
Alemanha, Deutsche Welle, Inglês
2024-11-16 07:22:38
A 64-year-old from Bavaria is under investigation for allegedly posting antisemitic images and slogans online, but also for allegedly insulting Deputy Chancellor Robert Habeck in a separate post.  The public prosecutor’s office in Bamberg in northern Bavaria confirmed on Friday that the suspect’s flat had been searched, with a tablet device being seized, and that the Green party’s candidate for chancellor in upcoming elections had asked authorities to prosecute an alleged insult against him.  What is the case about?  The 64-year-old suspect is accused of posting an image of Habeck on the X social media site formerly known as Twitter earlier this year.  He captioned the photo with a phrase that could be translated multiple ways in English, with one strong option being “professional idiot” — with the German “Schwachkopf” literally translating as “weak-head.” The man also appeared to be trying to allude to an advertising campaign by the similarly-named hair...
Holanda, De Telegraaf, Holandês Bewolkte intocht van Sinterklaas met motregen: 8 tot 11 graden
2024-11-16 07:19:32
Bewolkte intocht van Sinterklaas met motregen: 8 tot 11 graden De Telegraaf
França, Le Monde, Francês
2024-11-16 07:18:05
Cet article est une version actualisée de l’enquête data publiée le 13 mars 2024. L’Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique (Arcom) a infligé, le 13 novembre, deux sanctions pécuniaires à la chaîne d’information CNews : 100 000 euros pour avoir présenté l’avortement comme « la première cause de mortalité » lors d’une émission, le 25 février, et 50 000 euros pour avoir propagé et commenté de fausses informations sur la mise à disposition d’une salle de prière lors d’un voyage scolaire par un collège de Pau, en septembre 2023. Ces deux sanctions ne sont que les dernières d’une longue série de manquements aux obligations (pluralisme de l’information, maîtrise de l’antenne, publicité, diffusion…) signifiés par l’Arcom aux deux chaînes d’information du groupe Bolloré, CNews et C8. Elles surviennent après la décision de l’Arcom, en juillet, de ne pas renouveler l’autorisation de diffusion de C8 et de NRJ12 sur la TNT à la suite de ses nombreuses mises en garde, mises en demeure...
República Tcheca, Mlada Fronta Dnes, Tcheco
2024-11-16 06:57:36
Hokejový útočník Tomáš Hertl se v NHL rozstřílel proti českým gólmanům. Ve středu se trefil proti Lukáši Dostálovi z Anaheimu a v pátek dokonce dvakrát vstřelil gól pro změnu Karlu Vejmelkovi. Vegas se i díky jeho trefám radovali z výhry nad Utahem 4:2. Ve stejný den se střelecky prosadil i Jakub Vrána, jehož Washington zvítězil 5:2 na ledě Colorada. Source link
República Tcheca, Lidove Noviny, Tcheco
2024-11-16 06:56:40
Řidiče na mostě u Zámecké zahrady v Teplicích ve směru na Bílinu „vítá“ značka „Pozor, práce na silnici“. Je tu už pět let, ale nikdo tu nikdy nepracoval, ani nepracuje. Následné snížení rychlosti ze 70 km/h na 50 je kvůli havarijnímu stavu mostu a svedení dvou pruhů do jednoho. Kdy most spraví, není jasné. Ředitelství silnic a dálnic opatrně vyhlíží termín v roce 2026. Zatím vede spory s vlastníky okolních pozemků. Source link
Malta, Times of Malta, Inglês
2024-11-16 06:55:33
The U.N. Security Council’s 10 elected members have circulated a draft resolution demanding “an immediate, unconditional and permanent cease-fire” in Gaza. The draft resolution, which was sent to the council’s five permanent members Thursday, reiterates the council’s demand “for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages” seized during Hamas’ surprise attacks in southern Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. Israel says about 100 are still being held, though not all are believed to be alive. The council’s 10 elected members – Ecuador, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Switzerland, Algeria, Guyana, South Korea, Sierra Leone and Slovenia – circulated the draft after they agreed to it. The United States, Israel’s closest ally, holds the key to whether the Security Council adopts the resolution. The four other permanent members – Russia, China, Britain and France — are expected to support it or abstain. The draft, obtained Thursday by The Associated Press,...
Malta, The Malta Independent, Inglês
2024-11-16 06:54:31
Associated Press Saturday, 16 November 2024, 06:51 Last update: about 23 minutes ago The boos from a crowd wanting more action were growing again when Jake Paul dropped his gloves before the final bell, and bowed toward 58-year-old Mike Tyson. Paying homage to one of the biggest names in boxing history didn’t do much for the fans that filled the home of the NFL’s Dallas Cowboys on Friday night. Paul won a unanimous decision over Tyson as the hits didn’t match the hype in a fight between the 27-year-old YouTuber-turned-boxer and the former heavyweight champion in his first sanctioned pro fight in almost 20 years. All the hate from the pre-fight buildup was gone, replaced by boos from bewildered fans hoping for more action in a fight that drew plenty of questions about its legitimacy long before it happened. The fight...
Macedônia, Nova Makedonija, Macedônio
2024-11-16 06:53:33
Фото: Министерство на надворешни работи на Русија/Твитер Рускиот министер за надворешни работи Сергеј Лавров денеска изјави дека нема претстава како новоизбраниот американски претседател Доналд Трамп ќе ја реши кризата во Украина. – Не можам да замислам како Трамп тоа ќе го реши, ќе ги чекаме предлозите – рече рускиот министер. Тој додаде дека Москва редовно нагласува дека секој политичар кој поддржува мир, а не војна заслужува внимание. – Но, не знаеме што точно ќе биде предложено, нашиот став беше јасно формулиран од рускиот претседател Владимир Путин за време на говорот во руското Министерство за надворешни работи на 14 јуни оваа година – рече Лавров. Во пресрет на неодамнешните избори во САД, но и по победата, Трамп изјави дека по преземањето на претседателската функција ќе работи на што побрзо завршување на војната во Украина. Source link
Lituânia, 15 Minuciu, Lituano
2024-11-16 06:52:30
„Neabejotina, kad karas baigsis greičiau, kai Baltiesiems rūmams vadovaus (D. Trumpo) komanda. Toks yra jų požiūris, jų pažadas piliečiams“, – sakė V. Zelenskis interviu Ukrainos žiniasklaidos priemonei „Suspilne“.  „Karas baigsis, bet tikslios datos nežinome“, – pridūrė Ukrainos prezidentas.  Jis pridūrė, kad praėjusią savaitę vykusio pokalbio telefonu metu V. Zelenskis konstruktyviai pasikeitė nuomonėmis su respublikonų kandidatu.  „Negirdėjau nieko, kas prieštarautų mūsų pozicijai“, – pridūrė V. Zelenskis.  Rinkimų kampanijos metu D. Trumpas ne kartą žadėjo per „24 valandas“ užbaigti karą Ukrainoje ir užsiminė, kad kalbėsis tiesiogiai su Rusijos prezidentu Vladimiru Putinu.  D. Trumpas nėra paaiškinęs, kaip ketina pasiekti taikos susitarimą ir kokias sąlygas siūlo. Rusijos prezidentas yra pareikalavęs Ukrainos atiduoti daugiau didelių jos rytinių ir pietinių teritorijų. Tai esą yra išankstinė sąlyga taikos deryboms. Ukraina tokias sąlygas atmeta. Penktadienį savo „Mar-a-Lago“ kurorte Palm Biče, Floridos valstijoje, išrinktasis JAV prezidentas pareiškė, kad šiuo metu intensyviai dirba tiek su Ukraina, tiek su Rusija. Pasak...
Letônia, Latvijas Avize, Letão
2024-11-16 06:50:29
Banga un Glorija – šīs dienas gaviļnieces. Kā vārds ietekmē tavu dzīvi? Source link
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