(CNS): As Cayman waits to find out if parliament will meet on Friday, local activist group Sustainable Cayman is urging the PPM to stick to their previously stated position and not allow the two controversial bills that the minority government wants to push through the House to pass or even to be debated. At a Business Committee meeting on Wednesday night, the premier declined to hold a vote about which bills would appear on the order paper.
The TCCP has already said it will not support the UPM, which means the government can only look for help from the PPM for support in achieving a quorum.
After the UPM majority administration split apart, the PPM decided to allow the basic business of government to continue until the election but not to enable the lame-duck government to pass any contentious bills. Because registering to vote takes an inordinately long time, the support was offered to ensure that new voters would not be disenfranchised.
According to the latest figures from the Elections Office, more than 1,800 people have signed up to vote in the 2025 General Election, which is set for 30 April. This indicates that the move was justified.
However, the PPM is not obliged to support the minority government’s efforts to pass these contentious bills or support this parliamentary meeting. If they don’t lend their support to this, after the elections, the next government can undertake a proper consultation period before bringing the bills to the House.
Sustainable Cayman is urging the PPM not to allow the bills to pass since the UPM does not have a democratic mandate to push through new legislation.
“Efforts by the opposition to remove the contentious NCA amendment bill from the parliamentary agenda were thwarted by an unexpected move from the Attorney General’s Office,” the activists said in a statement circulating on social media. “Leader of the Opposition Joey Hew has consistently confirmed that his party would only assist the minority government until the April general election for non-contentious matters.”
Hew and other members of the party have said on the record that they will not support the passage of the National Conservation Act amendments bill because it is a contentious piece of proposed legislation.
CNS has reached out to the PPM, and we await their response.