
Ásia, Deutsche Welle, Inglês - Why independence isn't enough for some African nations – DW – 07/26/2024
2024-07-27 06:54:01
Back in 1950, Liberia and Ethiopia were the only two African countries that were free from colonial rule. Today, nearly all African countries are independent and sovereign states. Some, like South Sudan, Eritrea and Namibia, even became independent from other African countries.  However, becoming an independent nation has not necessarily translated into economic or regional prosperity in many instance, according to experts like Dr. Juste Codjo, a security studies analyst from Benin. “Independence is rather just something that we can say happened but we cannot confirm that, in reality, African countries are fully independent,” Codjo told DW.  For Ghanaian political analyst Fidel Amakye Owusu, it’s more of a case-by-case issue.Namibia for example seems to have fared significantly better than South Sudan, despite both African countries taking similar paths to independence.  “The kind of Independence that these African countries had, depended on the colonial power that was ruling a particular territory,” Owesu said.  Why does...
África, Deutsche Welle, Português
2024-07-27 06:07:19
A Assembleia da República de Moçambique defende que os acordos de transferência de pessoas condenadas aprovados com a Zâmbia, Zimbabué e Malawi vão assegurar o fortalecimento dos direitos humanos dos prisioneiros, através do cumprimento da pena na terra natal. Na quarta-feira (24.07), o Parlamento moçambicano ratificou, por consenso e em definitivo, acordos de transferência de presos que Maputo assinou com os governos daqueles três países da África Austral com os quais Moçambique faz fronteira. O presidente da Comissão dos Assuntos Constitucionais, Direitos Humanos e de Legalidade, António Boene, disse hoje à agência Lusa que os referidos entendimentos vão reforçar a proteção dos direitos fundamentais das pessoas condenadas, ao permitir que estrangeiros presos em Moçambique possam cumprir pena no país de origem e vice-versa. “Nos Estados de Direito democrático e a favor dos direitos humanos, um dos fins essenciais das penas de prisão é a reintegração social e ressocialização do condenado”, afirmou...
Ruanda, The New Times, Inglês
2024-07-27 05:58:32
Rwandans in South Africa honoured the sacrifices of the Rwanda Patriotic Army during the liberation struggle, which stopped the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, and ushered in a ne… Source link
Zimbabwe, Chronicle, Inglês
2024-07-27 02:20:19
Nqobile Bhebhe in Victoria Falls President Mnangagwa has urged Africa to capitalise on the rapidly growing gastronomy tourism sector to bolster individual economies and establish the continent as a globally appealing and competitive destination. He said Africa’s rich cultural heritage, diverse cuisine, and unique beverages present vast potential for the growth and development of its […] Source link
Zâmbia, Zambia Online, Inglês
2024-07-27 02:14:03
Getech, a world-leading locator of subsurface resources, is pleased to announce the launch of a comprehensive data package in support of mineral exploration in Zambia. The launch of the data package is in response to commercial requests and follows the Zambian government’s decision to rationalise exploration licenses throughout the country and is designed to support companies looking to apply for new licenses in order to explore Zambia’s mineral rich subsurface. LONDON, July 26, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Getech, a world-leading locator of subsurface resources, is pleased to announce the launch of a comprehensive data package in support of mineral exploration in Zambia. The launch of the data package is in response to commercial requests and follows the Zambian government’s decision to rationalise exploration licenses throughout the country and is designed to support companies looking to apply for new licenses in order to explore Zambia’s mineral rich subsurface. Through its integrated geological...
Uganda, Independent Magazine, Inglês
2024-07-27 02:11:05
PARIS, GEMANY | Xinhua | The Paris 2024 Olympic Games opening ceremony has begun on the city’s River Seine. For the first time, an Olympic Games opening ceremony is moving out of a stadium and into the heart of the host city, Paris, with the river as the main backdrop. The emblematic monuments of the City of Light will be at the heart of the ceremony, which is set to last over three hours. Around 6,800 athletes will parade in 85 boats for six kilometers on the River Seine. The 2024 Olympics, which will run through August 11, marks the third time that Paris has hosted the Summer Games. The first was in 1900 and the last was a century ago in 1924.■   Source link
Uganda, Red Pepper, Inglês
2024-07-27 02:09:55
Mr. Sam Bwaya, the Board Director at Equity Group Foundation (EGF) has urged the Equity Leaders Program (ELP) Scholars to be innovative and drive the future with the help of technology to create an impact in their lives and communities. Speaking to 40 exceptional university students who attended the weeklong transformative training and mentorship at the Equity Bank innovation hub Rollout at Eureka Place Hotel in Ntinda on Friday. He encouraged the young people to stand out and provide technological solutions to evolving life challenges and needs. He lauded the Equity Bank Uganda and Kenyateam for organizing the innovation hub, including Eliud Njogu, an ELP alumni and Julius Njuguna the Co-Founder of E&M Technology, a software development company specializing in financial industry innovations across East Africa. Mr Sam Bwaya, Board Director at Equity Group Foundation gives remarks during the ELP Innovation hub training final day at Eureka Place Hotel Ntinda...
Togo, Ici Lomé, Francês
2024-07-27 02:07:41
Il vous sera difficile de contester l’affirmation selon laquelle les rencontres en ligne font désormais partieintégrante de la vie de millions de contemporains. Les gens trouvent de nouveaux amis et des personnespartageant les mêmes idées sur Internet, et beaucoup parviennent même à rencontrer l’amour sur leWeb. Et c’est vraiment génial !Mais soyons honnêtes : toutes les applications et tous les sites de rencontre ne se valent pas. Certainsmanquent cruellement de fonctionnalités, d’autres ne sont pas très fiables et confidentiels, et d’autresencore vous demandent constamment de payer pour pouvoir utiliser certaines fonctions. Il peut doncs’avérer difficile de trouver un service de rencontre en ligne vraiment intéressant et prometteur, maisdifficile ne veut pas dire impossible ! Choisir des services de rencontres en ligne pratiques parmi les options gratuites Il est peut-être nécessaire de préciser ce que nous entendons exactement par services de rencontres «gratuits ». Le fait est qu’il n’existe pratiquement pas...
Tanzânia, All Africa, Inglês
2024-07-27 02:05:38
In a significant milestone of rural transformation, the Rural Energy Agency (REA) has successfully electrified 98 per cent of all villages across the country. Such great stride in the energy sector is in line with the ruling party CCM’s 2020-2025 Election Manifesto, which directs the government to supply electricity to all streets and villages by 2025. With one year ahead to the deadline, the sixth phase government under President Samia Suluhu Hassan is on track to beat the envisioned goal of connecting all villages with electricity infrastructure, which is critical in elevating citizens’ living standard. The REA Director of Rural Electrification, Engineer Jones Olotu told the ‘Daily News’ in an exclusive interview in Dar es Salaam recently that as of July this year the power agency connected with electricity a total of 12,031 villages, equivalent to 98 per cent of all villages. He said currently, only 287 villages are not connected...
Sudão, Sudan Tribune, Inglês
2024-07-27 02:04:01
July 26, 2024 (SUKI) – Sudan’s paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have seized six villages southeast of Sennar city, activists said on Friday, amid reports of widespread abuses against civilians and mass displacement. The RSF announced on Thursday it had taken control of the Al-Suki area, tightening its grip on the city of Sennar, the capital of Sennar state. “The RSF are spreading in the villages southeast of Sennar like cancer, engaging in their favoured hobby of violations, looting, and abuse of unarmed citizens,” said the Sennar Youth Gathering in a statement. The group listed the villages of Al-Trirat Al-Kufa, Ibrahim Janqoh, Ku’ Al-Nahl, Trira Madani, Al-Khalij, and Qaladima as being overrun by the RSF, with looting forcing residents to flee. The RSF seized most of Sennar state in late June, including the strategic Jabal Moya area and the state capital Singa. This allowed the paramilitary group to advance on...
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