representación,...
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