
Zimbabwe, Kwayedza, Xona
2024-10-16 23:20:32
Kingstone Mapupu MURUME akambotora mukombe mumakwikwi ekunyangara munyika yose eMr Ugly kwemakore mashanu — William Masvinu (50) — anoti kushata inhaka yemusiiranwa kumhuri yavo uye zvakabva kumadzisekuru abereka amai vake. Masvinu, uyo anonyanya kuzivikanwa nekunzi Masvingo uye anobva mumusha waSabhuku Jaravaza kwaMambo Gutu kuMasvingo, anoti kunyangara chipo chaakapihwa naMwari nekudaro hachirambwe. “Mumba medu takazvarwa tiri […] Source link
Zimbabwe, Business Weekly, Inglês
2024-10-16 23:17:43
Business Writer Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (Potraz) has issued IMC Communications with an internet service provider (ISP) licence, marking a giant step in the firm’s quest to partner leading US satellite internet service company Starlink, as an approved reseller agent. This comes after Potraz announced last month that it had licensed Starlink, a Low […] Source link
Zimbabwe, Chronicle, Inglês
2024-10-16 12:34:39
Online writer HARARE, October 16, 2024 — Indian Ambassador Bramha Kumar held a courtesy meeting with Vice President Dr Constantino Chiwenga at his Munhumutapa offices this morning, focusing on enhancing economic cooperation between Zimbabwe and India. During the discussions, both officials emphasised the importance of increasing trade and investment opportunities between the two nations. The […] Source link
Zimbabwe, Kwayedza, Xona
2024-10-16 12:32:39
Munyori weKwayedza MUTUNGAMIRIRI wenyika, President Mnangagwa, vakazivisa kuti kuparadzwa kwakaitwa musika weMbare Traders’ Market nemoto svondo rapera injodzi huru, izvo zvinopa mukana wekuti pavakwe musika wemhando yepamusoro-soro sezvinoenderana nechiono cheVision 2030. President Mnangagwa vakatora danho iri zvichienderana nemutemo weSection 27(1) of the Civil Protection Act [Chapter 10:06]. Parizvino, matanho ose akakodzera ari kutorwa nechinangwa chekuti […] Source link
Zimbabwe, Business Weekly, Inglês
2024-10-16 12:31:02
Business Writer CANADA has expressed interest in growing trade and investment ties with Zimbabwe through cooperation across diverse economic sectors, including the lucrative mining sector. Canadian Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Adler Aristide, revealed this on Tuesday while addressing delegates at the third Canada-Africa Business Conference held in Harare. Organised by the Zimbabwe Investment Development Agency (ZIDA) […] Source link
Zimbabwe, Chronicle, Inglês
2024-10-16 02:47:42
Nqobile Tshili, [email protected] GOVERNMENT has fulfilled its pledge to review upwards the salaries for civil servants who started getting their backdated pay yesterday as the employer commits to ensuring a living wage for its workforce. Public sector workers have also been assured of their usual annual bonus that will be paid next month. Following a […] Source link
Zimbabwe, Business Weekly, Inglês
2024-10-16 02:44:54
Business Writer Gold mining concern, Caledonia Mining Corporation, says yellow metal output at Blanket Mine increased 2,84 percent to 56 815 ounces in the first nine months of the year compared to the same period last year. Gold is Zimbabwe’s single largest export while mining in general accounts for more than three-quarters of the country’s […] Source link
Zimbabwe, Chronicle, Inglês
2024-10-15 18:23:12
 Nqobile Tshili, [email protected] PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has appointed Professor Amon Murwira as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade with Dr Frederick Shava taking over the higher and tertiary portfolio with immediate effect. Chief of Secretary to the President and Cabinet Dr Martin Rushwaya announced the reassignment in a statement on Tuesday evening. “In terms of […] Source link
Zimbabwe, Kwayedza, Xona
2024-10-15 18:20:45
Kingstone Mapupu MUDZIMAI nemurume wake, avo vanove vakwegura, vekwaMambo Nyajena, kuZaka vanonzi vakapondwa nemwanakomana wavo achibatsirana nevanasikana vake vatatu vachipomerwa mhosva yekunzi varoyi. Mutauriri wemapurisa kudunhu reMasvingo, Inspector Kudakwashe Dhewa, vanoti nyaya iyi yakaitika nemusi wa11 Gumiguru nenguva dza7 mangwanani kwaSabhuku Chorupanga kuRenco Mine, kuZaka. “Tine nyaya inosuwisa yemurume nemudzimai, vanoti Sekuru Tizirai Chidinhika (77) […] Source link
Zimbabwe, Business Weekly, Inglês
2024-10-15 18:19:20
Business Writer The gazzeting of regulations limiting amount of cash in US dollars an individual can take out of the country is one of the many ways Government can employ to block the export of cash, an illicit practice that has been for long bleeding the economy. Government gazetted the Exchange Control (General) (Amendment) Order, […] Source link
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