América Central

São Cristovão e Nevis, The St Kitts Nevis Observer, Inglês
2025-01-05 15:46:31
Guyana constructed 603 shade houses under the AIEP from 2021 to 2024, including a hydroponics farm, to promote sustainable agriculture, youth employment, and reduce food imports by 25% by 2025. The post Something Shady Going On In Guyana. appeared first on The St Kitts Nevis Observer.
Jamaica, Jamaica Gleaner, Inglês
2025-01-05 15:43:27
Bee farmers in Jamaica are growing increasingly concerned about the impact of the invasive Cuban tree frog on their hives. Scientifically known as Osteopilus septentrionalis, the Cuban tree frog is native to Cuba, The Bahamas and the Cayman Islands. The invasive frog is believed to have been brought to Jamaica approximately six years ago. Bee farmers in several parishes have reported frequent sightings of the frog near their hives, where it preys on weaker colonies, potentially leading to significant losses during critical periods. Clarendon bee farmer Sheldon Lewin is among those concerned. “I am seeing them more frequently in the May Pen area, so I am a little bit worried that they are targeting specific hives there and I may lose population at the opportune for them to produce, but I don’t even know what to do,” Lewin told The Sunday Gleaner. “They are always underneath the hives or covers...
Ilhas Virgens, Stjohn Trade Winds, Inglês
2025-01-05 15:39:22
The 22nd elected Virgin Islands Board of Education will convene a special board meeting on Monday, Jan. 6 at 11:30 a.m. to elect the officers of the governing board and address important business matters, as required by Virgin Islands law. The board may enter an executive session to deliberate on specific topics as authorized by law. In accordance with Virgin Islands Code, Title 3, Chapter 7, Subsection 97, the following provisions guide the operations of the board: • Subsection 97(c): The term of office for each member shall be four (4) years, beginning on the first Monday of January following the election. • Subsection 97(e): The members of the Board shall elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman from among its number at the first meeting after each election. To ensure the health and well-being of all attendees, we kindly ask that individuals who are feeling unwell, experiencing symptoms of illness, or have been recently exposed to contagious conditions refrain...
Haiti, Haitian Times, Inglês
2025-01-05 15:30:05
The post Discovering Haiti’s Wildlife Part 1: General Knowledge Quiz appeared first on The Haitian Times. Discovering Haiti’s Wildlife Part 1: General Knowledge Quiz was first posted on January 5, 2025 at 9:44 am.
Cuba, Cuba Si, Espanhol
2025-01-05 15:24:38
Parecen fragmentos muy pequeños de minerales, del tamaño de aproximadamente un milímetro, pero en realidad son siete embriones fósiles, que cuentan la vida en la Tierra hace más de 500 millones de años: encontrados hace varias décadas en la Formación Kuanchuanpu en China, un yacimiento rico en fósiles microscópicos, ahora han sido identificados y analizados gracias al estudio dirigido por la Universidad china de Chang’an.    Acaba de ser publicado en la revista Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.    Sin embargo, siguen siendo un misterio los animales en los que se habrían desarrollado estos embriones.    Algunos indicios provienen de otros fósiles de un organismo, esta vez adulto, que parece tener características similares, con un cuerpo redondeado dotado de una boca gigante.    Los investigadores dirigidos por Mingjin Liu descubrieron que los tejidos una vez blandos que constituían los embriones fueron reemplazados por minerales de fosfato de calcio, que preservaron la estructura tridimensional de los organismos...
Cuba, Artemisa Diario, Espanhol
2025-01-05 15:22:02
Casi a punto de concluir el año, los trabajadores del Centro de Estudios y Servicios Ambientales de Artemisa se reunieron para resumir seis meses de intenso trabajo y proponerse nuevas metas para el 2025, un año en el que deberán completar la plantilla y concretar los muchos proyectos en los que están involucrados, a favor del medio ambiente. Su directora, la M.Sc. Lelieth Feyobe Sandoval, destacó los logros de la entidad y apuntó algunas de las proyecciones para el año que casi comienza, enfocadas muchas de estas en la capacitación y categorización del personal y la diversificación de servicios. Martha Prado, directora de Relaciones Internacionales de la Agencia de Medio Ambiente, a la cual está adscrito el centro, elogió el quehacer de los trabajadores que en poco tiempo han logrado tanto y los convidó a concentrarse en los proyectos más realizables a corto plazo, sin abandonar todas las buenas ideas...
Barbados, Nation News, Inglês
2025-01-05 15:21:07
The first congestion charge scheme for vehicles in the US has come into effect in New York. Car drivers will pay up to $9 (£7) a day, with varying rates for other vehicles. The congestion zone covers an area south of central park, taking in well known sites such as the Empire State Building, Times Square and the financial district around Wall Street The scheme aims to ease New York’s notorious traffic problems and raise billions for the public transport network, but has faced resistance, including from famous New Yorker and President-elect Donald Trump. New York state Governor Kathy Hochul made the case for a congestion charge two years ago, but it was delayed and revised following complaints from some commuters and businesses. The new plan revives one scheme that she paused in June, saying there were “too many unintended consequences for New Yorkers”. Most drivers will be charged $9...
Aruba, 240ra, Dialeto
2025-01-05 15:19:49
4 January, 2025, 11:06 pm Noticia promeJeon y BMW (Classic) cu estreno di videoclip “Baby” dialuna awo
Barbados, Barbados Today, Inglês
2025-01-05 15:17:33
8 Happy New Year! I wish the Barbados TODAY team, loyal readers and all of Barbados a safe, productive and fulfilling 2025, as all of us strive to make our lives and our nation live up to the potential sacrificed for and provided by our forefathers. The new school term will start next week, and, as I pondered the pain of the return to that rush-hour traffic (if only we had adequate public transport for school children), it occurred to me that, similar to New Year’s resolutions for our personal lives, it is equally important to consider a New Year ‘Wish List’ for our education system and the flesh-and-blood children who spend their lives from ages three to 18 in that system. I started such a wish list: Grantley Adams Memorial School students returning to in-person education, immediate: enhanced proactive communication with the public; enhanced quality assurance in exam papers...
Honduras, El Libertador, Espanhol
2025-01-05 15:11:34
“Es increíble la ofensiva mediática, incluidas noticias falsas, manipulaciones, falsos expertos en temas, voceros sin credibilidad, organizaciones de sociedad civil de mampara y usar medios en terceros países”, así ha reaccionado el canciller Enrique Reina ante el último reporte de InSight Crime donde afirma que el exdiputado Carlos Zelaya habría “huido” a Nicaragua. Para ese artículo, el portal InSight Crime, citó un reporte de Diario El Heraldo de Grupo OPSA con fecha del 25 de septiembre de 2024 citando a un supuesto activista de pueblos indígenas del oriente que “denunció” el viaje de Zelaya. Redacción Central / EL LIBERTADOR Tegucigalpa. El canciller de Honduras, Enrique Reina, ha reaccionado “sorprendido” ante la ofensiva mediática orquestada contra el Gobierno de Xiomara Castro a través de la difusión de noticias falsas, manipulaciones, participación de falsos expertos y el uso de organizaciones de sociedad civil y medios internacionales como fachada. Reina calificó estas acciones...
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