Destaque / Énfasis / Emphasis / Accent / Hervorhebung

Suiça, La Liberte, Francês
2024-07-27 02:33:13
Lunettes de soleil, corps bodybuildé et sourire de dentiste, Dwayne Johnson est depuis une quinzaine d’années l’un des acteurs les plus prisés d’Hollywood. Star de films d’action et de comédies, il puise son amour du show dans ses années de sportif de haut niveau. Footballeur américain très prometteur durant ses années universitaires, c’est pourtant dans le catch, au sein de la célèbre World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), que le Californien attire la lumière des projecteurs. C’est sans un rond et en pleine dépression qu’il épouse ce sport scénarisé, à 23 ans, comme son père et son grand-père avant lui, une blessure ayant mis fin à ses rêves de football. «Les catcheurs savent chuter, tomber et se battre. C’est un sacré avantage pour faire des cascades»Pavel Jancik Ses débuts sont toutefois poussifs. La faute à son premier personnage, qui ne prend pas auprès du public. Mais Dwayne Johnson ne baisse pas les br...
Holanda, Nieuws, Holandês
2024-07-27 02:31:47
Céline Dion maakt rentree op wereldpodium: kippenvel in Parijs Source link
Rússia, The Moscow Times, Inglês
2024-07-27 02:29:56
Heavy rainfall led to the collapse of a reservoir dam in the Ural Mountains region of Chelyabinsk on Friday night, Russian authorities said, forcing residents of nearby villages to evacuate their homes. A dam at the Kialimskoye reservoir, measuring around 500 meters long, was unable to hold back rising waters and broke, unleashing a flood torrent toward four villages in the Karabash district of the Chelyabinsk region. A video shared on social media showed the dam being washed away by a powerful current of water, which poured into the surrounding area. Another video, filmed by someone who sought safety on the roof of a building, showed fast-flowing water engulfing homes, cars and trees. According to state media reports, four villages lie directly in the path of the flooding: the villages of Kialim, Mukhametovo, Baydashevo and Karasevo. A local official cited by the RIA Novosti news agency said around 200 people live in those...
Bélgica, Le Soir, Francês
2024-07-27 02:28:40
Jeudi, sept personnes ont été interpellées au cours de 14 perquisitions aux quatre coins de la Belgique. Toutes sont d’origine tchétchène et majeures, précise le parquet fédéral. Elles ont été entendues par la police judiciaire fédérale et six d’entre elles ont été présentées vendredi au juge d’instruction anversois chargé de ce dossier antiterroriste. Trois d’entre elles ont été inculpées. A.S. et A.A. le sont pour « participation aux activités d’un groupe terroriste », en l’espèce l’Etat islamique au Khorasan, la province de Daesh en Asie centrale, et « préparation d’un attentat terroriste ». K.L. l’est également pour « participation aux activités d’un groupe terroriste » et « préparation d’un attentat terroriste » mais aussi pour « financement du terrorisme ». Les trois personnes sont placées sous mandat d’arrêt, les trois autres ont été remises en liberté après leur audition par le juge. À lire aussi Paris 2024 : déjà des sueurs froides pour la sécurité Le parquet...
Alemanha, Freie Presse, Alemão
2024-07-27 02:28:15
Sich unterhalten, Gedanken austauschen, einander kennenlernen: Mit diesem Ziel steht der Raum an der Brückenstraße Chemnitzern am 28. Juli offen. Chemnitz. Je nach Wetter drinnen oder draußen soll es am Sonntag in der Chemnitzer Innenstadt die Möglichkeit zum gegenseitigen Kennenlernen und Gesprächen geben: Von 15 bis 18 Uhr findet im „Open Space“ im Behördenkomplex Brückenstraße 10 (hinter dem Karl-Marx-Monument) ein „Kaffeeklatsch mit Tischtennis“ statt. Interessierte können Kuchen, Kekse oder Eis mitbringen, und mit mitgebrachten Tischtennisschlägern kann an einer Tischtennisplatte gespielt werden. Der „Open Space“ ist als Raum für Begegnungen gedacht. Neben Ausstellungen unterschiedlicher Art fanden und finden dort Gesprächsrunden und Podiumsdiskussionen statt. „Unser Anliegen ist es, allen Menschen einen außergewöhnlichen, aber unkomplizierten Besuch und eigenes aktives Mitwirken zu ermöglichen“, so die Veranstalter. (gp) Mehr Lesekomfort auch für unterwegs E-Paper und News in einer App Push-Nachrichten über den Tag hinweg Sie brauchen Hilfe? Hier klicken Nein Danke. Weiter in dieser Ansicht....
Inglaterra, The Sun, Inglês
2024-07-27 02:26:37
THE Paris Olympics is officially underway after a stunning opening ceremony on the River Seine. For the first time ever, the ceremony took place outside of a stadium. 4 The Olympics have kicked off in ParisCredit: Getty It has been estimated that was over 600,000 people in attendance to watch the highly-anticipated spectacle. And instead of everyone flocking to a stadium, attendees got to watch the opening ceremony happen on the Seine River in Paris. Organisers revealed that it took place when dusk was due to fall at the time of the event so that spectators could watch it during the day and night. Who lit the Olympic flame in Paris? The Olympic flame has been lit by two French superstars – judoka Teddy Riner and sprint legend Marie-Jose Perec. Both stars have three Olympic gold medals to their names. Perec, 56, sealed 400m gold in Barcelona 1992 and the 400m/ 200m...
Inglaterra, The Guardian, Inglês
2024-07-27 02:25:23
A massive and explosive wildfire whipped through the small rural community of Forest Ranch, California, on Thursday, bringing back dark memories in a region that has withstood several devastating wildfires in recent years. The Park fire has grown into the state’s largest this year, destroying buildings and forcing the evacuations of thousands in one of the state’s most wildfire-hardened regions. The blaze started on Wednesday on the outskirts of Chico, a tree-lined university town of about 110,000 people in the Sacramento Valley. By Friday morning, the blaze had burned more than 178,000 acres (72,034 hectares) across Butte and Tehama counties. Fueled by steady winds and hot weather, the flames have been particularly ferocious, licking above the tree line as the fire ballooned in size. By Friday evening, the blaze had burned 239,000 acres and spread into Plumas and Shasta counties, CBS News reported. One official told CBS the fire was...
Espanha, El Mundo, Espanhol
2024-07-27 02:24:29
Actualizado Sábado, 27 julio 2024 – 01:43 España es el país en el que más aumentará el gasto en pensiones en los próximos diez años en el planeta, según la agencia de calificación de solvencia Moody’s. Sus cálculos no sólo corroboran que será el país europeo con mayor alza en los próximos años -como ya apuntó la Comisión Europea en su informe sobre envejecimiento-, sino del mundo, por encima de Nueva Zelanda. Así figura en un informe remitido por Moody’s a sus clientes sobre la presión qu Hazte Premium desde 1€ el primer mes Aprovecha esta oferta por tiempo limitado y accede a todo el contenido web Lo quiero El Pais


Zimbabwe, Chronicle, Inglês
2024-07-27 02:20:19
Nqobile Bhebhe in Victoria Falls President Mnangagwa has urged Africa to capitalise on the rapidly growing gastronomy tourism sector to bolster individual economies and establish the continent as a globally appealing and competitive destination. He said Africa’s rich cultural heritage, diverse cuisine, and unique beverages present vast potential for the growth and development of its […] Source link
Zâmbia, Zambia Online, Inglês
2024-07-27 02:14:03
Getech, a world-leading locator of subsurface resources, is pleased to announce the launch of a comprehensive data package in support of mineral exploration in Zambia. The launch of the data package is in response to commercial requests and follows the Zambian government’s decision to rationalise exploration licenses throughout the country and is designed to support companies looking to apply for new licenses in order to explore Zambia’s mineral rich subsurface. LONDON, July 26, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Getech, a world-leading locator of subsurface resources, is pleased to announce the launch of a comprehensive data package in support of mineral exploration in Zambia. The launch of the data package is in response to commercial requests and follows the Zambian government’s decision to rationalise exploration licenses throughout the country and is designed to support companies looking to apply for new licenses in order to explore Zambia’s mineral rich subsurface. Through its integrated geological...
Uganda, Independent Magazine, Inglês
2024-07-27 02:11:05
PARIS, GEMANY | Xinhua | The Paris 2024 Olympic Games opening ceremony has begun on the city’s River Seine. For the first time, an Olympic Games opening ceremony is moving out of a stadium and into the heart of the host city, Paris, with the river as the main backdrop. The emblematic monuments of the City of Light will be at the heart of the ceremony, which is set to last over three hours. Around 6,800 athletes will parade in 85 boats for six kilometers on the River Seine. The 2024 Olympics, which will run through August 11, marks the third time that Paris has hosted the Summer Games. The first was in 1900 and the last was a century ago in 1924.■   Source link
Uganda, Red Pepper, Inglês
2024-07-27 02:09:55
Mr. Sam Bwaya, the Board Director at Equity Group Foundation (EGF) has urged the Equity Leaders Program (ELP) Scholars to be innovative and drive the future with the help of technology to create an impact in their lives and communities. Speaking to 40 exceptional university students who attended the weeklong transformative training and mentorship at the Equity Bank innovation hub Rollout at Eureka Place Hotel in Ntinda on Friday. He encouraged the young people to stand out and provide technological solutions to evolving life challenges and needs. He lauded the Equity Bank Uganda and Kenyateam for organizing the innovation hub, including Eliud Njogu, an ELP alumni and Julius Njuguna the Co-Founder of E&M Technology, a software development company specializing in financial industry innovations across East Africa. Mr Sam Bwaya, Board Director at Equity Group Foundation gives remarks during the ELP Innovation hub training final day at Eureka Place Hotel Ntinda...


Coreia do Norte, Daily NK, Inglês
2024-07-27 00:40:24
FILE PHOTO: In this photograph taken in June 2019, North Korean workers are seen entering a store in Dandong, China. (Daily NK) Chinese customs authorities have been conducting strict inspections of the belongings and luggage of North Korean workers leaving for home recently, a Daily NK source in China said Tuesday, speaking on condition of anonymity. The inspectors have confiscated large amounts of cash found on workers. As recently as the beginning of this year, Chinese customs officials did not conduct excessive inspections of the luggage of North Korean workers as they were leaving the country. As a result, North Korean trade delegations would smuggle sensitive, internationally sanctioned items that were unlikely to pass customs into the bags of returning workers to send back to North Korea. Now, not even the workers themselves can leave the country with internationally sanctioned items such as expensive clothing or handbags, or electronics such as...
Taiwan, Epoch Times, Chinês
2024-07-27 00:38:02
前言 中國人非常重視「道」。古時暴虐的帝王被稱為「無道昏君」,做事不符合公認的「道德」標準叫做「沒道理」,就連農民造反還要打出「替天行道」的大旗。老子說:「有物混成先天地生。寂兮寥兮獨立不改,周行而不殆,可以為天下母。吾不知其名,強字之曰道。」也就是說,「道」中產生了天地。 Source link
Catar, Al Watan, Árabe
2024-07-27 00:36:57
شهد حضرة صاحب السمو الشيخ تميم بن حمد آل ثاني أمير البلاد المفدى، مساء اليوم، حفل افتتاح دورة الألعاب الأولمبية الصيفية الـ33 “باريس 2024″، والتي أقيمت في ساحة تروكاديرو في العاصمة الفرنسية باريس. كما شهد سمو الأمير البعثات الرياضية المشاركة في هذه النسخة الأولمبية وهم يعبرون نهر السين بالقوارب، ومن ضمنهم منتخب قطر المشارك في الألعاب الأولمبية الصيفية “باريس 2024″، حيث تضم البعثة القطرية خمسة اتحادات رياضية مشاركة والمكونة من 14 رياضيا وهم ألعاب القوى والطائرة والرماية ورفع الأثقال والسباحة. Source link
Catar, Gulf Times, Inglês
2024-07-27 00:35:57
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi (centre) attends a ceremony to pay homage to soldiers who were martyred during the 1999 war on the occasion of Kargil Vijay Diwas at Kargil War Memorial in Drass. Indian army personnel pay their tributes on the occasion of ‘Kargil Vijay Diwas’ or Kargil war anniversary, at the Punjab State War Heroes’ Memorial and Museum in Amritsar yesterday. Source link


Austrália, News, Inglês
2024-07-26 23:27:31
On July 28, 2021, champion cyclist Rohan Dennis stood on a podium in Tokyo. Today, he is home in Adelaide, charged with killing his wife. RPT
Tuvalu, The Fiji Times, Inglês
2024-07-26 22:32:31
(Reuters) -Warner Bros Discovery and its sports division, Turner Broadcasting System, filed a lawsuit on Friday against the National Basketball Association in New York over the league’s rejection of its matching bid for media rights. The media company accused the NBA’s refusal to honor its right to match offers from a third party violates its agreement with Turner. “We strongly believe this is not just our contractual right, but also in the best interest of fans who want to keep watching our industry-leading NBA content,” TNT Sports said in a statement. NBA spokesman Mike Bass said Warner Bros Discovery’s claims are “without merit.” The NBA announced on Wednesday that it had awarded Walt Disney’s ESPN, Comcast-owned NBCUniversal and rights to carry NBA games in an 11-year deal valued at $77 billion. The NBA rejected a last-minute offer from TNT Sports, which it said fell short of Amazon’s proposal, ending...
Ilhas Cook, Cook Island News, Inglês
2024-07-26 22:25:35
Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.’” Jesus spoke these words to a Samaritan woman in the town of Sychar in Samaria. John 4:10. Phil McKay / All things natural are free but aren’t cheap – Te au mea natura ravarai mea oronga ua ia mai tereira, e akatarauanga ngao ra te tiki, writes Bishop Tutai Pere of the Apostolic Church. Scriptural text: Luke 12:48, “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required; and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more”. Creator God and Procreator Humanity in partnership  The Bible in Genesis 1:1, Psalm 24:1; 8:5-8 and Genesis 1: 27-28 declares that, God in the beginning of...
Austrália, The Australian, Inglês
2024-07-26 22:12:28
Australia’s number one* digital news brand,, today launched its first investigative podcast, The Missing $49 Million. Hosted by award-winning finance and investigative reporter, Alex Turner-Cohen, and executive produced by senior audio producer, Nina Young, the eight-part podcast tells the story of Alan Metcalfe, an eccentric Queensland businessman who convinced investors he had found the secret to artificial intelligence […] The post launches its first investigative podcast: The Missing $49 Million appeared first on NewsCorp Australia. RPT

América Central

São Cristovão e Nevis, The St Kitts Nevis Observer, Inglês
2024-07-27 00:13:34
– Advertisement – – Advertisement – Previous articleFentanyl Drug Lord Hijacked To United States, Now Behind Bars.
Santa Lucia, StLucia Star, Inglês - [original-title]
2024-07-27 00:12:14
On Friday April 19th, a contingent of technical officers from the Veterinary and Livestock Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Unleashing the Blue Economy of the Caribbean (UBEC) Project, travelled to the United States to commence their inspection and selection of animals to be introduced into St. Lucia’s livestock sector.  This initiative is being facilitated by the UBEC Project, to inject new bloodlines into Saint Lucia’s livestock industry. This is intended to boost food security, assist farmers in their continued post COVID-19 recovery, and bolster overall sustainability of livestock production.  These bloodlines comprise a total of 154 animals including pigs, sheep, goats, and cattle, which are expected to arrive in Saint Lucia within the next few weeks. The UBEC Project is a USD $29 million initiative of the Government of Saint Lucia, which is being executed by the Ministry of Finance, with funding from the World Bank. This...
Jamaica, Jamaica Gleaner, Inglês
2024-07-27 00:11:08
The Government of Jamaica, through Harmonisation Limited, has entered into a definitive framework agreement with the Tavistock Group for the development of the stalled Harmony Cove project as a major integrated resort in Trelawny.   A media release from the Ministry of Finance on Friday said Tavistock Group has indicated that the investment capital and start-up costs associated with the project will be approximately US$1 billion. The Harmony Cove project was conceived two decades ago but has been stalled due to lack of funding. The finance ministry says the joint venture agreement for development of Harmony Cove has been significantly revised and updated to reflect a balance of responsibilities and interests between the Government of Jamaica and global private investors. It says the agreement now includes a defined timeline with development milestones. Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Dr Nigel Clarke says “We are pleased that the parties were...
Ilhas Virgens, Stjohn Trade Winds, Inglês
2024-07-27 00:08:27
Elections System of the Virgin Islands Pursuant to Virgin Islands law: Each candidate for nomination or election at a primary may appoint two watchers in each polling place in which such candidate is to be voted for. The Board of Elections is requesting candidates in the 2024 Primary Election to submit a list of names for poll watchers and specify the polling place the poll watcher will be assigned. Please note: A candidate may only appoint two watchers in each voting center. Below is a listing of Polling Places in the District of St. Croix and District of St. Thomas/St. John. Please submit the appointed poll watchers listing, no later than Wednesday, July 31, 2024, to [email protected]. If further clarification regarding this notice is required, contact either Deputy Supervisor-St. Croix Terrell Alexandre at [email protected] or via phone at 773-1021, or contact Deputy Supervisor-St. Thomas-St. John District Kevermay Douglas at [email protected]...

América do Norte

Usa, The New York Times, Inglês
2024-07-27 00:14:59
The improbable arrest of Ismael Zambada García, who for decades had evaded the authorities, at a small airport outside El Paso appears to be a tale of subterfuge and betrayal. El Pais
Canadá, Ottawa Citizen, Inglês
2024-07-26 23:39:23
Breadcrumb Trail Links Ottawa Senators NHL Senators Extra Published Jul 26, 2024  •  Last updated 56 minutes ago  •  4 minute read You can save this article by registering for free here. Or sign-in if you have an account. A January file photo of Ottawa Senators assistant coach Bob Jones, shortly after he disclosed that he had been diagnosed with ALS. Photo by Errol McGihon /POSTMEDIA Article content Bob Jones will be remembered by the hockey world as a coach you could count on, but his role as a husband, father, friend, mentor and teammate is how he left his mark in this world. The former Ottawa Senators’ assistant coach passed away peacefully Friday morning surrounded by his family at his Windsor home. A kind, caring man, Jones spent five years with the club and was liked by everybody who had the chance to spend time with him. Advertisement 2 This...
México, El Pais, Espanhol
2024-07-26 21:40:34
Tras una vida criminal a salto de mata exportando cocaína, marihuana y heroína a los Estados Unidos, ha sido el fentanilo el que ha provocado la caída de uno de los capos más famosos de México. Ismael El Mayo Zambada fue capturado la tarde del jueves en el aeropuerto de Santa Teresa, en El Paso (Texas) junto a Joaquín Guzmán López, uno de los hijos de El Chapo Guzmán. Los dos hombres lideran respectivamente dos de las cuatro facciones del poderoso Cartel de Sinaloa. La captura ha sido celebrada en las más altas esferas de Washington. El presidente Joe Biden festejó el viernes la captura de los dos narcotraficantes en un momento en el que los republicanos lo acusan de permitir el flujo del potente opiáceo sintético, que ha provocado cientos de miles de muertes de estadounidenses. El líder del Cartel de Sinaloa enfrenta otros cuatro graves cargos: lavado de...
México, AF Medios, Espanhol
2024-07-26 21:39:08
COLIMA.- La Unidad Estatal de Protección Civil (UEPC) del Gobierno del Estado de Colima informa que la mañana de este viernes, se reportó al número de emergencias (911) un accidente vehicular sobre en Libramiento Ejército Mexicano en esta ciudad de Colima, a la altura de la salida a Jiquilpan, en el que se vieron involucrados una camioneta y un camión de carga. Oficiales de la UEPC, en coordinación con paramédicos del Centro Regulador de Urgencias Médicas (CRUM) de la Secretaría de Salud, acudieron para brindar la primera atención y realizar acciones que permitieran la liberación de una persona que quedó atrapada en una camioneta. Protección Civil exhorta a las y los conductores a manejar con precaución cuando ocurren este tipo de incidente, considerando que el tránsito vehicular se vuelve lento. Derechos Reservados AF El Universal

América do Sul

Ilhas Canárias, Canarias 7, Espanhol
2024-07-27 01:17:01
Sábado, 27 de julio 2024, 02:00 Comenta Necesitas ser registrado para acceder a esta funcionalidad. Inicia sesión Copiar enlace WhatsApp Facebook X (antes Twitter) LinkedIn Telegram Threads Ha tenido clientes que se le han levantado de la mesa, literalmente, antes de servirles. «No aguantaban el ruido», advierte Juanate Gil, gerente del restaurante Arte-Gaia, en pleno casco de Artenara. Ni el polvo. Pero ya no aguanta más porque tampoco puede. «Las obras nos han asfixiado, he perdido el 80% de las ventas». Sus cuatro empleados ya no pudieron cobrar el mes de junio, pero julio tampoco pinta bien, de ahí que ya se esté planteando un ERTE o despedir a dos. Su restaurante se ha comido de lleno las afecciones de las obras de renovación de la plaza de San Matías, en el centro del pueblo, junto a la iglesia. «Sé que toda obra molesta y que se hacen para mejorar,...
Ilhas Reunião, Imazpress, Francês
2024-07-27 01:14:55
Pour la troisième fois de son histoire, après un siècle d’attente, Paris accueille officiellement depuis vendredi 22h54 les Jeux olympiques. Récit d’une journée historique et mouvementée qui a commencé par des “sabotages criminels” du réseau ferroviaire et s’est conclu, sous la pluie, par une incroyable cérémonie d’ouverture sur la Seine.. Réveil “très tôt” pour EstanguetTony Estanguet a été réveillé “très tôt”. La journée du patron du comité d’organisation Paris-2024 commence avec une mauvaise nouvelle: il pleut sur Paris, une météo qui jette une ombre sur la cérémonie d’ouverture qui, pour la première fois de son histoire, aura lieu hors d’un stade.“J’ai regardé par la fenêtre et j’ai vu que c’était pas fou fou”, admet-il à France Inter.“La cérémonie a été pensée pour pouvoir se tenir sous la pluie (…) On s’adaptera”, assure le triple champion olympique de canoë. L’évolution du ciel parisien, ou encore le mystère, savamment entretenu par Paris-2024,...
Suriname, Waterkant, Holandês
2024-07-26 23:38:17
 Een 39-jarige onderwijzeres in Suriname is onlangs door de politie in verzekering gesteld op verdenking van oplichting en verduistering. Het incident begon toen de onderwijzeres een advertentie plaatste waarin ze een pitbull puppy te koop aanbood. Een geïnteresseerde koper, die zelf in het binnenland verbleef, stuurde iemand om de puppy te kopen. Toen de koper het hondje kreeg bleek echter dat de verkochte puppy geen pitbull was, maar een straathond. De koper besloot de puppy terug te brengen en vroeg om teruggave van de betaalde 3.500 Surinaamse dollars. De vrouw weigerde echter het geld terug te geven. Zij weigerde herhaaldelijk naar buiten te komen, wanneer de koper haar thuis bezocht om zijn geld in ontvangst te nemen. Ten einde raad besloot de koper naar de politie van Livorno te stappen. De politie spoorde de onderwijzeres op en nam haar mee naar het politiebureau. Na overleg met het Surinaamse Openbaar Ministerie...
Suriname, Stabroeck News, Inglês - [original-title]
2024-07-26 23:37:00
WASHINGTON,  (Reuters) – The Biden administration will “calibrate” its sanctions policy towards Venezuela depending on how the high-stakes election unfolds in the OPEC nation on Sunday, U.S. officials said, signaling that Washington could ease punitive measures if President Nicolas Maduro holds a fair vote. But the U.S. also put Maduro on notice that if he claims victory without providing proof, it would “call into question” whether the international community should accept the outcome. Maduro is seeking his third term as leader of Venezuela, which is under heavy U.S. sanctions. His challenger, opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez, has attracted significant support. The opposition and some independent observers have questioned whether the vote will be fair, saying decisions by electoral authorities and the arrests of some opposition campaign staff are meant to create obstacles. Senior U.S. officials said today they were closely watching the final lead-up to the election. Washington relaxed but then...


Polônia, Warszawa, Polonês
2024-07-27 03:12:03
amk 22-07-2024, ostatnia aktualizacja 22-07-2024 23:33 W warszawskim Lesie Bródnowskim nożownik zaatakował dwóch 15-letnich chłopców. Obydwaj z ranami kłutymi zostali przetransportowani do szpitala. Policja zatrzymała napastnika. źródło: AdobeStock Do zdarzenia doszło w poniedziałek ok. godz. 15. Uzbrojony w nóż mężczyzna zaatakował w Lesie Bródnowskich dwóch 15-letnich Ukraińców. Jeden z chłopców ma dwie rany kłute klatki piersiowej, drugi — ranę ciętą przedramienia. Nie wiadomo, w jakim są stanie. Uciekający z miejsca zdarzenia napastnik zgubił telefon i klucze, został zatrzymany ok. 500 metrów od miejsca ataku. Napastnikiem okazał się 26-letni obywatel Uzbekistanu. Jest obecnie przesłuchiwany, najprawdopodobniej jutro usłyszy zarzuty. Jego motywy na razie są nieznane. Policja ustala okoliczności zdarzenia. Jak nieoficjalnie poinformowała „Gazeta Wyborcza”, Uzbek miał przyjechać na miejsce zdarzenia z plecakiem z logo jednej z firm dowożących jedzenie na zamówienie. Pomocy rannym udzielił znany ratownik i wolontariusz Rannym nastolatkom pierwszej pomocy udzielił znany ratownik medyczny i wolontariusz, kierowca MotoAmbulansu, Marcin „Borkoś”...
Armênia, Azatutyum, Armenio
2024-07-27 03:08:52
Լոռու ու Տավուշի մարզերի հեղեղներից 2 ամիս անց Հայաստանի կառավարությունը սկսում է մշակել հեղեղումների ռիսկերի քարտեզներ։ Շրջակա միջավայրի նախարարությունը դրանցում ներառելու է այն բնակավայրերն ու տարածքները, որտեղ հեղեղների հնարավոր վտանգ կա։ Հայաստանը մինչ այս նման քարտեզներ չի ունեցել։ «Այդ գոտում առկա ամբողջ տեղեկատվությունը՝ և ջրային օբյեկտների վերաբերյալ, լճեր, գետեր, արհեստական օբյեկտներ, ճանապարհային ցանց, բնակավայրեր, շենք-շինություններ, այդ տարածքում գոյություն ունեցող ամեն ինչ, ինչը կարող է հեղեղի արդյունքում վտանգի ենթարկվել», – ասաց Շրջակա միջավայրի նախարարության Ջրային քաղաքականության վարչության պետ Լիլիթ Աբրհամյանը։ Նրա խոսքով՝ հեղեղումների ռիսկի քարտեզները կարևոր նշանակություն կունենան ջրային աղետների վտանգը նվազեցնելու, կանխարգելելու առումով. – «Արդեն իսկ քեզ հստակ տվյալ է տալիս, որ այդ գոտին հեղեղավտանգ է, և այդ գոտիների համար անհրաժեշտ են համապատասխան միջոցառումներ»։ Արդյոք կառավարության որոշումը պայմանավորված է երկու ամիս առաջ 4 մարդու կյանք խլած ու բազմաթիվ ավերածությունների պատճառ դարձած հեղեղումներով, գործադիրից ասում են, թե սա հայաստանյան օրենսդրության պահանջն է ու Եվրամիության հետ Համապարփակ և ընդլայնված գործընկերության համաձայնագրով ստանձած...
Armênia, Asbarez, Armenio
2024-07-27 03:07:58
Արցախահայության վրա հարձակումից հետո Ադրբեջանը շարունակում է պահել և խոշտանգել 90 ռազմագերիների, այդ թվում՝ բազմաթիվ հայ բարձրաստիճան պաշտոնյաների։ Այս մասին սոցցանցերում գրել է ԱՄՆ Կոնգրեսի Ներկայացուցիչների պալատի անդամ Դինա Տիտուսը։ «Կոնգրեսը պետք է օրենք ընդունի Ադրբեջանի դեմ պատժամիջոցները վերանայելու համար՝ միջազգային իրավունքը խախտելու համար ռեժիմին պատասխանատվության ենթարկելու նպատակով»,- գրել է նա։ Source link
Luxemburgo, RTL, Luxemburgês
2024-07-27 03:06:42
E Freideg den Owend war d’Erëffnungszeremonie vun den Olympesche Summerspiller zu Paräis. D’Lëtzebuerger Delegatioun gouf um kuerz no 21 Auer am Bild gewisen, d’Ni Xia Lian an de Bob Bertemes hunn de Rout Wäiss Bloe Fändel gedroen. Bei vill Reen hu sech d’Sportler iwwer 6 km op der Seine féiere gelooss. D’Zeremonie ass du beim Eiffeltuerm um Trocadero virugaangen. Um 22.53 Auer huet de franséische President Emmanuel Macron d’Olympesch Spiller zu Paräis no enger spektakulärer Show op der Seine fir op erkläert. De fréieren franséische Futtball-Nationalspiller Zinedine Zidane huet dem Rekordgewënner vun de French Open am Tennis, dem Rafael Nadal, d’Olympesch Flam weiderginn. Duerno ass d’Flam nach vun enger gudder Partie weidere Sportstare fir kuerz Zäit transportéiert ginn, ier dann d’Marie-Jo Pérec an den Teddy Riner d’Flam am Jardin des Tuileries ugefaangen hunn. Den Ofschloss huet d’Céline Dion mat engem Titel vum Edith Piaf gemaach. Kuckt hei e Best-of vun...
Eslovênia, Slovene Press Agency, Esloveno
2024-07-27 03:02:44
Pariz, 27. julija – Na olimpijskih igrah v Parizu bo danes prvi tekmovalni dan s končnimi odločitvami, po katerih bodo podelili prve komplete medalj. Kolesarje čaka kronometer, na brzicah pa bo obrambo zlatega odličja z zadnjih OI s kvalifikacijami začel kanuist Benjamin Savšek. Prva tekma na olimpijskem turnirju čaka slovensko moško rokometno reprezentanco. Celotna novica je dostopna le naročnikom.Novica vsebuje 1.086 znakov (brez presledkov) oziroma 211 besed. Novico lahko kupite. Cena: 1 žeton; na računu: 0 žetonov Source link
Eslovênia, Dnevnik, Esloveno
2024-07-27 03:01:38
V Pasjem hotelu in vrtcu je v poletnih mesecih poskrbljeno tudi za vodno zabavo.   (Foto: Tomaž Skale) Malo po deseti uri je z dvignjeno glavo in repom skozi dvojna vrata pritekel Stark, ki se je suvereno priključil igri kosmatih kompanjonov na oddelku »problematični… Celoten članek je dostopen naročnikom tiskanega ali digitalnega Dnevnika. Pridružite se in uživajte v branju. Pridružite se, prvi mesec samo 1 eur PRIJAVITE SE Ste naročnik tiskane izdaje časnika Dnevnik vsaj od četrtka do sobote ali paketa Digitalni Dnevnik? Neomejen dostop do spletne strani in aplikacije Dnevnik lahko brezplačno uredite tukaj. Pomoč pri registraciji in prijavi: [email protected] ali s klicem na telefonsko številko (01) 30 82 100. Source link
Eslováquia, Hnonline, Eslovaco
2024-07-27 03:00:09
Na začiatku dokumentu tak trochu v nadsádzke hovoríte, že ste na ňom pracovali dvadsaťpäť rokov. Podarilo sa vám za tú dobu pochopiť, čo je to vlastne za človeka? Najjednoduchšie je povedať, že je to vrah. Spáchal dlhý zoznam brutálnych zločinov vrátane vrážd. Asi aj masové vraždy, pretože stále nevieme presne, čo sa v Čečensku deje. Máme svedkov, ktorí nám povedali o popravách homosexuálov, bolo tam zavraždených mnoho Putinových nepriateľov. Kadyrov je teda v prvom rade vrah. Čečenský diktátor Kadyrov nakrútil sparring proti bojovníkovi UFC v bizarnom videu Človek sa pozerá na zábery, ako sa smeje a tancuje, a hovorí si: Je to len rozmaznaný “fracek”, ktorý sa dostal k moci, alebo psychopat? Ja nie som psychológ, ale musíme brať do úvahy dve veci. Po prvé: Kadyrov mal veľmi ťažké a veľmi špecifické detstvo. Vyrastal počas vojny a potom sa jeho rodina hneď dostala k moci. Neobmedzenej moci. To ho nepochybne negatívnym...
Eslováquia, Pravda, Eslovaco
2024-07-27 02:59:06
Slané tyčinky s ľahkou prípravou. Source link


Brasil, Brazil Journal, Português
2024-07-26 21:11:05
O Grupo SBF, dono da Centauro e da operação da Nike no Brasil, acaba de reportar o melhor resultado para um segundo tri em sua história em todas as linhas do balanço – superando o consenso do mercado, que já era construtivo. A começar pelo lucro líquido ajustado: a empresa reverteu um prejuízo de R$ 932 mil para um lucro de R$ 73,2 millhões – o consenso Refinitiv apontava para um valor de R$ 33 milhões, menos da metade do reportado. E neste valor não está inclusa a resolução de um passivo tributário de ICMS com o Estado de São Paulo, que fará o Grupo SBF gastar R$ 150 milhões a menos com impostos do que o provisionado anteriormente. Com essa negociação, o lucro líquido chegou a R$ 223,8 milhões no tri. A receita líquida, por sua vez, subiu 7,6% para R$ 1,7 bilhão. O same-store sales foi de 6,4%...
Mato Grosso, Correio de Mato Grosso
2024-07-26 20:51:40
Wanessa Camargo está curtindo um dos seus lugares favoritos para se desconectar: a Chapada dos Veadeiros, em Goiás. Na noite desta quarta-feira (24), a cantora usou as redes sociais para compartilhar um álbum de fotos e refletiu sobre o momento. “Preciso contar um segredo sobre a Chapada: ela te acolhe ou te repele. Aqui revelações acontecem, respostas chegam do nada. Ninguém explica a Chapada, só vivendo mesmo!”, escreveu ela, na publicação feita em seu perfil oficial do Instagram. Wanessa está na Chapada dos Veadeiros acompanhada do namorado, Dado Dolabella. No último sábado (20), a ex-participante do ‘Big Brother Brasil 24’ celebrou os 44 anos do ator no local, com direito a trilha e muito contato com a natureza. Confira os cliques: Ver essa foto no Instagram Uma publicação compartilhada por Wanessa Camargo (@wanessa) Fonte: TOP FAMOSOS #infocoweb_cabecalho { display: inline-block; margin-top: -75px; position: absolute; right: 0; } O post Wanessa Camargo curte dia de rio...
Brasil, Brazil Journal, Português
2024-07-26 11:24:56
O TRXF11 — um fundo imobiliário de renda urbana até agora focado no varejo — está comprando 70% de um novo hospital que está sendo construído dentro do Parque Global, na Marginal Pinheiros, e que será locado para o Hospital Albert Einstein. O fundo vai pagar R$ 621 milhões pela participação, que será paga em parcelas mensais ao longo dos próximos dois anos.  Até o final deste ano, o TRXF11 vai desembolsar R$ 160 milhões.  O projeto pertencia à Bueno Netto, a incorporadora que está construindo o Parque Global, um complexo que vai abrigar cinco torres residenciais, um shopping e um hotel Emiliano, além do hospital do Einstein, uma faculdade da rede hospitalar e um prédio de escritórios que será locado para os médicos do Einstein.  As obras do hospital — que será de alta complexidade e focado principalmente na oncologia — começaram em janeiro, e a previsão é de...
Brasil, Brazil Journal, Português
2024-07-26 01:42:27
A vida imita a arte muito mais do que a arte imita a vida, escreveu Oscar Wilde. Que o diga Rupert Murdoch, o visionário australiano que ao longo de sete décadas ergueu um dos maiores impérios de mídia de toda a história – incluindo o Wall Street Journal, a Fox News, o Times de Londres e o New York Post. Aos 93 anos, Murdoch agora está travando uma batalha legal contra três de seus filhos para assegurar que seu filho homem mais velho, Lachlan, seja seu sucessor no controle dos negócios e mantenha a orientação editorial conservadora dos canais e publicações do grupo. É um drama da vida real que tem paralelos na disputa entre as irmãs de Rei Lear e nas guerras fratricidas de Succession, a deliciosamente sombria série da HBO sobre Logan Roy, um titã da mídia que os roteiristas criaram à imagem e semelhança de Murdoch.  Em...
Brasil, Brazil Journal, Português
2024-07-25 15:46:43
Gustavo Tachibana e Pedro do Val recentemente fizeram uma reunião com dois acionistas de uma grande empresa que estão no meio de uma briga envolvendo R$ 4 bilhões. A conversa, marcada para focar no negócio, acabou virando quase uma sessão de terapia — e durou mais de quatro horas.  “A psicologia sempre é o mais difícil. A gente sempre tenta desenhar o perfil de cada pessoa para entender a situação pessoal de cada um e por que a briga está acontecendo: ‘teve algum desconforto pessoal? Como é a relação entre vocês?’”, Gustavo disse ao Brazil Journal. Foi justamente para desatar este tipo de nó – que vai de brigas societárias a inventários enrolados, de RJs a falências mal resolvidas – que Gustavo criou em setembro do ano passado a RPC – acrônimo de ‘resolver problemas complexos’. Os problemas que aparecem na  RPC podem estar no ‘andar de cima’ — a...
Mato Grosso, Correio de Mato Grosso
2024-07-25 15:30:40
Reprodução Hern Scott foi encontrado na região de Bells Falls Scott Hern, de 46 anos, ficou 12 dias desparecido em uma região remota de cânions em Red River Gorge, em Kentucky, Estados Unidos, sem água e comida. O montanhista foi encontrado na floresta por conta do seu carro e um diário. O carro de Hern ficou parado há vários dias sem se mover. Foi então que no dia 13 de julho, os agentes, sabendo da condição do automóvel, iriam aplicar a multa, mas resolveram verificar a placa e descobriram que ele havia sido dado como desaparecido em Ohio. “Nós imediatamente colocamos os membros da equipe na floresta, em uma área onde seu veículo estava estacionado, e fizemos uma busca rápida naquela noite”, afirmou o chefe de busca e resgate do condado de Wolfe, John May, nas redes sociais. Montanhista desapareceu no dia 5 de julho Reprodução: GRUPO DE RESGATE DO...
Goiás, Diário da Manhã
2024-07-25 15:28:53
No entanto, para participar do processo seletivo para o ProUni não há cobrança de taxa de inscrição sendo totalmente gratuito, conforme site oficial Alerta para site falso de inscrição do ProUni 2024/2 | Diario da Manhã Source
Brasil, Brazil Journal, Português
2024-07-25 06:10:39
A economia chinesa passará por uma desaceleração nos próximos anos, um declínio já contratado por causa da dinâmica demográfica. A queda populacional vai jogar o PIB potencial para baixo – e a cada ano o crescimento dependerá mais do avanço na produtividade. Com isso em mente, Xi Jinping usou a terceira sessão plenária do 20º Comitê Central do Partido Comunista para anunciar uma grande aposta em investimentos em ciência e tecnologia. O encontro, ocorrido semana passada em Pequim, reuniu as principais autoridades políticas do país. O Comitê Central tem 200 integrantes e é a principal instância de tomada de decisões estratégicas do PC da China. No seu comando está o presidente Xi – que nos últimos anos trabalhou para ser invariavelmente o dono da palavra final. O grupo de alto escalão tem mandato de cinco anos. Ao longo desse período, faz sete sessões plenárias para tratar de temas estratégicos de...
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