
Coreia do Norte, Daily NK, Inglês
2024-07-27 00:40:24
FILE PHOTO: In this photograph taken in June 2019, North Korean workers are seen entering a store in Dandong, China. (Daily NK) Chinese customs authorities have been conducting strict inspections of the belongings and luggage of North Korean workers leaving for home recently, a Daily NK source in China said Tuesday, speaking on condition of anonymity. The inspectors have confiscated large amounts of cash found on workers. As recently as the beginning of this year, Chinese customs officials did not conduct excessive inspections of the luggage of North Korean workers as they were leaving the country. As a result, North Korean trade delegations would smuggle sensitive, internationally sanctioned items that were unlikely to pass customs into the bags of returning workers to send back to North Korea. Now, not even the workers themselves can leave the country with internationally sanctioned items such as expensive clothing or handbags, or electronics such as...
Taiwan, Epoch Times, Chinês
2024-07-27 00:38:02
前言 中國人非常重視「道」。古時暴虐的帝王被稱為「無道昏君」,做事不符合公認的「道德」標準叫做「沒道理」,就連農民造反還要打出「替天行道」的大旗。老子說:「有物混成先天地生。寂兮寥兮獨立不改,周行而不殆,可以為天下母。吾不知其名,強字之曰道。」也就是說,「道」中產生了天地。 Source link
Catar, Al Watan, Árabe
2024-07-27 00:36:57
شهد حضرة صاحب السمو الشيخ تميم بن حمد آل ثاني أمير البلاد المفدى، مساء اليوم، حفل افتتاح دورة الألعاب الأولمبية الصيفية الـ33 “باريس 2024″، والتي أقيمت في ساحة تروكاديرو في العاصمة الفرنسية باريس. كما شهد سمو الأمير البعثات الرياضية المشاركة في هذه النسخة الأولمبية وهم يعبرون نهر السين بالقوارب، ومن ضمنهم منتخب قطر المشارك في الألعاب الأولمبية الصيفية “باريس 2024″، حيث تضم البعثة القطرية خمسة اتحادات رياضية مشاركة والمكونة من 14 رياضيا وهم ألعاب القوى والطائرة والرماية ورفع الأثقال والسباحة. Source link
Catar, Gulf Times, Inglês
2024-07-27 00:35:57
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi (centre) attends a ceremony to pay homage to soldiers who were martyred during the 1999 war on the occasion of Kargil Vijay Diwas at Kargil War Memorial in Drass. Indian army personnel pay their tributes on the occasion of ‘Kargil Vijay Diwas’ or Kargil war anniversary, at the Punjab State War Heroes’ Memorial and Museum in Amritsar yesterday. Source link
Coreia do Sul, Korea Times, Inglês
2024-07-27 00:34:50
Yoo Ah-in enters the Seoul Central District Court for a trial over his habitual illegal drug abuse charges, Wednesday. Yonhap Prosecutors on Wednesday demanded a four-year prison term for actor Yoo Ah-in on charges of habitually abusing illegal drugs. The 37-year-old actor, whose latest works include the dark fantasy Netflix series “Hellbound,” faces charges of illegally using propofol, a medical anesthetic, under the pretext of cosmetic procedures on 181 occasions between 2020-2022. He was also accused of abusing three other medical anesthetic drugs, including midazolam and ketamine. Charges against him also include buying about 1,100 sleeping pills with prescriptions under other people’s names and smoking marijuana while in the United States. Prosecutors on Wednesday demanded that Yoo be sentenced to four years in jail during the final hearing at the Seoul Central District Court before the final ruling scheduled for Sept. 3. In his final remarks to the court, Yoo...
Tunísia, Alchourouk, Árabe - وكيل هداف الدوري الاسباني: عرض أتلتيكو مدريد هزيل ونقترب من الاتفاق مع روما
2024-07-26 22:45:46
قال أليكس لوندوفسكي وكيل أعمال أرتيم دوفبيك عن مصير لاعب جيرونا: أتلتيكو مدريد نادٍ عظيم، لكننا لم نرى مشروعًا جديًا لأرتيم هناك. وأضاف: إن عرضهم أقل بكثير من الناحية المالية مقارنة بالعروض الأخرى، دوفبيك أعطى الضوء الأخضر لروما.
Tunísia, La Presse, Francês - Rencontre Leila Jaffel-SMT : Vers une justice plus efficace et moderne en Tunisie
2024-07-26 22:44:10
  La ministre de la Justice, Leila Jaffel, a souligné, vendredi, lors d’un entretien avec le président du Syndicat des magistrats tunisiens (SMT), Aymen Chtiba, la détermination du département à interagir positivement avec les idées et les visions constructives susceptibles de garantir la promotion du système judiciaire et l’amélioration de son rendement. L’interaction, a-t-elle indiqué, intervient dans le cadre de la consécration des mécanismes du travail participatif dans les différents projets et les différentes questions qui concernent le système judiciaire, conformément aux attentes des justiciables et aux aspirations des intervenants dans le secteur judiciaire, lit-on dans un communiqué du ministère de la Justice. Les deux parties ont évoqué l’importance de faire le suivi des programmes de modernisation du secteur judiciaire et de l’avancement de la mise en œuvre du programme de numérisation, de manière à améliorer davantage les conditions de travail dans les tribunaux et renforcer l’efficacité du système judiciaire.
Ásia, Deutsche Welle, Inglês
2024-07-26 21:22:44
At 51 years old, Mary Ann Domingo has finally fulfilled her lifelong dream of graduating from high school. However, she wishes her son, Gabriel, and husband, Luis, could have attended her graduation. Past midnight on September 15, 2016, a group of 15 to 20 men, some police in uniform, and others in plain clothes wearing masks, burst into Domingo’s home for what they claimed was a drug bust operation. It was the height of the Philippines’ anti-drug campaign administered by former President Rodrigo Duterte, and Luis was their target. Domingo said she and her children were dragged out into the street. But Gabriel, 19, refused to leave his father. The police shot and killed them both, claiming that the two men had resisted arrest. In June, four policemen involved in the incident were convicted of homicide by a court in Caloocan City, north of Manila. However, filing a case against the...
Filipinas, Asian Journal, Inglês
2024-07-26 21:21:09
AN EXHAUSTED, EXASPERATED NURSE PETITIONS FAMILY MEMBER AS HOUSEKEEPER, ON AN ENCORE SUCCESS STORY ON CITIZEN PINOY THIS SUNDAY! Lani (top photo, left), a hardworking nurse in Houston, found herself overwhelmed with household duties alongside her demanding job. After seeing an episode of Citizen Pinoy on TFC, Lani consulted with leading U.S. Immigration Attorney Michael J. Gurfinkel (top photo, right) about petitioning her brother Marvin (bottom photo, extreme right) and sister-in-law Genalyn (bottom photo, extreme left) from the Philippines to help her around the house. This case shows that families can petition family members for employment-based green cards, if certain qualifications are met. Watch this success story on an encore episode of Citizen Pinoy on Sunday, July 28 at 6:30 PM PT (9:30 PM ET) through select Cable/Satellite providers, right after TV Patrol Linggo.(Advertising Supplement) LANI, a dedicated nurse residing in Houston, found herself juggling multiple responsibilities between work and...
Brunei, Media Permata, Malaio - Tabuan Muda tiba di tanah air
2024-07-26 20:16:54
Oleh Sim Y. H. – BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 26 JULAI – Pasukan Bola Sepak Kebangsaan Brunei Bawah 19 tahun (B19) selamat pulang selepas mengikuti Kejohanan Remaja B19 ASEAN 2024 yang berlangsung di Surabaya, Indonesia. Hadir di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Brunei, hari ini, bagi mengalu-alukan ketibaan pasukan negara ialah Timbalan Presiden Persatuan Bola Sepak Brunei Darussalam (FABD), Haji Mahrub bin Haji Murni. Semasa mengalu-alukan ketibaan pasukan negara berkenaan, beliau melahirkan harapan supaya pemain-pemain terus giat berlatih untuk meningkatkan pencapaian yang lebih baik pada masa akan datang. “Sekalipun pasukan kita kalah kesemua perlawanan, namun kita menyaksikan peningkatkan prestasi pemain-pemain dari satu ke satu perlawanan. Kita yakin dengan kegigihan dalam meneruskan latihan-latihan akan membantu memantapkan lagi pasukan kita di masa akan datang,” jelasnya. Tambahnya, semua pemain telah memberikan permainan yang terbaik dan pengalaman dari kekalahan ini setentunya akan diambil iktibar untuk bangkit sekali gus dijadikan sebagai penyuntik semangat bagi mengukir kejayaan satu masa...
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