Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy S25 Ultra has generated buzz with its benchmark test results, revealing the use of an overclocked Snapdragon 8 Elite application processor (AP). This chipset is expected to power the entire Galaxy S25 line, marking a shift from the usual dual strategy of incorporating Exynos processors in some markets. Due to production issues with the Exynos 2500 on Samsung Foundry’s 3nm process, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Elite is taking the lead.
The Snapdragon 8 Elite for Galaxy variant stands out with overclocked CPU cores aimed at delivering premium performance. According to the Geekbench 6 benchmark test, this chipset features two primary CPU cores running at up to 4.47GHz and six performance cores clocking speeds as high as 3.53GHz. Comparatively, the standard Snapdragon 8 Elite cores max out at 4.32GHz, making the “for Galaxy” version a step ahead in speed.
The benchmark revealed scores of 9793 for multi-core performance and 3049 for single-core performance. While these results are slightly lower than scores achieved by a reference device using the same AP—boosted by 24GB of LPDDR5X RAM—the S25 Ultra still promises cutting-edge capability and efficiency.
Samsung’s overclocked variant is part of its strategy to deliver optimized performance for its Galaxy devices. Despite the slightly unimpressive initial scores, the Galaxy S25 Ultra and its robust processor aim to meet the high expectations set for Samsung’s flagship smartphones.
The anticipation continues to build as we approach Samsung’s Unpacked event on January 22nd, where the Galaxy S25 series will be officially unveiled. This launch is poised to reinforce Samsung’s commitment to innovation and dominance in the premium smartphone segment. Stay tuned for more updates!