Timor Leste

Costa do Marfim, Agence Ivoirienne de Presse de Côte d'Ivoire, Francês
2024-05-08 01:32:25
Béoumi, 07 mai 2024 (AIP)- Le préfet du département de Béoumi, Traoré Imelda, a exhorté lundi 06 mai 2024 les élèves du collège Alani à la non-violence et à la discipline à l’occasion de la cérémonie de salut aux couleurs tournante qu’abritait cet établissement secondaire privé qui a été le théâtre de mouvements de perturbation orchestrés par la section locale de la Fédération estudiantine et scolaire de Côte d’Ivoire (FESCI). « Il m’a été donné de constater des actes de vandalisme dans lesquels vous êtes cités, les coupables se réclament du collège Alani. Je voudrais vous inviter à quitter ce cercle de mauvaise réputation. Soyez plutôt des élèves disciplinés et très studieux », a-t-elle lancé à l’endroit des élèves. L’autorité préfectorale s’est également adressée aux enseignants et aux éducateurs, leur demandant de passer l’éponge sur les désagréments que les élèves ont pu leur causer. Elle les a encouragés à poursuivre...
Coreia do Norte, Daily NK, Inglês
2024-05-08 01:30:04
A groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a local industrial factory was held in Seongcheon County, South Pyongan Province, on Feb. 28, Rodong Sinmun reported. The photo shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un giving out encouragement to assembled soldiers. (Rodong Sinmun-News1) Soldiers in a unit mobilized under North Korea’s new 20×10 regional development policy to build factories in South Hwanghae Province’s Unchon County are being forced to gather supplies for the projects. “A unit from the 124th Regiment has been assigned to factory work in Unchon County since this spring. After the regiment was ordered to find its own solution to a supply shortage, soldiers have been going on leave to bring back supplies since mid-April,” a source in North Hwanghae Province told Daily NK on Friday, speaking on condition of anonymity.  Kim gave instructions for carrying out the 20×10 regional development policy during the 19th Expanded Meeting of...
Taiwan, Epoch Times, Chinês
2024-05-08 01:27:39
連續四年獲米其林餐盤推薦、獲選國家2023當代臺菜餐廳之一的「膳馨民間創作料理」,首度進駐百貨插旗誠品480。(膳馨民間創作料理提供) 【記者黃玉燕/台中報導】 連續四年獲米其林餐盤推薦、獲選國家2023當代臺菜餐廳之一的「膳馨民間創作料理」,首度進駐百貨插旗誠品480,位七樓的膳馨市政店,洋溢復古風情,以圓型意象為裝潢主軸,包廂或半包厢都能擁有隱密空間。6日開幕現場提供貴賓試吃從英國紅回臺灣的「蜜汁雞排」,台中市副市長鄭照新出席表示,膳馨是市長盧秀燕宴請外地好友的選擇,可說是台中人的驕傲。 進駐百貨公司的膳馨市政店,把台菜再升級成宴客料理。(膳馨民間創作料理提供) 膳馨民間創作料理是蔡馨誼與夫婿鄭乃綱聯手創立,十年來,從創立存中街首店,到第二品牌馨苑2家店,以及進駐誠品480的第四家店。「傳揚台菜」是鄭乃網夫婦創業初衷,去年更進一步將台灣美食「蜜汁雞排」進軍英國市場,創新手法引領臺味躍上國際美食舞臺。 創辦人兼行政總主廚鄭乃綱表示,膳馨存中街首店是以家的料理分享給消費者,進駐百貨公司的市政店,是把台菜再升級當成宴客料理,透過這樣的場域,無論宴客或招待國外賓客,可以讓更多人分享台菜美食的好,以及台灣的美好。 開幕儀式賓客雲集,總統府資政劉昭惠、立法委員羅廷瑋、臺中市副市長鄭照新、臺中市政府數位治理局局長林谷隆、臺中市觀光旅遊局副局長陳育正共同出席剪綵。 膳馨市政店經理表示,母親節檔期,五月週末時段,門市客席預約在四月份已訂滿。為歡慶膳馨誠品480旗艦門市開幕,5/13-6/30誠品會員享消費滿三千贈「脆皮芋泥鴨捲一份」,滿五千再贈芭樂檸檬一壺,滿一萬贈千元代金券一張。 6日開幕現場提供貴賓試吃從英國紅回臺灣的「蜜汁雞排」。(膳馨民間創作料理提供) Source link
Catar, Al Watan, Árabe
2024-05-08 01:26:42
خطف نادي قطر ثالث بطاقات التأهل للدور ربع النهائي بعد فوزه على فريق الوعب بنتيجة 2/‏ 0 في اللقاء الذي جمعهما مساء أمس على استاد جاسم بن حمد بنادي السد، ضمن منافسات بطولة كأس سمو الأمير لكرة القدم للموسم 2024. سجل لفريق قطر برونو تباتا في الدقيقة 31.. علي عوض 95+6.. في مباراة جاءت متوسطة المستوى. كما هو متوقع جاءت البداية قوية ومثيرة مع الكثير من الحذر الذي كان هو العنوان الأبرز في اللقاء ورغبة كل فريق من أجل الفوز كانت مسيطرة على مجريات اللقاء. القطراوي كان هو الأفضل والاكثر تميزا وسيطرة مع تراجع كامل لفريق الوعب في أغلب أوقات المباراة، لم تشهد ربع الساعة الأولى من زمن الشوط الأول أي تهديد حقيقي ومباشر على مرمى نادي الوعب غير محاولات يوهان بولي ومالانجو، ولم تكن بتلك الخطورة ونجح حارس المرمى ومدافعيه من أجل إنهائها قبل أن تنتهي بهدف.. وفي المقابل لم يتمكن فريق الوعب من تهديد مرمى فريق قطر في...
Catar, Gulf Times, Inglês
2024-05-08 01:25:32
Participants in a pro-Palestinian protest are evacuated by bus under police surveillance at the campus of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) on Roeterseiland. Police clashed with pro-Palestinian protesters as thousands marched in the Dutch capital yesterday, a day after riot police violently broke up an encampment at Amsterdam University.Police were seen using batons against protesters to prevent them from marching past the nearby Holocaust Monument on their way to Amsterdam city centre.When protesters arrived at a central Amsterdam University location, protesters barricaded the narrow canal-facing road in front of the university buildings.Earlier in the day a crowd of several hundred had gathered, chanting slogans against the war in Gaza and denouncing Israel’s ongoing military operations.“Free, Free Palestine!”, protesters shouted. “The people united will never be defeated.” Student protests over the war and academic ties with Israel have begun to spread across Europe but have remained much smaller in scale than...
Coreia do Sul, Korea Times, Inglês
2024-05-08 01:24:36
President Yoon Suk Yeol speaks during a ceremony marking Parents’ Day at a stadium in central Seoul, May 3. Yonhap President Yoon Suk Yeol’s approval rating rebounded slightly to 30.3 percent, a poll showed Monday, after falling for three consecutive weeks. The survey, conducted by the polling agency Realmeter, showed the positive assessment of Yoon’s performance went up by 0.1 percentage point from the previous week, within the margin of error of plus or minus 2.2 percentage points. The poll, conducted on 2,004 adults from April 29 to May 3, showed 65.5 percent of respondents disapproved of his performance, down 1.4 percentage points from the previous week. Yoon’s approval rating had seen a continuous decline since the April 10 parliamentary elections, dropping from 37.3 percent in the first week of April to 32.6 percent, 32.3 percent and 30.2 percent in the following three weeks. In the general elections, the opposition...
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