Croácia, Zagreb Ancija, Croata
Nova godina, ali stare navike! Prijašnji članakGradonačelnik obišao radove na bazenu Špansko: “Ovo je strateški projekt” Source link
Grécia, Tanea, Grego
Οι παθήσεις του θυρεοειδούς αδένα μπορεί να προκαλέσουν λειτουργικές και δομικές αλλαγές που επηρεάζουν πολλά όργανα και ιστούς του σώματος. Και τα μάτια δεν αποτελούν εξαίρεση, όπως προειδοποιούν οι ειδικοί. Η θυρεοειδική οφθαλμοπάθεια (ή οφθαλμοπάθεια του Graves) είναι μία αυτοάνοση, φλεγμονώδης νόσος των ματιών και των ιστών γύρω από αυτά. Συνήθως παρατηρείται σε πάσχοντες από […]
Grécia, Protothema, Grego
Φρίκη στην Αγγλία: Κρατούσε στο σπίτι της το νεκρό πτώμα του φίλου της για να παίρνει τη σύνταξή του Source link
Turquia, Haber Ekspres, Turco
İzmir’de konut fiyatları ne kadar arttı? KFE açıklandı! OnlyFans uygulamasında yeni bir akım başlatıldı. Pek çok kullanıcın katıldığı bu akımda, en fazla sayıda insanla birlikte olma iddiası bulunuyor. Türkiye’den bir kullanıcı da bu akıma katılacağını ve rekor kırmak istediğini söyledi. Bu akım kapsamında Bonnie Blue, 12 saatte 1057 kişiyle cinsel ilişkiye girdiğini ve rekor kırdığını […]
Suiça, NZZ, Alemão
Die traditionsreiche Wiler Schule St. Katharina diskriminiere Buben und sei für staatliche Förderung zu katholisch, urteilen die Lausanner Richter. Nach scharfer Debatte entscheiden sie knapp. Die St.-Katharina-Statue beim Kloster neben der Schule. Andrea Tina Stalder / St. Galler Tagblatt Die Sekundarschule, auf welche die Bundespräsidentin Karin Keller-Sutter einst ging, muss sich neu aufstellen. Das Bundesgericht hat am […]
Suiça, La Liberte, Francês
Kamala Harris en a fait les frais le 5 novembre: la présidence des Etats-Unis reste une affaire d’hommes. Ou plutôt une histoire d’homme d’affaires, dans le cas de Donald Trump. Le taux de testostérone va même monter dans les couloirs de la Maison-Blanche après le passage de Joe Biden, l’homme invisible de ces derniers mois. Son […]
Holanda, Nieuws, Holandês
Italiaanse vrouw (42) bevalt van eerste kind zonder dat ze wist dat ze zwanger was: ’Het is absurd’ Source link
Rússia, The Moscow Times, Inglês
Authorities in Moscow designated Idite Lesom, an exiled nonprofit that helps Russian men avoid military service, as a “foreign agent” on Friday. The organization, founded in Tbilisi, Georgia after Russia announced a “partial” mobilization in the fall of 2022, is led by Grigory Sverdlin, a former head of the Nochlezhka homeless aid charity. Sverdlin was […]
Bélgica, Le Soir, Francês
Access Denied You don’t have permission to access “” on this server. Reference #18.d042db17.1737144640.13365003 El Pais
Inglaterra, The Sun, Inglês
KATIE Price and Kerry Katona are being lined up to appear in a new TV show together. The pair, who have known each other for decades, are closer than ever after their recent panto run together and have caught the eye of various TV executives thanks to their chemistry. 5 Katie Price and Kerry Katona […]