Niger, Tam Tam Info, Francês
A peine investi nouveau président du Ghana, John dramani mahama s’est entretenu avec le chef de l’état burkinabé avec lequel ils ont passé en revue la coopération entre les deux pays et les futures relations AES – CEDEAO. Nouvellement investi, le Président de la République du Ghana, John Dramani MAHAMA a accordé une audience, le […]
Niger, Le Sahel, Francês
Partager vers les réseaux D’emblée et avant toute information et commentaire, retenons que les fils et filles de la Nation, chacun en ce qui le concerne, sont appelés à informer les autorités les plus proches ou appeler les numéros 4040 pour les Forces Armées Nationales (FAN), 4000 pour la Gendarmerie Nationale et le 8383 pour […]
Moçambique, Jornal Domingo, Português
58 O Presidente da República, Daniel Chapo, confere posse, amanhã, ao novo executivo hoje nomeado, do qual se destaca a Primeira-Ministra, Maria Benvinda Levi.Na mesma ocasião, o Chefe do Estado irá conferir posse a outros membros do Governo, em cerimónia a ter lugar no Gabinete da Presidência da República. Source link
Mauritânia, Agence Mauritanienne, Árabe
أدى رئيس سلطة تنظيم النقل الطرقي، السيد الحسن ولد محمد عوان، اليوم الجمعة، صحبة والي آدرار، السيد عبد الله ولد محمد محمود، زيارة لمقر السلطة بمدينة أطار، تفقد خلالها ما تحتويه المحطة من مكاتب وقاعات. وأكد رئيس سلطة تنظيم النقل الطرقي، خلال لقاء جمعه بالناقلين، أن الهدف من الزيارة هو التشاور مع الفاعلين في مجال […]
Marrocos, La Nouvelle Tribune, Francês – Loi sur le droit de grève, le point surr les débats au Parlement
Les conseillers parlementaires ont largement débattu du projet de loi sur le droit de grève, soulignant son importance tout en appelant à des clarifications sur certaines de ses dispositions. Pour beaucoup, ce texte représente une avancée majeure dans la consolidation des droits syndicaux, tandis que d’autres estiment qu’il nécessite des ajustements afin de mieux garantir […]
Marrocos, Al Alam, Árabe – عاشِق في كَذِبٍ صادق !
افتتاحية ملحق “العلم الثقافي” هذه المرة قصيدة جديدة، ليوم الخميس 16 يناير 2025 العلم – محمد بشكار</strong… Source link
Malawi, Nyasa Times, Inglês
The National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) Public Trust has asked political parties in Malawi to consider adopting quotas as a means achieve a minimum percentage of women and youth candidates, as well as those with disabilities. Different Political parties present during the commemmoration of the 58th Independence Celebrations at BICC-pic by Lisa Kadango Malango NICE […]
Alemanha, Deutsche Welle, Alemão
Almost at the same time as an operation to secure the Eventin oil tanker stranded off Germany’s coast, another tanker — called Jazz — that had set sail from Russia reported problems in the Baltic Sea near Rügen, Germany’s biggest island. According to agency reports, the crew was able to resolve the problems linked to […]
Libéria, The New Dawn, Inglês
By: Togba_Nah Tipoteh In the midst of all of the noise in the recent leadership struggle of the Press Union of Liberia (PU), there is a tendency for one to forget about the role of the Media Giant James Dennis, who just passed away. He was not only a giant locally, but he was a […]
Líbia, Tripoli Post, Inglês
Microsoft has rolled out the latest Dev Channel update for its Edge browser, version 133.0.3065.7. This release introduces several improvements, focusing prominently on the settings import feature, along with a range of fixes tailored for macOS, Android, and iOS users. Key Additions and Improvements: Enhanced Settings Import: ARIA labels have been added to the main […]