
Haiti, Haiti Liberté, Francês
2024-10-24 10:14:59
Le mercredi 16 octobre 2024, une délégation américaine de haut rang conduite par Jon Finer, le principal conseiller adjoint à la sécurité nationale des États-Unis d’Amérique, a visité le pays. REUTERS/Nathalia Angarita (English) L’administration du président Joe Biden a envoyé une délégation en Haïti sous la conduite du conseiller principal adjoint à la sécurité nationale des États-Unis, Jon Finer, pour régler le scandale ouvert entre ses employés au Conseil présidentiel de transition et ceux de la Primature. Arrivés à Port-au-Prince mercredi matin 16 octobre 2024 vers 9 heures à bord d’un avion américain, les membres de la délégation se sont précipités pour mener à bien leur mission. Il s’agit de rencontrer certains membres de l’Exécutif haïtien qui n’arrivent pas à s’entendre sur des sujets secondaires au travail qui leur est assigné en tant que natifs au service des puissances occidentales. Il a également rencontré d’autres Haïtiens irresponsables et incompétents ainsi...
Haiti, Haitian Times, Inglês
2024-10-24 10:13:05
Overview: UN Security Council members urge increased support for Haiti, highlighting gang violence and political instability. NEW YORK — The United Nations Security Council convened on October 22 to address the deteriorating situation in Haiti, with a particular focus on the escalating violence, the strain on humanitarian efforts, and the challenges facing the country’s political transition. Senior officials, including María Isabel Salvador, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti, and U.S. Ambassador Dorothy Shea, underscored the growing urgency for international intervention, as gang violence continues to ravage the country and impede any political progress. María Isabel Salvador delivered a grim update, revealing that Haiti’s situation has worsened significantly, with over 700,000 internally displaced persons, marking a staggering 22 percent increase in the past three months. “The political process, despite initial advances, which I reported in July, is now facing significant challenges, turning hope into deep concern,” she said.  Salvador...
Haiti, Haiti Liberté, Francês
2024-10-24 00:25:29
Plus de 40 % des Haïtiens vivent dans une pauvreté extrême ; En Amérique latine, la proportion atteint près de 6 %, selon l’ONU Plus de 40 % des Haïtiens vivent dans une pauvreté extrême ; En Amérique latine, la proportion atteint près de 6 %, selon l’ONU. Une étude révèle que près de la moitié des pays en situation d’extrême pauvreté se trouvent dans des zones de conflit ou de guerre.   Quatre Haïtiens sur dix vivent dans une pauvreté extrême. En Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes, 34 millions de personnes vivent en dessous du seuil de pauvreté, ce qui représente près de 6 % de la population. Les chiffres proviennent de l’indice mondial de pauvreté multidimensionnelle (IPM), publié jeudi (17). Selon le rapport, en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes, après Haïti, le Guatemala est le deuxième pays avec les niveaux d’extrême pauvreté les plus élevés, atteignant...
Haiti, Haitian Times, Inglês
2024-10-24 00:23:42
Overview: More than twenty rural women’s organizations in Port-de-Paix gathered to celebrate the World Day of Rural Women. However, beneath the festive atmosphere of traditional choreography, music, and spiritual rituals, a deeper issue took center stage—Haitian rural women’s urgent call for modern agricultural tools, government-backed programs, and policies that recognize their contributions to economic recovery and sustainable development. Their appeal underscores a broader challenge—how to sustain rural economies and foster growth amid deep neglect. PORT-DE-PAIX —In the sun-baked village of Passe-Catabois, in Haiti’s Northwest department, women gathered on Oct. 15 to mark the World Day of Rural Women, an event aimed at highlighting the critical role of women in rural communities. While the focus was on creating more inclusive policies and support for women toward sustainable development, the elephant in the room was hard to ignore: access to modern tools and equipment. “Women need modern tools and equipment so that...
Haiti, Haitian Times, Inglês
2024-10-23 13:31:07
Overview: The Haitian government has ordered the immediate recall of police officers and soldiers from VIP protection to deploy them in areas like Solino, Tabarre, and Arcahaie, to combat gang attacks surging since the Oct. 17th anniversary of Jean-Jacques Dessalines’ assassination. While the police claim to have pushed back the gangs, gunfire persists, and residents continue to flee. PORT-AU-PRINCE — Haïti’s government has ordered the recall of hundreds of police officers and soldiers to deploy them into combat zones where the struggle for security against gangs is most acute. Announced on Monday, this decision aims to reassign elite units—originally tasked with protecting VIPs—to gang-controlled neighborhoods in response to escalating violence that has claimed multiple lives throughout October. “Each member of these units must now contribute directly to the defense of our territory,” said Prime Minister Conille following an emergency high-level meeting with national security forces. “I firmly reaffirmed our position:...
Haiti, Haitian Times, Inglês
2024-10-23 03:24:55
Overview: The Northeast Department of Haiti commemorated the 218th anniversary of Jean-Jacques Dessalines’ death with a series of educational and cultural events, emphasizing his legacy and Haiti’s enduring challenges. FORT-LIBERTE — In Haiti’s northeast region, this year’s commemoration of the 218th anniversary of Jean-Jacques Dessalines’ death took on fresh significance, as cultural and humanitarian activities replaced traditional ceremonies, echoing the revolutionary leader’s model of action. Despite fears of unrest and potential violence, students, community members, and local organizations marked the day with a renewed focus on discussing Haiti’s current challenges. Throughout Ouanaminthe, various groups held discussions on Dessalines’ life, engaged in reforestation projects, and shared plans on humanitarian aid to Haitian migrants recently returning from the Dominican Republic to the region. These efforts not only celebrated and honored Dessalines but also addressed the pressing issues facing the nation, such as the ongoing migration crisis and environmental degradation. On Oct. 17,...
Haiti, Haitian Times, Inglês
2024-10-22 18:27:00
Overview: A motorcycle taxi driver was killed, and three students were critically injured as gang violence in L’Estère continues to destabilize the Artibonite region. GONAÏVES — A deadly confrontation between rival gangs in the commune of L’Estère left a motorcycle taxi driver dead, while a separate attack on a Catholic school left three students critically injured, according to local authorities. The fatality occurred during a gunfight on Monday, October 21, between the Kokorat San Ras gang and the Coalition of L’Estère, plunging the community into chaos. During the crossfire, Michelet Charles, 45, was transporting a student to school when he was fatally shot. Three injured students were attending a Catholic school run by nuns when they were caught in the violence, police sources in Gonaïves told The Haïtian Times. According to police, gang members stormed the Catholic school to extort money from the nuns.  “When their demands weren’t immediately met,...
Haiti, Haitian Times, Inglês
2024-10-22 09:14:31
Overview: Delegate Pierrot Augustin is accused of installing fake BSAP agents to seize land and harass locals in Northern Haiti. CAP-HAÏTIEN — Northern Department Delegate Pierrot Augustin has illegally installed a group of agents in Protected Areas Security Brigade (BSAP, its French acronym) uniforms in Carrefour La Mort, a neighborhood near Cap-Haïtien, without proper authorization. This was revealed in an open letter from BSAP dated Oct. 16. These men, posing as BSAP officers, have been accused of land theft, the letter states. Some have also said those men have been harassing residents. “I would like to first grab your attention for a situation that happened last week at Carrefour La Mort,” wrote Gérald Joseph, BSAP’s Northern Department director. “Mr. Pierre Degaulle [Augustin]… who has no responsibility in BSAP, installed in a hovel a number of people in combat uniform who are pretending to be BSAP agents,” Joseph added. Joseph’s letter...
Haiti, Haitian Times, Inglês
2024-10-21 22:32:55
Overview: Early voting for the 2024 general election starts on Monday across Florida, giving voters the opportunity to cast ballots at their convenience before Election Day on Nov. 5. Florida’s early voting period for the 2024 general election begins today, offering residents a convenient way to cast their ballots ahead of the official Election Day on Nov. 5. Registered voters can vote early at designated polling locations across the state or submit their ballots by mail. In Miami-Dade, Broward, and Monroe counties, early voting runs from Oct. 21 to Nov. 3. Voters can visit any early voting center in their county from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in Miami-Dade and Broward, and from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Monroe County. Voters are required to bring a valid photo ID with a signature to vote in person. If no ID is presented, a provisional ballot can still be cast, and...
Haiti, Haitian Times, Inglês
2024-10-20 13:00:01
Overview: The UN Security Council has extended sanctions and an arms embargo on Haiti for another year, citing worsening gang violence, kidnappings, and arms trafficking that continue to destabilize the country. The United Nations Security Council has renewed sanctions on Haiti, citing a surge in gang violence, kidnappings, and arms trafficking that continues to destabilize the country. Resolution 2752, passed on Oct. 18, extends the arms embargo and other sanctions for another year, as international efforts intensify to address the mounting violence. The decision comes as armed gangs in Haiti, emboldened by the proliferation of illicit arms, have grown more powerful and violent. The Security Council expressed “grave concern about the extremely high levels of gang violence and other criminal activities, including kidnappings, trafficking in persons, and the smuggling of migrants.” It also highlighted incidents of sexual and gender-based violence, particularly against women and children​. Sign up for our free...
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