In Karnataka’s Bellary district, a 45-year-old paediatrician was abducted on Saturday morning by a gang demanding a ransom of ₹6 crore. However, the doctors’ abductors let him go after a few hours, leaving him with only ₹300 to return home.
According to Indian Express report, Dr Sunil, who was on a morning walk in Suryanarayanapet, was seized by the gang around 6 am. The attackers, traveling in a Tata Indigo, dragged him into the car and sped away, as captured by nearby CCTV cameras.
Following the abduction, the kidnappers contacted Dr Sunil’s brother, Venugopal Gupta, through a WhatsApp call. Gupta, the president of the local liquor dealers’ association, was told to pay ₹6 crore in ransom, with half of the amount to be provided in gold, the report added.
Gupta quickly notified the authorities, prompting an immediate police operation that blocked key exit points of the district. Despite the extensive search, the kidnappers released Dr Sunil at around 8 pm, abandoning him in a secluded area with only ₹300 to take a bus back to his home.
Business rivalry angle
According to police as per the publication, Dr Sunil was deeply shaken by the experience. Investigators are working to gather more details from him while continuing their efforts to apprehend the kidnappers.
Authorities are also probing the possibility of a connection to Gupta’s liquor business, given his prominent position in the local trade, and whether any business rivalry played a role in the crime.
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