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Guiana, Guyana Times, Inglês - [original-title]
2024-05-09 01:35:50
Power ship ready, preparations ongoing for connection to national grid – Guyana Times Home Top Stories Power ship ready, preparations ongoing for connection to national grid Preparations are still ongoing for the Qatar-based Urbacon Concessions Investments, W.L.L (UCI) power ship being rented by Guyana Power and Light (GPL) to be connected to the national grid.Several testing activities were conducted on Tuesday as preparations continue to have the 36 megawatts power ship connected to the national grid.Almost everything is in place for the floating power plant which is being rented by Guyana Power and Light (GPL) to produce power to the Demerara-Berbice Interconnecting Grid.The plans are by the utility company that when the ship starts producing power to the grid, this is expected to end the current spate of blackouts being experienced on both Demerara and Berbice.The crew aboard the ship is now waiting on GPL.The three power plants aboard the...
Guiana, Guyana Chronicle, Inglês - [original-title]
2024-05-09 01:34:46
-Records reveal AS work on the new Demerara Harbour Bridge accelerates, the government is intensifying its efforts and has been engaging residents from Plantation Peters Hall, East Bank Demerara for the acquisition of their lands to make way for the proposed road corridor for the new high-rise bridge over the Demerara River. Recently, there has been assertions from the APNU+AFC Opposition that the government had not consulted with residents and is only discriminating against Afro-Guyanese residents. According to documentation compiled by this media house, public records unveil that this is far from the truth since a series of engagements and negotiations with the residents, who all comes from different ethnic backgrounds, dating back to 2022, with the last being as recent as May 7, 2024. The project’s genesis dates back to September 2020 when the government announced its decision to locate the bridge along the Nandy Park to La Grange...
Austrália, News, Inglês
2024-05-09 01:32:52
Former rugby league star and convicted wife killer Chris Dawson will appear in the state’s highest court on Monday in a bid to be freed from jail. Dawson has been in jail since August 2022 when he was found guilty of murdering his wife Lynette, who vanished without a trace from their Bayview home on Sydney’s northern beaches in January 1982. The former Newtown Jets rugby league player and school teacher was sentenced to 24 years in prison after Supreme Court judge Ian Harrison found him guilty of murdering his wife to be with a young student, known as JC. Lynette Simms’ body has never been found and she has never contacted her friends or family, including her two children. Mr Dawson has maintained his innocence and pleaded not guilty at trial. Mr Dawson, now 75, has launched an appeal against his conviction, with his lawyers describing the verdict as...
Holanda,, Holandês
2024-05-09 01:31:46
Met mijn veelal luide lofzang op de ontwikkelingen in Eindhoven is het weer even gedaan. Doorgaans welingelichte bronnen melden dat het momenteel té hevig rommelt in designstad Eindhoven. En dat deed het al een tijdje, maar het neemt nu verontrustende en destructieve vormen aan. De D van design in de trits TDK ( Technologie, Design en Kennis ) dreigt verpulverd. Het uithangbord van het alom uitgevente dna van de stad, verbleekt. De Design Academy Eindhoven ( DAE ) zou zomaar kunnen vertrekken wegens structureel ontoereikende mogelijkheden tot blijvende verankering. Het gemeentebestuur is blijkbaar niet bij machte om de toonaangevende, wereldwijd vermaarde ontwerpopleiding te behouden binnen de stadsgrenzen. Inadequate huisvesting voor de opleiding en onvoldoende woongelegenheid voor de studenten. Het zijn deze voortslepende problemen die schreeuwen om een oplossing. Bij uitblijven daarvan ziet de DAE zich genoodzaakt om te vertrekken. Te gek voor woorden. Het gemak en de snelheid waarmee vanuit...
Holanda,, Holandês
2024-05-09 01:30:45
‘Zo veel mensen op de been, en uiteindelijk is er nog steeds niets veranderd’ De Telegraaf
Camarões,, Francês - [original-title]
2024-05-09 01:28:29
La France renforce la sécurité maritime au Cameroun avec un don d’embarcation rapide :: CAMEROON La France offre une embarcation à la Marine camerounaise pour renforcer la coopération sécuritaire entre les deux nations. La cérémonie de remise, présidée par le contre-amiral Jean Mendoua, illustre l’engagement mutuel envers la protection des espaces maritimes. La France a récemment renforcé son soutien à la sécurité maritime au Cameroun en offrant une embarcation rapide à la Marine nationale camerounaise. Cette donation, symbole de la coopération étroite entre les deux pays, a été officiellement remise lors d’une cérémonie tenue à la Base navale de Douala. Le contre-amiral Jean Mendoua, chef d’état-major de la Marine nationale, a accepté l’équipement au nom du ministre délégué à la Présidence chargé de la Défense. Les détails de la cérémonie: La cérémonie de remise s’est déroulée ce matin du 8 mai 2024, en présence de hauts dignitaires, dont le gouverneur...
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