Notícias / News / Nouvelles / Noticias / Nachrichten / Novosti / 'akhbar
O olhar de José Manuel Fernandes e Helena Matos para os principais acontecimentos do dia. Programa aberto à participação dos ouvintes que quiserem dar a sua opjnião. Basta inscreverem-se pelo 910024185. Todos os dias às 10h10 na Rádio Observador. RPT a reklama Pokud využijete místo platby udělení souhlasu s reklamou (tj. souhlas s využitím cookies a dalších síťových identifikátorů pro účely cílené reklamy), budou Vám zobrazovány v rámci našich webů,, a Antiyoutuber.cz2 reklamy a to cílené i necílené. Cílení reklam probíhá na základě profilování Vašich zvyků...
Americká technologická společnost Google na svých aktualizovaných mapách ukázala snímky ukrajinských zbraňových systémů. Uvedl to Andrij Kovalenko, vedoucí ukrajinského Centra pro boj s dezinformacemi při Radě národní bezpečnosti a obrany, podle něhož je Rusko šířilo. Google slíbil, že pracuje na řešení situace. Source link
Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech is presenting his official reaction to Budget 2025 during today's plenary session in Parliament. In his two-hour intervention, Grech will be analysing the budget for 2025 which was presented by Finance Minister Clyde Caruana last week. Prime Minister Robert Abela will give...
The children's allowance supplement will be increased for the second consecutive year, Social Policy Minister Michael Falzon said on Monday. He stated that "with another €250 for each child", the allowance "will now cover €640 or €680 per year depending on the family's income". He remarked that...
Фото: Принтскрин Министерот за здравство Арбен Таравари денеска изјави дека треба да се видат сите околности во врска со смртта на бебето од Струмица што викендов почина на Детската клиника. Од информациите што ги добил од директорот на Клиниката за педијатрија, бременоста на мајката не била следена како што треба....
Donalds Tramps Kremļa marionete jeb bijušais Krievijas prezidents Dmitrijs Medvedevs brīdinājis, ka Donaldu Trampu var piemeklēt tāds pats liktenis kā Džonu Kenediju 1963.gadā, ja viņš uzvarēs prezidenta vēlēšanās, ziņo “The Sun“. Lasītākie Četri triki kā sadedzināt vairāk kaloriju pastaigas laikā 7 produkti, no kuriem vajadzētu atteikties sievietēm pēc 40 gadu...
Uzņēmuma pārstāvji skaidroja, ka pagājušajā gadā malkas cenas visu gadu svārstījās piecu līdz desmit eiro robežās, bet šogad malkas cenas esot nostabilizējušās un būtiskas izmaiņas nav novērojamas. Savukārt malkas pieprasījums šogad ir nedaudz pieaudzis, salīdzinot ar pagājušo gadu, bet šā gada laikā būtiskas pieprasījuma izmaiņas nebija novērojamas.
Ferðaþjónustufyrirtækið Ice Pic Journeys sætti töluverðri gagnrýni eftir að um tvö hundruð björgunarsveitarmenn héldu lengi áfram að leita að ferðafólki undir ís í Breiðamerkujökli þegar banaslys varð þar í ágúst á grundvelli rangra upplýsinga um hversu margir hefðu verið í ferðinni. Ráðherra ferðamála sagði það meðal annars grafalvarlegt að talning...
Mato Grosso, Correio de Mato Grosso
2024-11-04 15:09:16
Lucas do Rio Verde celebra uma importante conquista ao finalizar os primeiros quatro anos de gestão com o selo Diamante em vacinação, tornando-se vencedor da maior premiação do Programa “Imuniza Mais MT”. Este é o quarto ano consecutivo que o município se destaca pelo alto número de vacinados, reafirmando seu compromisso com a saúde pública. “Eu quero agradecer e parabenizar a toda equipe porque essa premiação é o reflexo do empenho de todos da saúde, mas também da população luverdense que continua acreditando na vacina. Esse é o resultado de um trabalho que nos mostra o quanto estamos comprometidos e entregando o nosso planejado que é o comprometimento com a saúde pública”, pontua prefeito de Lucas do Rio Verde, Miguel Vaz. Com a recente premiação na categoria diamante — a mais desafiadora —, Lucas do Rio Verde assegurou um recurso de R$ 700 mil, que será investido na manutenção dos...
República Tcheca, Mlada Fronta Dnes, Tcheco
2024-11-04 15:06:37 a reklama Pokud využijete místo platby udělení souhlasu s reklamou (tj. souhlas s využitím cookies a dalších síťových identifikátorů pro účely cílené reklamy), budou Vám zobrazovány v rámci našich webů,, a Antiyoutuber.cz2 reklamy a to cílené i necílené. Cílení reklam probíhá na základě profilování Vašich zvyků a zájmů z údajů získaných o Vašich akcích na internetu tak, aby Vám byly zobrazovány reklamy, které Vás budou zajímat. Toto cílení bude provádět jak MAFRA, a.s., tak reklamní partneři (jichž je celkem 84), jejichž seznam a další informace naleznete zde. Váš souhlas s cílením reklamy můžete kdykoliv odvolat, pokud jej však odvoláte, budete vyzváni k přechodu na iDNES Premium bez reklam. Souhlas pro jiné účely, než spojené s cílením reklam (např. zobrazování obsahu podle Vašich zájmů apod.), můžete změnit či odvolat v sekci Podrobné nastavení, aniž byste museli přecházet na iDNES Premium bez reklam. Souhlas je udělován na dobu...
República Tcheca, Lidove Noviny, Tcheco
2024-11-04 15:05:30
Americká technologická společnost Google na svých aktualizovaných mapách ukázala snímky ukrajinských zbraňových systémů. Uvedl to Andrij Kovalenko, vedoucí ukrajinského Centra pro boj s dezinformacemi při Radě národní bezpečnosti a obrany, podle něhož je Rusko šířilo. Google slíbil, že pracuje na řešení situace. Source link
Malta, Times of Malta, Inglês
2024-11-04 15:04:06
Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech is presenting his official reaction to Budget 2025 during today’s plenary session in Parliament. In his two-hour intervention, Grech will be analysing the budget for 2025 which was presented by Finance Minister Clyde Caruana last week. Prime Minister Robert Abela will give his address in reply on Tuesday. This evening’s plenary session and that of tomorrow will start at 6pm, unlike normal sessions which start at 4pm. There will be 30 minutes dedicated to parliamentary questions following by speeches by Grech (today) and Abela (Tuesday) Right after the Budget came to a close last Monday, on 28 October, Bernard Grech told journalists, that Budget 2025 “does not address the problems that people are experiencing in everyday life.” During his fresh reactions that same evening, the PN leader expressed that the government’s fiscal plans for the upcoming calendar year show “no direction to...
Malta, The Malta Independent, Inglês
2024-11-04 15:02:58
The children’s allowance supplement will be increased for the second consecutive year, Social Policy Minister Michael Falzon said on Monday. He stated that “with another €250 for each child”, the allowance “will now cover €640 or €680 per year depending on the family’s income”. He remarked that this increase is more than what was promised in the electoral manifesto. The Minister said that another measure will be introduced so that families will be able to qualify for improved rates of the children’s allowance because, in the calculation of the allowance rate, the amount of social security contributions paid from the parents’ income and the amount of income tax which has been paid will be ignored. He added that this improvement is estimated to cost around €16.5 million and will affect around 42,000 families with 63,000 children. Falzon commented that the government believes in a “policy of continuity...
Macedônia, Nova Makedonija, Macedônio
2024-11-04 15:01:37
Фото: Принтскрин Министерот за здравство Арбен Таравари денеска изјави дека треба да се видат сите околности во врска со смртта на бебето од Струмица што викендов почина на Детската клиника. Од информациите што ги добил од директорот на Клиниката за педијатрија, бременоста на мајката не била следена како што треба. – Вчера добив информација од директорот на Клиниката за педијатрија. Се работи за бременост што не била следена баш како што треба, барем според информациите што ги добив. Потоа детето е задржано во домашни услови или во болницата во Струмица и кога е донесено бебето во Клиниката за педијатрија, веќе било во многу влошена состојба. Така што треба да се видат сите околности и според тоа и Министерството ќе постапи – рече Таравари одговарајќи на новинарско прашање по дебатата што ја организираше Владата посветена на политиките за унапредување на здравството, социјалната политика, демографијата и младите. Бебето старо осум дена викендов...
Letônia, Latvijas Avize, Letão
2024-11-04 14:56:55
Donalds Tramps Kremļa marionete jeb bijušais Krievijas prezidents Dmitrijs Medvedevs brīdinājis, ka Donaldu Trampu var piemeklēt tāds pats liktenis kā Džonu Kenediju 1963.gadā, ja viņš uzvarēs prezidenta vēlēšanās, ziņo “The Sun“. Lasītākie Četri triki kā sadedzināt vairāk kaloriju pastaigas laikā 7 produkti, no kuriem vajadzētu atteikties sievietēm pēc 40 gadu vecuma. Kādu ļaunumu tie var nodarīt? Eiropa gatavojas karam ar Krieviju: iedzīvotājiem iesaka veidot pārtikas un ūdens krājumus Lasīt citas ziņas Viņš “Telegram” kanālā izplatīja savu vēstījumu : “Nogurušais Tramps, kurš izrunā tādas banalitātes kā “Es piedāvāšu darījumu” un “Man ir lieliskas attiecības ar…” arī būs spiests ievērot visus sistēmas noteikumus. Viņš nespēs apturēt karu.Ne pēc dienas, ne pēc trim dienām, ne pēc trim mēnešiem. CITI ŠOBRĪD LASA Un, ja viņš patiešām mēģinās, viņš varētu kļūt par jauno JFK [red. – Džonu Kenediju].” Tāpat Medvedevs nodēvēja Kamalu Harisu par stulbu un “kontrolējamu”, uzsverot, ka viņa “baidīsies no visiem apkārtējiem”, ja...
Destaque / Énfasis / Emphasis / Accent / Hervorhebung
It’s never a dull moment with Rwandans on social media, but rightfully so. One of the hottest topics this week has been about who the head of the household in Rwanda is- or at leas... Source link
Συνεχίζει να απασχολεί την επικαιρότητα η υπόθεση με τους θανάτους των βρεφών σε Αμαλιάδα και Αχαΐα, μια υπόθεση που ήρθε στο φως μετά τον θάνατο του τελευταίου βρέφους, ενός αγοριού 15 μηνών, του Παναγιώτη, που έφυγε από τη ζωή στις 5 Αυγούστου. Κοινός παρονομαστής η 24χρονη Ειρήνη που και η ίδια θρηνεί δύο παιδιά, και η...
Οι ρωσικές δυνάμεις επιτέθηκαν στο Χάρκοβο, τη δεύτερη μεγαλύτερη πόλη της Ουκρανίας, και τις γύρω περιοχές, με κατευθυνόμενες βόμβες χθες, με αποτέλεσμα να τραυματιστούν τουλάχιστον 15 άνθρωποι, δήλωσε ο τοπικός κυβερνήτης Όλεχ Σινεχούμποφ.Ο Σινεχούμποφ δήλωσε μέσω Telegram ότι από την επίθεση προκλήθηκαν ζημιές σε δύο πολυκατοικίες και στα παράθυρα σε...
Sidi es saharaui y llegó a Ibiza procedente de Cantabria, donde residía antes. Ante la falta de alquiler se construyó una chabola en Can Raspalls, uno de los asentamientos de infraviviendas más grandes de la isla del Mediterráno situados en el ayuntamiento de Sant Josep de Sa Talaia.Daniel Sousa RodríguezHace...
Asesinan a balazos a hombre en zona centro de Manzanillo - AFmedios .- Agencia de Noticias
Manzanillo.- Un hombre murió tras haber sido baleado en...
The benefits of mobile connectivity have yet to be fully realised as some 43 percent of the global population (3.45 billion people), still do not use mobile internet, according to... Source link
Διαβάστε στα «ΝΕΑ» της Δευτέρας:Νέος Οικοδομικός Κανονισμός Αντίστροφη μέτρηση στο ΣτΕ για τα ύψη • Τι συζητείται στις κλειστές διασκέψεις του Ανωτάτου Δικαστηρίου • Γιατί είναι κλειδί ο νέος χρόνος έναρξης ισχύος της δικαστικής απόφασης που θα είναι οριστική και αμετάκλητη • Ολοκληρώθηκε η κατάθεση των υπομνημάτων από όλες τις...
Σάλο προκάλεσε η ρατσιστική ατάκα του υποψήφιου προέδρου των ΗΠΑ, Ντόλαντ Τραμπ, για τον Γιάννη Αντετοκούνμπο. Την ώρα που οι Αμερικανοί μετρούν αντίστροφα για τις προεδρικές εκλογές ο υποψήφιος των Ρεπουμπλικανών, αναφέρθηκε στον Έλληνα σταρ του NBA, τονίζοντας: «Ποιος είναι πιο Έλληνας; Ο Έλληνας ή εγώ; Θα έλεγα ότι είμαστε...
Manzanillo.- La Secretaría de Marina a través de la Armada de México, en funciones de Guardia Costera, informó que, personal de la Décima Región Naval rescató a una persona a aproximadamente a tres millas náuticas (5.5 kilómetros) al sureste de Manzanillo, Colima. Esta acción se llevó a cabo luego de...
Geórgia, Alia, Georgiano
2024-11-04 14:47:45
ოპოზიციის კრიტიკასა და ნორვეგიელი კომუნიკაციების კონსულტანტის, ტარიე ჰელანდის მიერ X-ზე გამოქვეყნებულ განცხადებას, სადაც ის „შემაშფოთებელ ნაბიჯს“ უწოდებს შალვა პაპუაშვილის პრეზენტაციაში გამოყენებულ საქართველოს რუკას, რა დროსაც ოკუპირებული რეგიონები შეუმჩნევლად, მკრთალი ნაცრისფრად არის გამოყოფილი, გიორგი გამსახურდია ეხმაურება: „მოკლედ, ამ იაფფასიანი ფეიკების იმედზე ხართ ჯიგრებო? რა ხდება? აქციებს ვერ აორგანიზებთ, დონორებმა დაგიკიდეს და ამ სისულელეების იმედზე ხართ? ამოიღეთ კარგად კადრები და ნახეთ. ისე, ასეთი საქართველოს „რუკა“, თქვენი დიდი ბელადის ედიკას და თქვენი „ვივამედის“ ბალთაზარს კოსას დამსახურებაა. დროებით რა თქმა უნდა! მავნებლებო და აფერისტებო თქვენა!“ Source link
Bielo Rússia, Respublika, Indonésio
2024-11-04 14:44:13
Mudah marah saat cuaca panas adalah fenomena yang banyak dialami oleh banyak orang. Ketika suhu naik, tidak hanya tubuh yang merasakan dampak, tetapi juga emosi dan perilaku kita. Ada beberapa alasan di balik meningkatnya tingkat kemarahan dan stres saat cuaca panas, dan memahami mekanisme ini bisa membantu kita mengelola emosi dengan lebih baik. 1. Pengaruh Fisiologis Suhu yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan fisik, yang pada gilirannya memengaruhi suasana hati. Saat cuaca panas, tubuh berusaha keras untuk mendinginkan diri, menyebabkan peningkatan denyut jantung, keringat, dan kelelahan. Ketidaknyamanan ini bisa memicu rasa frustrasi dan kemarahan. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan hormon stres, seperti kortisol, yang berkontribusi pada suasana hati yang buruk. 2. Dehidrasi Cuaca panas sering kali menyebabkan kita kehilangan lebih banyak cairan melalui keringat. Dehidrasi dapat mempengaruhi fungsi otak dan suasana hati. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahkan kehilangan cairan sedikit dapat menyebabkan peningkatan perasaan cemas dan kemarahan. Penting...
Suazilândia, The Times Of Swaziland, Inglês
2024-11-04 14:41:30
MBABANE – Princess Lungile has run to court over the sale of Eswatini Mobile shares, which were previously held by her husband, the late Victor Gamedze. In papers she filed at the High Court, the princess alleged that her late husband’s shares were transferred to businessman Michelo Shakantu, without her knowledge or consent. Princess Lungile ran to court after she learnt that the shares are now allegedly being sold by Shakantu to the Public Service Pensions Fund (PSPF). Among other business interests, Gamedze held shares at Eswatini Mobile through his company, Stage 1 Connections (Pty) Ltd. The deceased businessman, according to the court papers filed by Princess Lungile through her Attorney Ben J. Simelane, was a sole shareholder of Stage 1 Connections (Pty) Ltd. Gamedze held 1 000 shares. The shares, according to the applicant, stand at over E20 million, as of June 30, 2024. Transferred These shares, according to...
África, Deutsche Welle, Português
2024-11-04 15:25:08
Em Moçambique, a polícia está a coartar os direitos à livre circulação de pessoas, numa grave violação das liberdades consagadas pela Constituição, para impedir a extensão dos massivos protestos pós-eleitorais. Nos últimos dias, as autoridades também estão a reprimir as manifestações com material de guerra, como viaturas blindadas e armas PKM que são vistas nas mãos dos agentes. Em entrevista à DW, André Thomashausen explica que “não há base legal para o uso” destas armas. O especialista em direito internacional sublinha que apenas em caso de estado de sítio, e declarado pelo Parlamento, esse tipo de equipameno pode ser usado. Thomashausen alerta ainda para as consequências económicas da rebelião e defende uma intevenção regional na crise política moçambicana. DW África: Em Moçambique, há denúncia de uso de armas inapropriadas, como PKM, contra os protestos e veem-se pelas avenidas viaturas de guerra. A intenção das autoridades é apenas de aterrorizar o cidadão? André Thomashausen (AT): Não há base...
Suazilândia, The Times Of Swaziland, Inglês
2024-11-04 14:41:30
MBABANE – Princess Lungile has run to court over the sale of Eswatini Mobile shares, which were previously held by her husband, the late Victor Gamedze. In papers she filed at the High Court, the princess alleged that her late husband’s shares were transferred to businessman Michelo Shakantu, without her knowledge or consent. Princess Lungile ran to court after she learnt that the shares are now allegedly being sold by Shakantu to the Public Service Pensions Fund (PSPF). Among other business interests, Gamedze held shares at Eswatini Mobile through his company, Stage 1 Connections (Pty) Ltd. The deceased businessman, according to the court papers filed by Princess Lungile through her Attorney Ben J. Simelane, was a sole shareholder of Stage 1 Connections (Pty) Ltd. Gamedze held 1 000 shares. The shares, according to the applicant, stand at over E20 million, as of June 30, 2024. Transferred These shares, according to...
Zimbabwe, Chronicle, Inglês
2024-11-04 11:32:08
Amos Mpofu – [email protected] A 20-YEAR-OLD woman from Bulawayo’s Old Magwegwe suburb is appealing for help to raise US$200 for a vital neck mass biopsy operation. Ms Blessing Mawadze has been suffering from a left-sided facial mass for the past five years, which has gradually increased to a size that covers most of her face. The […] Source link
Brunei, Media Permata, Malaio - Indonesia, Rusia mulakan latihan bersama
2024-11-04 14:37:58
JAKARTA, 4 NOV – Indonesia dan Rusia memulakan latihan bersama tentera laut mereka yang pertama hari ini, ketika pemimpin baharu kepulauan Asia Tenggara itu berusaha untuk mengeratkan hubungan dengan Moscow. Indonesia mengekalkan dasar luar yang neutral, enggan berpihak dalam konflik Ukraine atau dalam persaingan kuasa besar antara Washington dan Beijing. Namun, Presiden Indonesia yang baru dilantik, Prabowo Subianto, telah berjanji untuk lebih berani di pentas dunia dan pada Julai lalu mengunjungi Moscow untuk berbincang dengan Vladimir Putin. Latihan selama lima hari itu akan dijalankan dalam dua fasa di sebuah pangkalan tentera laut di Surabaya dan di Laut Jawa. Rusia telah menghantar tiga kapal perang kelas korvet, sebuah kapal tangki sederhana, sebuah helikopter tentera, dan sebuah bot penarik, menurut kenyataan tentera laut Indonesia minggu lalu. Penyiar tempatan menunjukkan kapal-kapal Rusia yang berlabuh di pelabuhan dan disambut oleh sebuah pancaragam Indonesia kelmarin sebelum latihan bermula. Penganalisis menyatakan bahawa latihan bersama itu menandakan...
Brunei, Borneo Bulletin, Inglês - Brunei lose 11-0 to Malaysia
2024-11-04 14:36:50
Brunei Darussalam national futsal team suffered a double-digit defeat for a second game running in the 2024 ASEAN Futsal Championship following an emphatic 11-0 loss to Malaysia at the Terminal Hall in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand last weekend. The heavy defeat came a day after their 13-0 thrashing by hosts Thailand, leaving them rooted at the bottom of Group ‘A’. Brunei’s loss also reignited painful memories of their encounter during their previous meeting in the 2022 edition when they were also heavily beaten 10-0. Syed Aizad Daniel Syed Nasir opened the floodgates for the Malayan Tigers in the fourth minute before Ridzwan Bakri doubled the lead three minutes later. The Wasps were behind 3-0 by half-time with Syahir Iqbal Khan Akbar Khan finding the third. The rampant Malaysians then went on a scoring spree as Awalluddin Mat Nawi wasted no time to continue their goal-scoring frenzy a minute after the restart....
Bahrein, Albilad Press, Árabe - “البحرين الوطني” يتعاون مع “أري للابتكـــــار ARRAY”
2024-11-04 14:35:34
أبرم بنك البحرين الوطني اتفاقية تعاون مع شركة أري للابتكار “ARRAY”، وهي شركة رائدة في مجال الذكاء الاصطناعي وبرمجيات تطبيقات المؤسسات وحلول الحوسبة السحابية، ومقرها في البحرين. وتأتي هذه الشراكة لتعزيز البنية التكنولوجية للبنك، عبر اعتماد تقنيات معالجة اللغات الطبيعية المتقدمة “NLP”، والحلول الرقمية السحابية المبتكرة، وإمكانات الذكاء الاصطناعي التوليدي “GenAI”. ويمثل هذا التعاون، الذي تم إضفاء الطابع الرسمي عليه في الدورة الثانية لمنتدى “بوابة الخليج” للاستثمار، الذي نظمه مجلس التنمية الاقتصادية البحريني، خطوة استراتيجية ترمي لتبسيط عمليات البنك وإثراء تجربة العملاء، استنادا على الحلول المتقدمة التي تتيحها تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي والتعلم الآلي. وبموجب هذه الشراكة، ستبادر شركة “ARRAY” بإعداد تحليل شامل للتكنولوجيا ببنك البحرين الوطني، مع التركيز على تكامل التقنيات والبرمجيات المعتمدة؛ لضمان تحقيق أقصى قدر من الكفاءة التشغيلية. وسيقدم فريق “ARRAY” المؤلف من عدد من المهنيين المتمرسين وخبراء علم البيانات والذكاء الاصطناعي، تقييمات مخصصة تأخذ في الاعتبار معطيات البيئة المؤسسية الفريدة للبنك، إلى جانب متطلباته التنظيمية الخاصة وتحدياته...
Bahrein, Al Bilad Press, Árabe - جريدة البلاد | “رجال الأعمال” تؤكد متانة العلاقات بين البحرين وتركيا
2024-11-04 14:33:46
بنك السلام يطلق “ASB Capital”.. شركة جديدة لإدارة الأصول ومقرها في مركز دبي بنك السلام يطلق “ASB Capital”: شركة جديدة لإدارة الأصول ومقرها في مركز دبي المالي العالمي
المنامة، البحرين – 4 نوفمبر 2024 – أعلن بنك السلام، أكب… منذ ساعة Source link
Tuvalu, The Fiji Times, Inglês
2024-11-04 06:57:15
Operation Kurukuru – a two-week comprehensive operation targeted at safeguarding the invaluable marine resources of Pacific Island nations in the Western Central Pacific Ocean – ended last Friday. Strengthening the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing were key outcomes of that operation to promote sustainable fisheries and enhancing maritime security across the Pacific. According to the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), Operation Kurukuru was conducted over an area of approximately 21.3 million square kilometres over a two-week period. IUU fishing activities pose a significant threat to the economic stability and food security of Pacific Island nations, and undermined regional efforts toward sustainable fisheries management. The FFA said the operation underscored the commitment from FFA and its members, the Pacific Quadrilateral Defence Coordination Group (Pacific QUADs) and partners to safeguard the invaluable marine resources of Pacific Island nations in the Western Central Pacific Ocean. “This operation exemplifies the...
Ilhas Salomão, Solomon Star News, Inglês
2024-11-04 06:42:57
FORM three students at Laugwata Community High School (CHS) in ward 3 of West Kwara’ae, Malaita province were hosted to a farewell function last week. This followed the completion of their four-day national examination. The event, organized by parents and guardians, came as a surprise to the students. It was aimed at honoring their hard work and dedication. For the Laugwata community, these national examinations represent a unique opportunity to celebrate their children’s achievements in national education. Parent Allen Sae, whose daughter participated in the exams, expressed his unwavering support for education in the country. “Hosting this function reflects our commitment to our children’s education and the value we place on their learning journey,” he stated. He also emphasized that witnessing children successfully completed their national exams is a source of pride for families. Sae acknowledged the hard work of the school staff in providing quality education for the students. School head boy Evan Daulima expressed his gratitude to the parents for...
América Central
São Cristovão e Nevis, The St Kitts Nevis Observer, Inglês
2024-11-04 08:46:55
King Felipe VI of Spain was pelted with mud. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. – Advertisement – Spain’s King Felipe VI who was made an honorary soldier of the Spanish Army at the age of 9, has faced angry protesters throwing mud durinhg a visit to Paiporta, a town in the Valencia region, following unprecedented floods in the region in which hundreds of people have died. Survivors of the recent catastrophic floods, which have claimed over 200 lives and left thousands homeless, expressed their frustration by hurling mud and shouting insults at government officials and the royal family. The crowd’s anger stemmed from perceived delays and inadequacies in the government’s emergency response, including slow deployment of aid and insufficient warnings prior to the disaster. The situation escalated to the point where Prime Minister Sánchez also had to be evacuated for safety reasons In video footage, chants of “murderer” , apparently aimed at...
Ilhas Virgens, Stjohn Trade Winds, Inglês
2024-11-04 08:38:33
Special guest Hannibal Ware – federal Inspector General of the Small Business Administration – speaks about his work in the territory, while host Adisha Penn recaps the biggest headlines of the past week, including an informative Senate hearing with the government’s third-party fiduciary. There’s always something new on Consider the Source!
Previous articleInspector General Targets Federal Fraud, Protecting Public Funds
Ilhas Cayman, Cayman Compass, Inglês
2024-11-04 08:35:18
Source: NOAA (CNS): On the advice of the Cayman Islands National Weather Service and Hazard Management Cayman Islands, Deputy Governor Franz Manderson, who is chairperson of the National Hazard Management Executive, placed the Cayman Islands under a Hurricane Watch on Sunday afternoon. At 4pm, Potential Tropical Cyclone Eighteen was about 515 miles south-southeast of Grand Cayman, moving in a north-easterly direction at 7 miles per hour. The latest forecast track has the system moving between Grand Cayman and Little Cayman by midday Tuesday, 5 November. The system is expected to spin into a storm and possibly a hurricane over the next few days, and Cayman can anticipate being under a hurricane warning early tomorrow morning. Schools will be open Monday but are currently scheduled to close Tuesday and possibly Wednesday when what will be Tropical Storm Rafael is expected to move through our area. The National Weather Service said Little Cayman and Cayman Brac...
Haiti, Haitian Times, Inglês
2024-11-04 08:33:19
Overview: For the Day of the Dead, Vodou practitioners gather from all around to join the vibrant celebration at cemeteries in Ouanaminthe and Fort-Liberté. They offer prayers, make offerings, and dress as Gede, the spirit of the dead, to honor their loved ones. Fort-Liberté — Every year on Nov.1 and 2, Haitians across the country gather for the Day of the Dead, a unique celebration deeply woven into Haiti’s cultural fabric. The tradition, held in tandem with Catholic observances of All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day, blends Vodou beliefs with Christian practices, embodying the richness and resilience of Haitian spirituality. Among the most vibrant celebrations, residents of Fort-Liberté and Ouanaminthe fill local cemeteries with music, dancing, and colorful offerings, transforming the resting places of their loved ones into scenes of lively tribute. “It’s a unique moment to show my deceased family our love and affection,” says Geti Selmour, a...
América do Norte
Canadá, Ottawa Citizen, Inglês
2024-11-04 08:05:42
Breadcrumb Trail Links Ottawa Senators Sports Hockey Senators Extra The Senators are determined to battle for a playoff spot in the spring Published Nov 03, 2024 • Last updated 9 hours ago • 4 minute read You can save this article by registering for free here. Or sign-in if you have an account. Kraken netminder Philipp Grubauer makes a blocker save with Senators winger Brady Tkachuk on the edge of his crease in the first period of Saturday’s game. Photo by Adrian Wyld /THE CANADIAN PRESS Article content The Ottawa Senators took care of business on Saturday night at the Canadian Tire Centre. That has to be the trend as November shifts into high gear. The Senators had Sunday off to kick back after closing out their first back-to-back of the season with a 3-0 victory over the Seattle Kraken on Saturday at home as they prepare to face the Buffalo...
México, El Pais, Espanhol
2024-11-04 06:12:18
Sidi es saharaui y llegó a Ibiza procedente de Cantabria, donde residía antes. Ante la falta de alquiler se construyó una chabola en Can Raspalls, uno de los asentamientos de infraviviendas más grandes de la isla del Mediterráno situados en el ayuntamiento de Sant Josep de Sa Talaia.Daniel Sousa Rodríguez Hace un par de semanas Ibiza acababa de forma oficial, o quizás mejor dicho, oficiosa, la temporada. Porque allí, en la isla más lujosa del Mediterráneo, aunque se acabe el verano, la fiesta todavía dura un poco más. La temporada echa el cierre con las closing parties, las fiestas de despedida de las discotecas, que volverán a abrir el siguiente verano. En medio de ese glamour, cientos de personas viven en chabolas por toda la isla porque no pueden acceder al mercado inmobiliario debido a los altos precios. La semana pasada se desmantelaron 8 asentamientos de infraviviendas en el municipio...
México, AF Medios, Espanhol
2024-11-04 06:09:09
Asesinan a balazos a hombre en zona centro de Manzanillo – AFmedios .- Agencia de Noticias
Manzanillo.- Un hombre murió tras haber sido baleado en el acceso a la zona centro de Manzanillo, la tarde de este domingo 3 de noviembre de acuerdo a fuentes policiales. Los hechos ocurrieron al filo de las 17:00 horas cuando el señalado se encontraba sobre avenida Niños Héroes, en el ingreso a una farmacia de la zona, hasta donde llegaron sujetos armados quienes sin más dispararon en repetidas ocasiones para luego huir con rumbo desconocido. Por ello acudieron elementos de diferentes corporaciones de seguridad y auxilio quienes implementaron el protocolo correspondiente. El sujeto sobrevivió en primera instancia aunque murió mientras recibía atención médica. No se han dado mayores detalles...
América do Sul
Peru, El Comercio, Espanhol
2024-11-04 15:14:04
El popular streamer AuronPlay sorprendió a sus seguidores al revelar por primera vez cuánto gana diariamente en Twitch, la plataforma de streaming en la que él es uno de los rostros más destacados. El hecho sucedió durante una transmisión en vivo en la que recaudaba fondos para apoyar a los afectados por las lluvias en Valencia, que ha dejado cientos de damnificados y varios fallecidos. AuronPlay explicó que, aunque no tenga un contrato exclusivo con Twitch —lo que le permitiría asegurar ingresos fijos—, sus ingresos provienen principalmente de suscripciones, donaciones y la visualización de sus contenidos pasados. Estos ingresos, a los que se suman sus colaboraciones publicitarias y otros negocios, superan con creces el salario mínimo mensual en España. MIRA: Dr. Disrespect en caída libre: ¿quién es el polémico streamer y por qué ahora está en problemas? Las cifras compartidas, si bien son altas, reflejan la volatilidad de los ingresos...
Peru, Diario Del Cusco, Espanhol
2024-11-04 15:12:59
PORTADA PRIMERA | Del aeropuerto Chinchero informa el congresista Aragón. Dentro de 3 meses se licitarían torre de control y pistas de aterrizaje SEGUNDA | Atletas juveniles consiguen medallas de oro para Chumbivilcas NOTICIA PRINCIPAL | Desarrollan en Cusco mesa de trabajo presidido por el ministro del Interior Juan José Santiváñez. Hoy asumen acciones contra la inseguridad. Deben acordarse medidas de prevención en reunión que se desarrollara con principales autoridades de la región. Alcalde del Cusco Luis Pantoja señala que Cusco tiene que seguir siendo una de las ciudades mas seguras del país con participación de todos. FOTON GRANDE | Dos fallecidos y cuatro heridos en Espinar. Automóvil choco frontalmente con pesado camión ocasionando el lamentable saldo de victimas. Las personas que dejaron de existir eran hermanos y ambos ocupaban los asientos delanteros de la unidad. NOTICIA AL COSTADO | Sostiene dirigente de ANTAURO en Cusco. “No importa decisión Judicial...
Ilhas Reunião, Imazpress, Francês
2024-11-04 10:15:51
Au centre multiculturel “Le Sud” Publié le 4 novembre 2024 à 14:09 Actualisé le 4 novembre 2024 à 14:15 Le mercredi 30 octobre 2024, le Département a lancé l’appel à projet espace “boutique et café” à Saint-Pierre au centre multiculturel “Le Sud”. Le Département recherche un projet de qualité pour compléter l’offre du centre culturel “Le Sud”. Le projet s’inscrira en cohérence avec les valeurs et les missions du centre culturel. Les candidatures se clôtureront le lundi 16 décembre 2024 à partir de 15h. Nous publions le post ci-dessous. (Photo : Actualité de La Réunion, Zoom, Saint-Pierre Source link
Suriname, Waterkant, Holandês
2024-11-04 08:04:41
Op zondagochtend 3 november rond 06.00u uur heeft het Quick Response Team (QRT) drie mannen en een vrouw aangehouden en overgebracht naar het politiebureau Centrum. Tijdens een surveillance in de buurt van het kabinet van de president van Suriname, hoorden agenten een schot, waarna zij direct een onderzoek begonnen. Daar troffen ze vier verdachten bij een auto aan: een 22-jarige vrouw, M.C., en drie mannen, Z.C. (20), G.C. (22) en K.G. (24). In een nabijgelegen bosje vonden de agenten een Glock-vuurwapen en namen dit samen met het voertuig van de verdachten in beslag. De Surinaamse politie onderzoekt wie verantwoordelijk was voor het bezit van het vuurwapen en wie het schot heeft gelost. Het onderzoek wordt geleid door politiebureau Centrum, dat de vrouw heeft heengezonden en de rest in verzekering heeft gesteld. RPT
Portugal, Observador, Português
2024-11-04 15:27:19
O olhar de José Manuel Fernandes e Helena Matos para os principais acontecimentos do dia. Programa aberto à participação dos ouvintes que quiserem dar a sua opjnião. Basta inscreverem-se pelo 910024185. Todos os dias às 10h10 na Rádio Observador. RPT
República Tcheca, Mlada Fronta Dnes, Tcheco
2024-11-04 15:06:37 a reklama Pokud využijete místo platby udělení souhlasu s reklamou (tj. souhlas s využitím cookies a dalších síťových identifikátorů pro účely cílené reklamy), budou Vám zobrazovány v rámci našich webů,, a Antiyoutuber.cz2 reklamy a to cílené i necílené. Cílení reklam probíhá na základě profilování Vašich zvyků a zájmů z údajů získaných o Vašich akcích na internetu tak, aby Vám byly zobrazovány reklamy, které Vás budou zajímat. Toto cílení bude provádět jak MAFRA, a.s., tak reklamní partneři (jichž je celkem 84), jejichž seznam a další informace naleznete zde. Váš souhlas s cílením reklamy můžete kdykoliv odvolat, pokud jej však odvoláte, budete vyzváni k přechodu na iDNES Premium bez reklam. Souhlas pro jiné účely, než spojené s cílením reklam (např. zobrazování obsahu podle Vašich zájmů apod.), můžete změnit či odvolat v sekci Podrobné nastavení, aniž byste museli přecházet na iDNES Premium bez reklam. Souhlas je udělován na dobu...
República Tcheca, Lidove Noviny, Tcheco
2024-11-04 15:05:30
Americká technologická společnost Google na svých aktualizovaných mapách ukázala snímky ukrajinských zbraňových systémů. Uvedl to Andrij Kovalenko, vedoucí ukrajinského Centra pro boj s dezinformacemi při Radě národní bezpečnosti a obrany, podle něhož je Rusko šířilo. Google slíbil, že pracuje na řešení situace. Source link
Malta, Times of Malta, Inglês
2024-11-04 15:04:06
Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech is presenting his official reaction to Budget 2025 during today’s plenary session in Parliament. In his two-hour intervention, Grech will be analysing the budget for 2025 which was presented by Finance Minister Clyde Caruana last week. Prime Minister Robert Abela will give his address in reply on Tuesday. This evening’s plenary session and that of tomorrow will start at 6pm, unlike normal sessions which start at 4pm. There will be 30 minutes dedicated to parliamentary questions following by speeches by Grech (today) and Abela (Tuesday) Right after the Budget came to a close last Monday, on 28 October, Bernard Grech told journalists, that Budget 2025 “does not address the problems that people are experiencing in everyday life.” During his fresh reactions that same evening, the PN leader expressed that the government’s fiscal plans for the upcoming calendar year show “no direction to...
Malta, The Malta Independent, Inglês
2024-11-04 15:02:58
The children’s allowance supplement will be increased for the second consecutive year, Social Policy Minister Michael Falzon said on Monday. He stated that “with another €250 for each child”, the allowance “will now cover €640 or €680 per year depending on the family’s income”. He remarked that this increase is more than what was promised in the electoral manifesto. The Minister said that another measure will be introduced so that families will be able to qualify for improved rates of the children’s allowance because, in the calculation of the allowance rate, the amount of social security contributions paid from the parents’ income and the amount of income tax which has been paid will be ignored. He added that this improvement is estimated to cost around €16.5 million and will affect around 42,000 families with 63,000 children. Falzon commented that the government believes in a “policy of continuity...
Macedônia, Nova Makedonija, Macedônio
2024-11-04 15:01:37
Фото: Принтскрин Министерот за здравство Арбен Таравари денеска изјави дека треба да се видат сите околности во врска со смртта на бебето од Струмица што викендов почина на Детската клиника. Од информациите што ги добил од директорот на Клиниката за педијатрија, бременоста на мајката не била следена како што треба. – Вчера добив информација од директорот на Клиниката за педијатрија. Се работи за бременост што не била следена баш како што треба, барем според информациите што ги добив. Потоа детето е задржано во домашни услови или во болницата во Струмица и кога е донесено бебето во Клиниката за педијатрија, веќе било во многу влошена состојба. Така што треба да се видат сите околности и според тоа и Министерството ќе постапи – рече Таравари одговарајќи на новинарско прашање по дебатата што ја организираше Владата посветена на политиките за унапредување на здравството, социјалната политика, демографијата и младите. Бебето старо осум дена викендов...
Letônia, Latvijas Avize, Letão
2024-11-04 14:56:55
Donalds Tramps Kremļa marionete jeb bijušais Krievijas prezidents Dmitrijs Medvedevs brīdinājis, ka Donaldu Trampu var piemeklēt tāds pats liktenis kā Džonu Kenediju 1963.gadā, ja viņš uzvarēs prezidenta vēlēšanās, ziņo “The Sun“. Lasītākie Četri triki kā sadedzināt vairāk kaloriju pastaigas laikā 7 produkti, no kuriem vajadzētu atteikties sievietēm pēc 40 gadu vecuma. Kādu ļaunumu tie var nodarīt? Eiropa gatavojas karam ar Krieviju: iedzīvotājiem iesaka veidot pārtikas un ūdens krājumus Lasīt citas ziņas Viņš “Telegram” kanālā izplatīja savu vēstījumu : “Nogurušais Tramps, kurš izrunā tādas banalitātes kā “Es piedāvāšu darījumu” un “Man ir lieliskas attiecības ar…” arī būs spiests ievērot visus sistēmas noteikumus. Viņš nespēs apturēt karu.Ne pēc dienas, ne pēc trim dienām, ne pēc trim mēnešiem. CITI ŠOBRĪD LASA Un, ja viņš patiešām mēģinās, viņš varētu kļūt par jauno JFK [red. – Džonu Kenediju].” Tāpat Medvedevs nodēvēja Kamalu Harisu par stulbu un “kontrolējamu”, uzsverot, ka viņa “baidīsies no visiem apkārtējiem”, ja...
Letônia, Diena, Letão
2024-11-04 14:55:44
Uzņēmuma pārstāvji skaidroja, ka pagājušajā gadā malkas cenas visu gadu svārstījās piecu līdz desmit eiro robežās, bet šogad malkas cenas esot nostabilizējušās un būtiskas izmaiņas nav novērojamas. Savukārt malkas pieprasījums šogad ir nedaudz pieaudzis, salīdzinot ar pagājušo gadu, bet šā gada laikā būtiskas pieprasījuma izmaiņas nebija novērojamas.
“MGB grupas” pārstāvji minēja, ka šogad populārākā bija alkšņa malka, pēc tam sekoja bērza malka, skujkoku malka un apses malka. Līdzīga situācija bija novērojama arī pagājušajā gadā.
Informācija “” tīmekļvietnē liecina, ka šogad novembra sākumā izberamās alkšņa malkas cena par sešiem berkubikmetriem bija 285 eiro, bet par deviņiem – 405 eiro. Savukārt izberamās bērza malkas cena par sešiem berkubikmetriem bija 320 eiro, bet par deviņiem – 450 eiro. Tāpat izberamās skujkoka malkas cena par sešiem berkubikmetriem bija 285 eiro, bet par deviņiem – 405 eiro, kā arī oša un ozola malkas cena par sešiem berkubikmetriem bija 410...
Brasil, Brazil Journal, Português
2024-11-04 15:23:03
O grande pianista brasileiro Arthur Moreira Lima faleceu na quarta-feira, aos 84 anos, após uma longa luta contra o câncer. Apesar da dura realidade sobre a fatalidade da vida e da morte, o Arthur que eu conheci teria dispensado, imagino eu, este modo solene e triste com o qual abri este texto. Certamente teria preferido celebrar a vida que viveu tão plenamente. Lembro-me como se fosse ontem do choque que tive ao entrar no amplo e elegante apartamento de Arthur na Avenida São Luis, em São Paulo, para uma de suas aulas geniais. Quem me atende à porta é sua esposa daquele período. Ela estava aos prantos com a revista Veja nas mãos e, entre uma lágrima e outra, sussurrou: “O Arthur fugiu com a sua nova namorada para Paris! Olha, Marcelo! Saiu na Veja!” O Arthur que eu conheci era a antítese do pianista sério de casaca e tudo...
Mato Grosso, Correio de Mato Grosso
2024-11-04 15:09:16
Lucas do Rio Verde celebra uma importante conquista ao finalizar os primeiros quatro anos de gestão com o selo Diamante em vacinação, tornando-se vencedor da maior premiação do Programa “Imuniza Mais MT”. Este é o quarto ano consecutivo que o município se destaca pelo alto número de vacinados, reafirmando seu compromisso com a saúde pública. “Eu quero agradecer e parabenizar a toda equipe porque essa premiação é o reflexo do empenho de todos da saúde, mas também da população luverdense que continua acreditando na vacina. Esse é o resultado de um trabalho que nos mostra o quanto estamos comprometidos e entregando o nosso planejado que é o comprometimento com a saúde pública”, pontua prefeito de Lucas do Rio Verde, Miguel Vaz. Com a recente premiação na categoria diamante — a mais desafiadora —, Lucas do Rio Verde assegurou um recurso de R$ 700 mil, que será investido na manutenção dos...
Brasil, Brazil Journal, Português
2024-11-04 05:45:17
NOVA YORK – Quem já fez compras (ou simplesmente caminhou) na faixa mais turística da Quinta Avenida conhece o drama: são 17 quadras entre o Central Park e o Bryant Park onde a disputa por espaço nas calçadas – entre seres humanos e sacolas – é exaustiva. Naquele trecho estão lojas de departamento como Bergdorf Goodman e Saks, a Apple Store, a Tiffany’s, o Rockefeller Center, a St. Patrick’s Cathedral e a New York Public Library – sem falar na Trump Tower. Tudo junto e misturado. A Quinta Avenida corta Manhattan de cima para baixo, da rua 142, no Harlem, até a Washington Square na rua 8. Sua atividade comercial gera 313 mil empregos diretos e indiretos, somando US$ 44 bilhões em salários e um PIB anual de US$ 111 bilhões. Agora, a Prefeitura resolveu colocar ordem no caos. Em conjunto com as oito instituições que formam a Future of...
Mato Grosso, Correio de Mato Grosso
2024-11-04 05:23:01
O Flamengo deu um passo importante rumo à conquista da Copa do Brasil ao vencer o Atlético-MG por 3 a 1 no jogo de ida da final, realizado neste domingo no Maracanã. Com uma atuação decisiva do atacante Gabigol, que marcou dois gols, os rubro-negros abriram uma vantagem significativa para o segundo confronto, que acontecerá no próximo domingo na Arena MRV, em Belo Horizonte. Primeira tempo O jogo começou com o Atlético-MG surpreendendo com uma postura ofensiva. Logo no primeiro minuto, Gustavo Scarpa obrigou o goleiro Rossi a fazer uma defesa difícil. O Flamengo, no entanto, não demorou a responder. Aos cinco minutos, Michael teve uma boa chance, mas chutou para fora. Aos 10 minutos, o Flamengo abriu o placar. Gabigol recebeu na área e chutou para defesa de Éverson, mas Arrascaeta estava atento e aproveitou o rebote para marcar. O gol não alterou a estratégia do Atlético-MG, que continuou...
Brasil, Brazil Journal, Português
2024-11-03 19:19:01
Duas semanas atrás, Daniela Filomeno, que apresenta o Viagem & Gastronomia na CNN Brasil, visitou a Serra Gaúcha para gravar seu programa – e não dormiu na primeira noite. O motivo da insônia: a situação que lhe foi relatada pelos pequenos empresários locais. “Não vi nenhum sinal de destruição, a infraestrutura já se recuperou por completo. Mas o turismo ainda não voltou,” disse ela. “As pessoas precisam saber que eles já estão reabertos para o turismo, e é preciso viajar para lá para dar vida nova à região.” Seis meses depois das enchentes que devastaram o Rio Grande do Sul, o turismo em cidades como Gramado e Bento Gonçalves continua sofrendo, com restaurantes e vinícolas faturando muito abaixo do normal e lutando para sobreviver mais um dia. No Vale dos Vinhedos, pousadas que dependem completamente do turismo passam por uma situação desoladora, com turistas tão escassos que às vezes nem...
Mato Grosso, Correio de Mato Grosso
2024-11-03 19:01:04
Treze condutores foram presos por embriaguez ao volante em duas operações Lei Seca realizadas na madrugada deste domingo (03.11), em Cuiabá. As ações ocorreram simultaneamente nas avenidas Beira Rio, no bairro Grande Terceiro, e Tenente Coronel Duarte, na Prainha. Dos condutores presos, um deles ainda combinou o consumo de álcool com a falta de Carteira Nacional de Habilitação (CNH), e outro desacatou os agentes fiscalizadores. As abordagens iniciaram por volta de 3h da madrugada e finalizaram por volta das 5h, com 157 veículos fiscalizados, entre carros e motocicletas. Também foram autuados 48 veículos e removidos 46. Ao todo, foram confeccionados 74 autos de infração de trânsito, dos quais 27 foram por conduzir veículo sob efeito de álcool, 16 por conduzir veículo sem registro ou não licenciado, 15 por recusa do teste de alcoolemia, seis por não possuir CNH, e dez por infrações diversas. A Operação Lei Seca é realizada pela...
Brasil, Brazil Journal, Português
2024-11-03 09:58:56
“Neve cor-de-rosa. Vivi para ver isso,” diz Martha, contemplando pela janela do hospital os flocos coloridos que flutuam na noite. Em conversa com Ingrid, uma velha amiga que veio lhe visitar, Martha explica que essa coloração estranha é resultado das mudanças climáticas. Bom, não é bem assim… O tom róseo é causado por uma alga e não aparece quando os flocos ainda estão caindo. A alga só muda de cor no chão, sob a luz do sol, e é isso que pode agravar os efeitos do aquecimento global: geleiras rosadas derretem mais rápido, pois absorvem mais calor solar do que as brancas. Enfim, que importa? Ninguém vai ver um filme de Pedro Almodóvar em busca de informação científica precisa. Em O Quarto ao Lado (The Room Next Door), em cartaz nos cinemas, a neve (branca ou rosada) vem carregada de melancolia. Martha está internada para tratar um câncer cervical, e...
Mato Grosso, Correio de Mato Grosso
2024-11-03 09:39:14
Em um confronto emocionante pela 32ª rodada do Campeonato Brasileiro, o Vitória conseguiu uma virada crucial sobre o Athletico-PR, vencendo por 2 a 1 na Ligga Arena. O resultado trouxe alívio para o Leão da Barra, que agora soma 38 pontos e ocupa a 12ª posição, afastando-se da zona de rebaixamento. Já o Athletico-PR permanece em situação delicada, na 17ª colocação, com 34 pontos. O Jogo O Athletico-PR começou a partida com mais intensidade, criando a primeira oportunidade logo no início. Pablo tentou uma meia bicicleta dentro da área, mas a bola passou pela linha de fundo. Aos 13 minutos, João Cruz teve uma chance clara, mas chutou em cima do zagueiro adversário. O goleiro Lucas Arcanjo também foi exigido aos 15 minutos, quando defendeu um chute perigoso de Pablo. O Vitória teve sua primeira grande chance aos 28 minutos, após um erro de Mycael na saída de bola. Alerrandro...