Ilhas Cook, Cook Island News, Inglês
Most have heard the maxim: “Location, Location, Location”. Often used in overseas contexts, this saying reflects the importance of proximity to places like city centres, business districts, transportation hubs, easy access to highways, public transport, airports, schools, and other essential services in determining property value. These features typically drive demand and influence prices. Here in […]
Ilhas Salomão, Solomon Star News, Inglês
THE 2024 Mustard Seed Enterprise (MSE) annual tournament successfully concluded in North Malaita. The tournament saw the participation of eight soccer teams from Wards 7 and 8 in North Malaita Constituency. The tournament includes both a football category and a netball category, but the 2024 tournament proceeded without a netball competition as no netball teams […]
Ásia, Deutsche Welle, Inglês – Ivory Coast shifts French military partnership – DW – 01/06/2025
Ivory Coast has called for the withdrawal of troops deployed by former colonial power France. President Alassane Ouattara announced in his New Year’s message that 43rd BIMA marine infantry battalion, at Port-Bouet in Abidjan, where French troops are stationed, would be handed over to domestic forces in January. With the withdrawal of its troops from Ivory Coast, France […]
Sérvia, Novosti, Sérvio – Iranski Su-35 operacionalni do kraja godine (VIDEO)
IRANSKO vazduhoplovstvo trebalo bi da operacionalizuje ruske borbene avione Su-35 „4++ generacije“ pre kraja 2025. godine, prema izveštajima brojnih izvora. Foto Rosoboronexport Ova informacija usledila je nakon izveštaja iz novembra 2024. da je Vazduhoplovstvo započelo izgradnju novih ojačanih objekata za avione u svojoj 3. taktičkoj vazdušnoj bazi koja se nalazi 47 kilometara severno od […]
Áustria, Die Presse, Alemão
Im ersten Spiel unter Trainer Thomas Letsch war der große FC Bayern Salzburgs Gegner. Der Topklub kannte kein Nachsehen und gewann klar mit 6:0. Salzburg. Auch ohne Jamal Musiala hat sich der FC Bayern zum Start ins neue Jahr gleich wieder torhungrig gezeigt. 17 Tage nach dem 5:1 im letzten Spiel 2024 gegen RB Leipzig gewann […]
Dinamarca, , Dinamarquês
Økonomisk nationalisme eller en berettiget frygt for den nationale sikkerhed? Det spørgsmål melder sig efter Biden-regeringens beslutning om at stoppe den japanske stålkoncern Nippon Steels opkøb af U.S. Steel i sidste uge. Spørgsmålet er blevet stedse mere aktuelt, i takt med at industriarbejdere i vestlige demokratier og populistiske højrepartier bakker op om en protektionistisk handelspolitik. […]
Dinamarca, , Dinamarquês
Landbrugsgiganten, DLG, har valgt at trække sig fra bestyrelsen i BioCirc efter flere dages åben krig. Men de to virksomheder vil fortsat samarbejde om flere projekter, lyder det fra virksomheden. RPT
Sérvia, Telegraf, Sérvio
Košarkaši Real Madrida ostvarili su novu pobedu u evroligaškom derbiju 15. kola ACB lige protiv ekipe Baskonije i to u gostima rezultatom 89:82. Utakmica u globalu nije protekla u maniru nekih velikih neizvesnosti, ekipa Reala je tokom celog meča vodila uz povremene padove tokom druge i poslednje četvrtine. Ipak, iako je Baskonija uspela na kraju […]
Portugal, Expresso, Português
O Presidente são-tomense demitiu hoje o Governo liderado pelo primeiro-ministro, Patrice Trovoada, por “assinalável incapacidade” de solucionar os “inúmeros desafios” do país e “manifesta deslealdade institucional”, lê-se no decreto presidencial. O chefe de Estado, que reuniu horas antes o Conselho de Estado, fundamenta a decisão, “tendo em atenção o contexto interno de São Tomé e […]
Costa Rica, La Nación, Espanhol
El temblor que afectó la costa pacífica de El Salvador el 5 de enero a las 11:18 a. m. se percibió con intensidad leve a moderada en varios cantones de Guanacaste, Alajuela y Puntarenas. De manera similar, fue sentido en diversas localidades de Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua. Inicialmente, las redes de localización automática del Observatorio […]