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El Salvador, Diario Co Latino, Espanhol
2025-01-19 05:17:57
por Carlos Bucio Borja Hace unos días, Armando Molina, Caralvá y yo atendimos a la convocatoria de una pequeña tertulia. Como en tiempos ancestrales en que, alrededor de fogatas, chamanes y magos invocaban los fuegos, en un café del siglo XXI con un ambiente del siglo XX, nosotros hicimos lo propio, recorriendo la historia, andanzas … La entrada Segunda Ilustración: un encuentro aparece primero en Diario Co Latino. Ottawa Citizen
Canadá, Ottawa Citizen, Inglês
2025-01-19 05:15:39
Article content MONTREAL — A man in his 60s has died after striking a tree with a snowmobile in the Outaouais region. Sûreté du Québec said they received a call about a collision on a snowmobile trail around 10:30 a.m. on Saturday in Low, about 40 kilometres northwest of Gatineau. SQ spokesperson Sgt. Laurie Avoine said the snowmobiler deviated from the trail for unknown reasons before crashing into the tree. Avoine said the man was alone on the snowmobile at the time and was thrown off the vehicle after the impact. He was taken to hospital, where he was declared dead. The investigation was ongoing. Share this article in your social network Ottawa Citizen
Suriname, Waterkant, Holandês
2025-01-19 05:12:15
De politie in Suriname heeft zaterdagavond een arrestant aangehouden, die in september vorig jaar uit het cellenhuis van politiebureau Centrum wist te ontvluchten. Het gaat om de 42-jarige Oswald C. die op vrijdag 27 september 2024, tussen 00.00 uur en 06.00 uur ontsnapte. C. zat in arrest vanwege zijn betrokkenheid bij diefstal met geweld. Hij wist samen met twee andere mannen tralies van hun cel door te zagen. De ontsnapte arrestant is zaterdagavond na goed speurwerk door leden van het Regio Bijstand Team Paramaribo (RBTP)aangehouden. RPT
Suriname, Stabroeck News, Inglês - [original-title]
2025-01-19 05:10:47
Log into your account Log in for full access to You can also post comments, and manage your email subscription. Keep me logged in. (Uncheck if you are using a shared device). Lost your password? Login Only one active session is allowed per subscriber. You don’t have an account? Sign Up RPT
Ilhas Malvinas, Penguin News, Inglês
2025-01-19 05:05:23
“AN agonizing process” is how Falklands Islands resident Rob Burnett (42) and former Penguin News journalist describes the journey to his two-book deal with prestigious publishing house HarperCollins.HarperFiction has acquired Whiteout, a novel set around researcher Rachael stranded in the Antarctic during a nuclear strike on the UK.Rob has had a fascinating career in his lead up to writing Whiteout so Penguin News chatted to him about his work with tabloid newspaper Daily Mirror and as an editor for Formula 1.BackgroundRob came to the Falklands at the age of eight in 1991 with his mother and father Tony and Liz Burnett and his brother and sister. His family had lived in the islands previous to that in the 1970s at Port HowardRob attended the schools here and then Peter Symonds College before heading off to Leicester University to study English. He then returned to the islands and during those years...
Guiana, Guyana Times, Inglês - [original-title]
2025-01-19 05:02:38
Guyana’s economy grew by 43.6% in 2024 – Guyana Times The local economy enjoyed a growth in the overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 43.6 per cent in 2024, with the nonoil economy recording an increase of 13.1 per cent as a result of growth in the rice sectors, other crops, bauxite and other mining, quarrying and others.This was revealed by Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh during his presentation of the 2025 Budget in the National Assembly on Friday.The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government’s fiscal plan – its fifth since taking office in August 2020 – is themed: “A Secure, Prosperous and Sustainable Guyana.”Despite mixed trends in commodity prices globally, Dr Singh noted that Guyana navigated these challenges adeptly. On this point, he noted that the price of gold...
Guiana, Guyana Chronicle, Inglês - [original-title]
2025-01-19 05:01:30
SOME years ago, I bought a book that was the public publication of an artist’s work that was executed within the borders of Guyana. The title of the hardcover book is simply, Guyana by Alexis Rockman. The artist executed the pieces during a six-week trip with friends in 1994, and the acknowledgements envelope all who participated in accommodating the project. But what the paintings capture is truly inspiring, and rooted in the armoury of the inspiration that went before. An extract from William Beebe’s Jungle Peace (1920) is an early welcoming piece to this book. The paintings in this book escort us into the realms of the forested lands and creeks, capturing realms of Guyana we take for granted. These smaller worlds remain with their original inhabitants, from whom we have taken land to build our townships and villages. But its hunters and predators were here before, and still are,...
Austrália, News, Inglês
2025-01-19 04:58:11
Experts say Wendy’s will be pushing it uphill as the US brand tries to crack the Australian fast-food market. RPT


Botswana, The Voice, Inglês
2025-01-19 06:51:31
A young man accused of letting his sexual desires get the better of him has been locked up for failing to keep his pants zipped up. On the evening of 2 January, 27-year-old Baboloki Kaloe is alleged to have hidden in the bush, lying in wait and then pouncing on his unsuspecting victim, 33, as she walked home from the bar. He then dragged the startled lady into the bush where he reportedly raped her before fleeing into the dark night. The incident occurred at Sekao ward in Zorogo village, some 50km west of Nata. Kaloe was arrested the next day, with the boys in blue able to track him down based on the description they received from the complainant. Appearing before Francistown Magistrates Court on Tuesday, clad in trendy jeans, a fashionable green coat and sporting a fresh festive hairstyle, the suspected rapist looked lost in thought as he...
Angola, Expansão, Português
2025-01-19 06:48:32
Candidatos a concorrer por uma vaga na Universidade Agostinho Neto, na Cidade Universitário, sita no Camama. Foto: César Magalhães A despesa com o ensino superior por função registou um aumento no Orçamento Geral do Estado (OGE), de 309.471 milhões em 2024 para 406.407 milhões previstos para 2025, o que representa um crescimento de 31%, de acordo com os cálculos do Expansão com base no OGE do ano em curso. As pós-graduações continuam a ser a aposta do Governo, com um aumento de 54% comparativamente aos 30% para a graduação. As despesas com o ensino superior é uma verba que o governo disponibiliza às instituições de ensino superior e aos ministérios, por exemplo, para programas relacionados com o ensino superior. Nesta perspectiva, nos últimos cinco anos, a despesa com o ensino superior tem registado aumentos, tal como se verifica no OGE deste ano (ver gráfico). De acordo com o relatório de...
Angola, Folha 8, Português
2025-01-19 06:46:18
Comparar Adalberto da Costa Júnior a Venâncio Mondlane é como comparar uma minhoca a uma jibóia. Para o presidente (líder é outra coisa) da UNITA, em termos práticos, o Povo é residual e instrumental. Já para o líder moçambicano, o Povo é quem manda e instrumentais são os políticos. Por Orlando Castro Sem tirar nem pôr, optamos hoje por reproduzir os artigos “Aceitar é um crime contra o Povo”, aqui publicado em 13 de Setembro de 2022, e “Olhe que não! Olhe que não!, Presidente Adalberto” publicado em 9 de Junho de 2024. “ACEITAR É UM CRIME CONTRA O POVO” O activista Luaty Beirão avisou hoje todos os deputados eleitos nas eleições de 24 de Agosto em Angola que aceitarem os seus mandatos “é serem cúmplices de um crime contra o povo angolano”. A mensagem, “Caros candidatos de todos os partidos, aceitarem os mandatos é serem cúmplices de um crime...
Camarões,, Francês - [original-title]
2025-01-19 04:41:25
CAMEROUN :: Les chefs traditionnels du Nord-Ouest condamnent le titre attribué à Samuel Eto’o :: CAMEROON Les chefs traditionnels du Nord-Ouest ont vivement condamné l’attribution d’un titre traditionnel à Samuel Eto’o, ancienne star du football et actuel président de la Fédération Camerounaise de Football (FECAFOOT). Cette polémique fait suite à une cérémonie organisée à Douala le 17 janvier, au cours de laquelle Eto’o aurait été intronisé sous le titre de Fon of Fons ou Ntumfor, en utilisant des objets et attributs traditionnels propres à la culture du Nord-Ouest.   Une profanation culturelle dénoncée  Dans une déclaration officielle, les Fons du Nord-Ouest résidant dans la région du Littoral ont exprimé leur « plus ferme condamnation » face à cette cérémonie. Ils ont qualifié l’utilisation des objets et attributs traditionnels de leur région de « profanation », soulignant que ces insignes sont exclusivement réservés aux Fons intronisés du Nord-Ouest.   Les chefs...


Tunísia, Alchourouk, Árabe - مع الشروق : الوثائق والبيروقراطية القاتلة
2025-01-19 04:03:35
بمناسبة الحملة الوطنية لاستخراج بطاقة التعريف الوطنية في المعاهد الثانوية لتلاميذ السنة الرابعة والثالثة ثانوي، والتي أتت تحت شعار “تعزيز روح المواطنة”، وجب الحديث عن كثرة الوثائق وعن التعطيلات التي يعيشها الراغب في الحصول على هذه الوثيقة الإدارية، فضلا عن الصّدمة “الحضارية” التي قد يتعرّض لها التلميذ في هذا المستوى، … التفاصيل تقرؤونها في النسخة الورقية للشروق – تاريخ النشر : 2025/01/19
Tunísia, La Presse, Francês - Tunisie - 7 grands projets d'infrastructure relancés : le gouvernement passe à l’action
2025-01-19 04:01:43
Tunisie – 7 grands projets d’infrastructure relancés : le gouvernement passe à l’action | La Presse de Tunisie error: Content is protected !!
Ásia, Deutsche Welle, Inglês
2025-01-19 02:13:55
South Korea’s impeached president Yoon Suk Yeol attended a court in Seoul on Saturday to oppose the extension of his arrest over his decision to impose martial law. He was brought from a detention center in Uiwang, near Seoul, in a blue Justice Ministry van and was escorted by the police and presidential security service. Hundreds of people supporting Yoon gathered outside the court amid heavy police security, shouting slogans calling for his release. Supporters of the impeached president gathered outside the court where he is attending a hearingImage: Anthony Wallace/AFP Yoon cooperates ‘to restore honor’ On Wednesday, Yoon became the country’s first sitting president to be arrested in a criminal probe. Yoon had refused to cooperate during the investigations. But on Saturday, his lawyers said the impeached president accepted his legal counsel’s advice and decided to appear personally before the judge. He plans to argue that his declaration of martial law...
Filipinas, Asian Journal, Inglês
2025-01-19 02:10:49
Under President Joe Biden, enrollment in Medicaid hit a record high and the uninsured rate reached a record low. Donald Trump’s return to the White House — along with a GOP-controlled Senate and House of Representatives — is expected to change that. Republicans in Washington say they plan to use funding cuts and regulatory changes to dramatically shrink Medicaid, the nearly $900-billion-a-year government health insurance program that, along with the related Children’s Health Insurance Program, serves about 79 million mostly low-income or disabled Americans. The proposals include rolling back the Affordable Care Act’s expansion of Medicaid, which over the last 11 years added about 20 million low-income adults to its rolls. Trump has said he wants to drastically cut government spending, which may be necessary for Republicans to extend 2017 tax cuts that expire at the end of this year. Trump made little mention of Medicaid during the 2024 campaign. The...


Austrália, News, Inglês
2025-01-19 04:58:11
Experts say Wendy’s will be pushing it uphill as the US brand tries to crack the Australian fast-food market. RPT
Tuvalu, The Fiji Times, Inglês
2025-01-19 03:34:27
Director of Public Prosecutions, Christopher Pryde has confirmed he is now facing a fresh set of allegations that is going to delay his return to work. He was scheduled to resume his duties from Monday. “Late on Friday 17th January 2025, I received a letter from the Hon. Chief Justice requesting me to respond to a further series of allegations of misbehaviour allegedly committed by me as DPP,” said Mr Pryde in a statement today. “These allegations have been made by Nancy Tikoisuva after she says she reviewed my personal file when it had been returned to the ODPP after the conclusion of the Tribunal hearing.” “She has specifically requested that the Honourable Chief Justice suspend me and set up another Tribunal to hear the fresh allegations she has made against me.” Mr Pryde adds he rejects these new allegations. “The allegations are numerous and detailed and will require time...
Ilhas Cook, Cook Island News, Inglês
2025-01-19 03:27:35
Matavera’s Renall Vogel has been appointed Apii Rutaki’s new principal. MELINA ETCHES/25011601 Apii Rutaki is entering a new chapter with the appointment of Renall Vogel, from Matavera, as its new principal. With a passion for education and a deep appreciation for Māori culture, Vogel is eager to lead the school, which is dedicated to the promotion of the Māori language. Vogel has a certificate and a diploma in teaching from the Ministry of Education and is continuing his studies at University of the South Pacific (USP). He is also nearing completion of the Bachelor of Arts in Performing Arts at Te Vānanga Are Tapere o Takitumu (Takitumu Performing Arts School) that was established to help revitalise language, arts, culture and heritage of the Cook Islands. For the past three years, he has been training as a teacher at Te Uki Ou, Nikao, Avarua and Takitumu schools. Vogel said he...
Ilhas Salomão, Solomon Star News, Inglês
2025-01-19 03:21:56
THE Member of Parliament (MP) for Marovo, Chachabule Amoi has urged the Geruana landowners in Vagunu, Marovo, Western Province to determine the true ownership of the disputed land.  This call follows accusations by the Geruana landowners that MP Amoi used his political influence to push for the suspension of Sunway (SI) Ltd’ logging license on two occasions. The first suspension was issued by the Commissioner of Forests, Reeves Moveni on 24 May 2024.  However, the suspension was revoked on 26 June 2024 by the Minister of Forestry and Research, Makario Tagini after an appeal from Sunway’s lawyer. The land in question is PN 143-001-24, known as Geruana Registered Block C, situated in Vagunu, Marovo Lagoon.  Minister Tagini cited alleged breaches of the Forestry and Timber Utilisation Act (FRTU) and its 2005 regulations by Sunway (SI) Ltd.  But he added that the key issues of contention were before the High Court...

América Central

São Cristovão e Nevis, The St Kitts Nevis Observer, Inglês
2025-01-19 06:36:41
Photo: Rawpixels. Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel greets Anthony Blinken, the US Secretary of State who seems to have been ineffectual in achieving a ceasefire over months of negotiations. – Advertisement – Israel’s Cabinet has approved a ceasefire deal for Gaza and a hostage release agreement, with 24 ministers voting for it and eight against. The plan will begin on Sunday. The ceasefire agreement, mediated by the U.S., Qatar, and Egypt, follows over a year of negotiations. President Biden endorsed the deal in May, but it took a further 7 months to bring the deal to fruition. Wednesday. The Israeli Cabinet finalized its approval early Saturday. Starting Monday, the incoming Trump administration will oversee its implementation. The deal has three six-week phases, with details of phases two and three still under discussion. Phase one includes withdrawing Israeli forces from crowded areas in Gaza, increasing aid to the region, and releasing...
Santa Lucia, StLucia Star, Inglês - [original-title]
2025-01-19 06:33:47
In the name of we the people, as far back as the late 70s when John Compton was monarch of all he surveyed, I had to small avail demanded “transparency and accountability” in all matters related to governance. I took the cri de guerre with me in 1997 when I openly campaigned with Kenny Anthony’s Saint Lucia Labour Party for the removal of Compton’s surrogate prime minister Vaughan Lewis. I continued to demand as an SLP senator public transparency and accountability following the SLP’s unprecedented 16-1 election victory—and for that was given the boot, along with two other senators who had dared to echo my demands in relation to the unforgettable Helen Air debacle. On September 15, 2009 3 perished in the St. Jude Hospital fire. 15 years on and many million dollars later, the constituents of the South are no closer to a permanent home for the Hospital. Of...
Jamaica, Jamaica Gleaner, Inglês
2025-01-19 06:32:25
A 41-year-old Jamaican man convicted of raping a sleeping woman has successfully avoided deportation from the United Kingdom after arguing that his bisexuality would put him at risk of harm in Jamaica and that he had been beaten by members of the One Order gang. The man – who cannot be identified due to an anonymity order by the court and was referred to only as AA – was sentenced to seven years in prison in 2018 for forcing himself on a woman after a drinking and cannabis session at a party. He was released in June 2021 after serving half of his sentence and handed a deportation order. The Home Office sought to remove AA from the United Kingdom following his release, arguing that he remained “a danger to the community” and should be sent back to Jamaica. It turned down his request for asylum on June 28, 2021....
Ilhas Virgens, Stjohn Trade Winds, Inglês
2025-01-19 06:29:46
Check out our weekly weather forecast with Jesse Daley, covering Sunday, Jan. 19, through Saturday, Jan. 25. Our YouTube playlist is updated every week, AND check out Jesse’s daily weather updates here. Previous articleUVI in the Spotlight: V.I. Teachers Speak Out About School Violence

América do Norte

Usa, The New York Times, Inglês
2025-01-19 06:38:28
Privacy can be hard to come by in India. Life is a communal swirl of relatives, neighbors and friends. Cities are crowded, and prying eyes are everywhere. Enter Oyo, a popular hotel-booking platform. The company, backed by big names in venture capital, built a hip reputation as a gateway to “love hotels” for unmarried couples. Inside its budget rooms, young lovers who might otherwise be left to steal furtive kisses in the nooks and crannies of public parks or shopping malls could exert their passions behind closed doors. Now, Oyo is stepping back from its image as a refuge for hookups. This month, it revised its policy guidelines to give some partner hotels the discretion to deny rooms to young couples unless they provide proof of marriage. So far, the change applies only to Meerut, a midsize city northeast of New Delhi. The company said the new policy was a...
Canadá, Ottawa Citizen, Inglês
2025-01-19 05:15:39
Article content MONTREAL — A man in his 60s has died after striking a tree with a snowmobile in the Outaouais region. Sûreté du Québec said they received a call about a collision on a snowmobile trail around 10:30 a.m. on Saturday in Low, about 40 kilometres northwest of Gatineau. SQ spokesperson Sgt. Laurie Avoine said the snowmobiler deviated from the trail for unknown reasons before crashing into the tree. Avoine said the man was alone on the snowmobile at the time and was thrown off the vehicle after the impact. He was taken to hospital, where he was declared dead. The investigation was ongoing. Share this article in your social network Ottawa Citizen
México, El Pais, Espanhol
2025-01-19 02:29:23
Hubo un día, apenas iniciada la temporada, allá por la jornada 5, que el Valencia Basket pisó el acelerador a fondo y no volvió a levantar el pie. El equipo de Pedro Martínez, el único técnico que ha hecho campeón de Liga al Valencia, de vuelta el pasado verano, impone un ritmo anotador tan salvaje que casi todos los partidos acaba cerca de los 100 puntos. Todas las manos de este equipo son una amenaza. Todos pueden anotar y todos anotan. Los rivales, tanto de la ACB como de la Eurocup, acaban llenos de picotazos de los innumerables tiradores taronja. Casi todos acaban doblando la rodilla, pero no este Unicaja, seis victorias seguidas ya, y menos en el Carpena, donde resistió muchos minutos por detrás en el marcador para acabar logrando una victoria que le permite terminar la primera vuelta como líder. El Valencia Basket siguió con su baloncesto allegro...
México, AF Medios, Espanhol
2025-01-19 02:27:36
San Luis Acatlán, Guerrero, a 18 de enero de 2025.- La Presidenta, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, encabezó el arranque del Programa Nacional de Fertilizantes para el Bienestar en San Luis Acatlán, Guerrero, donde aseguró que este apoyo es un derecho constitucional de las y los campesinos de México. Por ello, en 2025, se entregarán a nivel nacional 1 millón de toneladas (t) de fertilizantes a 2 millones 62 mil 239 campesinos en atención a 3 millones 346 mil hectáreas (ha). Mientras que, en Guerrero, se otorgarán 154 mil 696 t a 326 mil 914 campesinos para más de medio millón de hectáreas. “El Programa de Fertilizantes Gratuitos ya no es solo un programa que depende de la Presidenta, ya es un derecho de las y los campesinos, está en la Constitución de la República que a todos los pequeños productores hay que darles fertilizantes gratuitos”, aseveró. Explicó que este apoyo tiene...

América do Sul

Suriname, Waterkant, Holandês
2025-01-19 05:12:15
De politie in Suriname heeft zaterdagavond een arrestant aangehouden, die in september vorig jaar uit het cellenhuis van politiebureau Centrum wist te ontvluchten. Het gaat om de 42-jarige Oswald C. die op vrijdag 27 september 2024, tussen 00.00 uur en 06.00 uur ontsnapte. C. zat in arrest vanwege zijn betrokkenheid bij diefstal met geweld. Hij wist samen met twee andere mannen tralies van hun cel door te zagen. De ontsnapte arrestant is zaterdagavond na goed speurwerk door leden van het Regio Bijstand Team Paramaribo (RBTP)aangehouden. RPT
Suriname, Stabroeck News, Inglês - [original-title]
2025-01-19 05:10:47
Log into your account Log in for full access to You can also post comments, and manage your email subscription. Keep me logged in. (Uncheck if you are using a shared device). Lost your password? Login Only one active session is allowed per subscriber. You don’t have an account? Sign Up RPT
Ilhas Malvinas, Penguin News, Inglês
2025-01-19 05:05:23
“AN agonizing process” is how Falklands Islands resident Rob Burnett (42) and former Penguin News journalist describes the journey to his two-book deal with prestigious publishing house HarperCollins.HarperFiction has acquired Whiteout, a novel set around researcher Rachael stranded in the Antarctic during a nuclear strike on the UK.Rob has had a fascinating career in his lead up to writing Whiteout so Penguin News chatted to him about his work with tabloid newspaper Daily Mirror and as an editor for Formula 1.BackgroundRob came to the Falklands at the age of eight in 1991 with his mother and father Tony and Liz Burnett and his brother and sister. His family had lived in the islands previous to that in the 1970s at Port HowardRob attended the schools here and then Peter Symonds College before heading off to Leicester University to study English. He then returned to the islands and during those years...
Guiana, Guyana Times, Inglês - [original-title]
2025-01-19 05:02:38
Guyana’s economy grew by 43.6% in 2024 – Guyana Times The local economy enjoyed a growth in the overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 43.6 per cent in 2024, with the nonoil economy recording an increase of 13.1 per cent as a result of growth in the rice sectors, other crops, bauxite and other mining, quarrying and others.This was revealed by Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh during his presentation of the 2025 Budget in the National Assembly on Friday.The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government’s fiscal plan – its fifth since taking office in August 2020 – is themed: “A Secure, Prosperous and Sustainable Guyana.”Despite mixed trends in commodity prices globally, Dr Singh noted that Guyana navigated these challenges adeptly. On this point, he noted that the price of gold...


Holanda,, Holandês
2025-01-19 04:56:57
Na de exporeeks ‘Verstand van Smaak’ presenteert Sarge Meulman nu ‘Zaterdagacademie op reis’. Meulman is docent Modeltekenen en voor dit project werkt hij samen met samen met EHV loves you en het CKE. Van 15 t/m 29 januari zullen de leden van de Zaterdagacademie dagelijks van 10-14 uur werken en hun werk tentoonstellen in het station van Eindhoven. Stel je voor: terwijl je haastig door het station loopt, wordt je oog plotseling getrokken naar een indrukwekkend, groot abstract kunstwerk in zwart-wit. Het is een verrassend gezicht temidden van de drukte, dat je dwingt even stil te staan en te bewonderen.De cultuur komt je zintuigen tegemoet terwijl je uit de drukte stapt en zo de verbeelding binnenwandelt. Bij elke stap verder de ruimte in, ontdek je meer. Kunstenaars zijn hier aan het werk, hun creativiteit open en zichtbaar voor iedereen. Kleine, bijzondere werkjes hangen aan de muren, elk met een uniek...
Holanda,, Holandês
2025-01-19 04:53:37
Acteur Jesse Mensah: ‘Uiteindelijk is het toch allemaal nep. Daarom heet het ook spélen’ De Telegraaf
Chipre, Dialogos, Grego
2025-01-19 04:36:24
Δείτε τα καλύτερα στιγμιότυπα του αγώνα: Διαβάστε το στο : Νέα Σαλαμίνα – Ανόρθωση (Βίντεο)
Chipre, Kribus Gazetezi, Turco
2025-01-19 04:32:38
  Badmintonda U15 Milli Takımı belirlendi. Geçtiğimiz hafta yapılan U15 KKTC Milli Takım seçmeleri sonucunda Türkiye Şampiyonası’na katılacak kafile belirlendi. Federasyon Başkanı Fırat Deniz’in yaptığı basın açıklamasında Ankara’da başlayacak olan U15 Türkiye Şampiyonası’na katılacak olan Milli Takımımızda 13 sporcunun bulunduğunu ve Milli Takım Baş antrenörlüğünü Cafer Yöncü, yardımcı antrenörlüğünü de Serkan Bolkaner’in yürüteceğini belirtti. Cuma akşamı yapılan antrenmanı ve çalışmaları da yerinde takip eden Başkan Deniz, sporcularla birlikte antrenörler Cafer Yöncü ve Serkan Bolkaner’e başarılar diledi. 23 Ocak 2025 tarihinde adadan ayrılacak Milli Takım kafilemizin idareciliğini de Vasfiye Şahali yapacak
Áustria, Die Presse, Alemão
2025-01-19 03:08:29
Für das österreichische Abfahrtsteam ist der Samstag in Wengen ein schwarzer Tag gewesen. Zur sportlichen Enttäuschung verletzte sich mit Vincent Kriechmayr der derzeit einzige Podestläufer bei einem brutalen Abflug im Ziel-S des Lauberhornrennens. Der Oberösterreicher zog sich dabei eine starke Zerrung des Innenbandes im rechten Knie zu, ergab eine MRT-Untersuchung am späten Abend in der Privatklinik Hochrum. Angesichts der Befürchtung einer schwereren Knieverletzung war Kriechmayr erleichtert, dass die Diagnose nur eine Bänderzerrung ergab. „Im Grunde geht es mir gut und ich bin froh, dass es so ausgegangen ist. Zuerst dachte ich, die Verletzung sei schlimmer, weil ich das Bein kaum belasten konnte, von daher kann man definitiv von Glück im Unglück sprechen“, sagte der 33-Jährige. Auch der behandelnde Arzt Christian Hoser sprach von Glück im Unglück, Angaben über die Dauer der Pause machte er nicht. Kriechmayr „beginnt sofort mit therapeutischen Maßnahmen und eine Kontrolluntersuchung in den nächsten Tagen wird Aufschluss...
Dinamarca, , Dinamarquês
2025-01-19 03:07:01
Dramaet mellem USA, Danmark og Grønland har udviklet sig til en fuldtonet udenrigspolitisk krise. Og desværre har Danmark gjort sig sårbart over for angrebene fra den tiltrædende præsident Donald Trump på især ét punkt. Trump har udtalt, at han er optaget af »national sikkerhed« og af »at beskytte den frie verden«. Der er heller ikke nogen tvivl om, at Grønland er af vital militærstrategisk betydning for USA. Rusland har oprustet i stor skala omkring Arktis i de senere år og er meget aktivt i regionen, til dels i samarbejde med Kina. Som det amerikanske forsvarsministerium… RPT
Dinamarca, , Dinamarquês
2025-01-19 03:05:03
Intern splid mellem det amerikanske luftvåben og hæren har forsinket USA’s rumraketprojekt, som heller ikke har fået tilført særlig store midler. Derfor er russerne kommet først med deres kunstige måner, skrev Ingeniør- og Bygningsvæsen i 1957. RPT
Sérvia, Telegraf, Sérvio
2025-01-19 03:04:08
Stotinu mladih studenata i srednjoškolaca iz Srbije bilo je na desetodnevnom putovanju u Kini, gde su imali priliku da upoznaju kulturu i znamenitosti te daleke azijske zemlje. Putovanje je organizovala kineska kompanija “Mint grupa”, koja posluje i u našoj zemlji. To je drugo putovanje naših mladih u Kinu i predstavlja nastavak realizacije dogovora šefova država Kine i Srbije od maja prošle godine, kada je kineski predsednik Si Đinping posetio našu zemlju i najavio kulturnu razmenu mladih. Program je obuhvatio posetu gradovima Đijasing, Ningbo, Hangdžou, Huaijan i Šangaj, a naši srednjoškolci i studenti imali su priliku da vide muzeje, posete univerzitete, šetaju se živopisnim ulicama modernih kineskih gradova. Osim toga, učestvovali su u brojnim kreativnim radionicama i imali prilike da nauče više o kineskoj kaligrafiji, umetnosti sečenja papira, pravljenju figura od šećera, tradicionalnim veštinama slikanja i drugim aspektima kineske kulture. Takođe, videli su centralu kompanije “Mint” u Đijasingu, gotovo potpuno robotizovanu,...


Brasil, Brazil Journal, Português
2025-01-19 01:57:21
Com o quadro fiscal do Governo Lula mantendo os juros altos — e subindo — empresários e a Faria Lima esperam uma desaceleração da economia nos próximos meses. Para o BTG Pactual, os primeiros sinais deste slowdown podem estar no mercado de aço, que apresentou uma queda forte em dezembro. A partir de dados do Instituto Brasileiro do Aço (IABr), os analistas Leonardo Correa e Marcelo Arazi calculam que, apesar de ter subido 11% em 2024, a demanda aparente por aço recuou 7% em dezembro (em relação ao mesmo mês de 2023) e 16% se comparado ao mês imediatamente anterior. A demanda aparente, que é basicamente um termômetro do consumo doméstico, é a soma da produção local e da importação do produto, subtraindo-se o que foi exportado. O número de dezembro foi fortemente influenciado pela queda na importação do metal no mês. Em que pese o avanço de 18% no...
Mato Grosso, Correio de Mato Grosso
2025-01-19 01:16:03
Na tarde deste sábado, o Palmeiras enfrentou o Noroeste no estádio Alfredo de Castilho, em Bauru, e empatou por 1 a 1 em um duelo repleto de emoções, válido pela 2ª rodada do Campeonato Paulista. Os dois times somaram um ponto cada, resultado que impacta diretamente suas posições nas tabelas de classificação de seus respectivos grupos. Estreia de Facundo Torres O confronto foi especial para o Palmeiras, marcando a estreia do ponta uruguaio Facundo Torres, que foi titular e participou ativamente durante os minutos em que esteve em campo. O jovem atacante Thalys, considerado uma promessa das categorias de base do clube, também teve uma atuação brilhante ao marcar seu primeiro gol com a camisa do time alviverde no profissional. Primeiro tempo de intensa disputa O primeiro tempo foi movimentado, com ambas as equipes criando boas oportunidades. Aos dois minutos, o Noroeste iniciou a pressão com Thiago Lopes obrigando o...
Zâmbia, Daily Mail, Inglês
2025-01-18 19:43:08
Trainees also empowered with entrepreneurial, economic skills MATHEWS MALAZIKA Lusaka THE United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has trained 30,000 boys aged between 14 and 19 from Eastern, Southern and Western provinces in techniques on how to safely transition from childhood to adulthood. UNFPA country representative Seth Broekman said the boys have also been empowered with entrepreneurial and economic skills, key in the transformation of their lives. “The boys need to stay away from harmful substance abuse. That is the reason UNFPA took a bold step to train them in entrepreneurship and other important skills that can positively sustain their lives. These safe spaces are one way of creating dialogue with them so that they become responsible citizens,” Mr Broekman said. He said safe spaces for boys are important in order for them to discover potential and how they can contribute to national development. “Our goal through these mentorship programmes is...
Brasil, Brazil Journal, Português
2025-01-18 12:13:29
Foram quatro anos de investigações e repressão no Governo de Joe Biden. Com Donald Trump, entretanto, as criptomoedas estão prestes a serem designadas ‘prioridade nacional’ – e a Casa Branca que assume segunda-feira analisa inclusive a criação de uma reserva federal em Bitcoins. Um dos primeiros atos do novo Governo deve ser a publicação de uma ordem executiva dando prioridade ao desenvolvimento da indústria cripto, diz a Bloomberg. Trump deverá criar um conselho para tratar do tema, colocando na mesma mesa executivos do setor e funcionários das agências federais que hoje gastam mais tempo no encalço das exchanges do que trabalhando para a popularização das criptos. Nos anos Biden, a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) abriu mais de uma centena de investigações e processos contra empresas do setor. As empresas de cripto vinham criticando a insegurança jurídica e diziam que a falta de regras claras – como na questão da...
Mato Grosso, Correio de Mato Grosso
2025-01-18 11:51:48
Em uma partida eletrizante no Estádio Municipal Francisco Ribeiro Nogueira, o Grêmio garantiu sua vaga nas quartas de final da Copa São Paulo de Futebol Júnior ao derrotar o RB Bragantino nas penalidades por 5 a 4, após um empate emocionante de 2 a 2 no tempo regulamentar. Primeiro tempo movimentado O confronto começou com o Bragantino tomando a iniciativa. Aos 16 minutos, Filipinho inaugurou o marcador com um chute que encontrou o travessão antes de entrar, mesmo com Raoni completando no rebote. Apesar do primeiro golpe, o Grêmio encontrou fôlego para reagir. Aos 41 minutos, Smiley cruzou da direita e João Lima, de cabeça, igualou o placar, provocando celebração entre os torcedores tricolores. Momentos finais da primeira etapa continuaram dinâmicos, com o Bragantino levando perigo em cobrança de escanteio, prontamente afastada por Ygor, enquanto Smiley do Grêmio fazia nova tentativa de ataque. Segunda etapa e a reviravolta Com o...
Zâmbia, Daily Mail, Inglês
2025-01-18 07:24:38
Diageo Country Representative,  Lilami Lilami, and Shoprite Lewanika Branch Manager, Queen  Njobvu during the second draw of the Johnnie Walker Win a Car competition on December 31, 2024. During the draw, Mr Nerves Mumba emerged as winner of the second car in the competition. Source link
Brasil, Brazil Journal, Português
2025-01-18 00:50:35
A indústria de fundos imobiliários e Fiagros levantou com o pé esquerdo da cama depois que o Governo vetou um dos dispositivos da regulamentação da Reforma Tributária que mantinha a isenção de impostos do setor.  Com o veto, os FIIs e Fiagros terão que pagar o IBS e CBS sobre toda a receita de locação que tiverem — gerando um impacto em suas receitas e um descasamento nos financiamentos já tomados. O recolhimento será feito a uma alíquota reduzida em 70%, o que significa que em tese os fundos terão que pagar um imposto de 8,4%, considerando que a alíquota do IBS e CBS seja de 28%, como o Ministério da Fazenda tem sinalizado.  A regra não deixa claro, no entanto, como seriam tratados os créditos tributários, o que poderia reduzir essa alíquota nominal.  O Ifix — o índice que mede a performance dos principais fundos imobiliários listados na B3...
Mato Grosso, Correio de Mato Grosso
2025-01-18 00:26:07
A Agência de Fomento do Estado – Desenvolve MT participou do Encontro Regional Empresarial, realizado nesta quinta-feira (16.1) no Auditório Amazônia, em Colíder. O evento, promovido pela prefeitura de Colíder, Câmara Municipal de Vereadores e a Associação Comercial e Empresarial do município (ACIC), reuniu mais de 90 empresários e convidados para tratar de assuntos relacionados à economia e ao empreendedorismo na região. A Desenvolve MT marcou presença para falar sobre como as linhas de crédito podem fomentar a economia do município e apoiar os pequenos negócios. A equipe da agência prestou atendimento aos empreendedores participantes do evento, e tirou dúvidas sobre o processo de solicitação de crédito. O prefeito de Colíder, Rodrigo Benassi, contou que tem objetivos com a parceria da agência de crédito para 2025. “A nossa prefeitura tem uma meta, queremos fomentar a economia local, e a Desenvolve MT é um dos meios que nós encontramos para isso....
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