Destaque / Énfasis / Emphasis / Accent / Hervorhebung

Chipre, Dialogos, Grego
2025-02-12 06:14:43
Φωτιά εκδηλώθηκε τα ξημερώματα της Τετάρτης σε αυτοκίνητο, ενώ ήταν σταθμευμένο σε χωράφι, παρά τη λεωφόρο Δημοκρατίας, στην Πάφο. Σύμφωνα με το Γραφείο του Κλάδου Επικοινωνίας του Αρχηγείου Αστυνομίας, το αυτοκίνητο, ιδιοκτησία άντρα 21 ετών, μεταφέρθηκε στο σημείο την Κυριακή 09/02, με ρυμουλκό, μετά από μηχανική βλάβη που είχε υποστεί. Ακολούθως σήμερα τα ξημερώματα γύρω στις 04:25 εκδηλώθηκε φωτιά στο όχημα. Μέλη της Πυροσβεστικής μετέβησαν στην σκηνή για την κατάσβεσή της. Τα αίτια της πυρκαγιάς διερευνώνται από το ΤΑΕ Πάφου.
Chipre, Kribus Gazetezi, Turco
2025-02-12 06:11:42
Serbest piyasada Amerikan Doları 36,05 TL, Euro 37,37 TL, İngiliz Sterlini ise 44,90 TL’den işlem görüyor. Saat 08.06 itibarıyla Amerikan Doları’nın alış fiyatı 36,04 TL, satış fiyatı 36,06 TL. Euro’nun alış fiyatı 37,36 TL, satış fiyatı 37,39 TL, İngiliz Sterlini ise 44,88 TL’den alınıp 44,92 TL’den satılıyor.
Uruguai, Última Hora, Espanhol
2025-02-12 06:06:21
El Gobierno electo dio a conocer a las autoridades que asumirán las principales direcciones de la educación pública a partir del 1.º de marzo. La presentación, que tuvo lugar en el polideportivo de Progreso, contó con la participación de destacados funcionarios que liderarán distintas áreas del sistema educativo. En la Dirección General de Educación Inicial y Primaria (DGEIP), la Maestra Gabriela Salsamendi fue designada como Directora General. Mientras que la Maestra Selva Pérez asumirá como Subdirectora. Salsamendi, actual directora del Departamento de Evaluación de Aprendizajes de la ANEP y con un magíster en Educación, Sociedad y Política, ha tenido un destacado recorrido en el ámbito educativo. Pérez, por su parte, es maestra, profesora de Música e inspectora, habiendo desempeñado roles clave en la DGEIP entre 2019 y 2023. En la Dirección General de Educación Secundaria (DGES), el Profesor Manuel Oroño, dirigente de la Federación Nacional de Profesores de Educación Secundaria...
Uruguai, El Observador, Espanhol
2025-02-12 06:01:57
Luana Persíncula, la exitosa cantante de música tropical uruguaya, subió por primera vez al escenario del Teatro de Verano Ramón Collazo. La artista debutó en el Concurso Oficial de Carnaval este lunes como una de las solistas de la comparsa Integración, pero al bajar hacia el pedregullo recibió un inusual regalo por parte de la periodista Fernanda “Peke” Sander. La comunicadora recibió a Luana en plena “bajadita” con una porción de ñoquis con tuco, la comida preferida de la cantante y una constante en sus redes sociales el 29 de cada mes. Sin embargo, el pasado 29 de enero la cantante se encontraba en Lima (Perú) junto a su pareja y jefe de cuerda de Integración, Jona Suárez Gularte, desde donde hizo un pedido a su comunidad de la red social X: “El 5 espérenme con ñoquis en la bajada, sería iconic“, escribió en referencia a la que se esperaba...
Paraguai, Popular, Espanhol
2025-02-12 05:59:40
Toda una polémica se generó por el regalo que hizo la ex-modelo y figura de TV, Lizzi Piñánez, a su “marinovio”, como le llama ella a su pareja, que se llama Fernando. A su vuelta de Colombia le regaló un cuchillo asador personalizado, con su nombre y la frase “Por ti me muero”. En el programa Kaos de GEN debatieron sobre el mensaje, si qué pa habrá pensado para meterle semejante frase a un cuchillo que le entregó a su pareja. Encima, le acopañaba una tablita de picar en la que estaba el nombre de ella. Lizzi posteó esta noche que le contaron que “se estaban divagando” sobre su persona. “Nada que ver lo que especularon. El regalo del cuchillo es un chiste interno que solo mi pareja y yo entendemos”, aclaró. Y les desafió a que, si les gusta, le inviten y que les va a explicar el chiste....
Equador, El Mercurio, Espanhol
2025-02-12 05:57:41
Alexis Rodríguez durante partido con el Delfín. Deportivo Cuenca anunció este martes 11 de febrero del 2025 la contratación del delantero argentino Alexis Rodríguez por una temporada con opción a compra. El jugador de 28 años arribará a la ciudad entre hoy o este miércoles 12 de febrero para integrarse al resto de plantel. La directiva tiene como objetivo que Alexis tenga esta semana para que se pueda adaptar al equipo previo al inicio de la LigaPro que arrancará este viernes 14 de febrero. Aelxis tendrá su segunda experiencia en el fútbol ecuatoriano, ya que, en el 2023 se convirtió en nuevo jugador de Delfín. En su paso por el equipo mantense disputó 30 partidos y en 25 fue de titular. Con los cetáceos anotó cinco veces. Rodríguez llega al Cuenca proveniente del Ararat de Armenia, quien marcó cuatro goles en 15 partidos jugados. Fichajes de Deportivo Cuenca Deportivo Cuenca...
Colômbia, El Tiempo, Espanhol - Las pruebas irrefutables en la culpabilidad de Andrés Ricci por feminicidio de Luz Mery Tristán
2025-02-12 05:56:37
Los fuertes gritos y disparos alertaron a los vecinos sobre una tragedia en la lujosa casa número 6 de un conjunto residencial, ubicado en El Mameyal, una zona exclusiva del oeste de Cali. Era aquella noche del 4 de agosto de 2023.  Este es Andrés Gustavo Ricci, señalado asesino de la deportista colombiana Luz Mery Tristán. Foto:Fiscalía Luz Mery Tristán se habría comunicado con una persona, informando que su pareja, Andrés Gustavo Ricci García, con quien se iba a casar el 16 de octubre de ese entonces y quien había dado señales de constantes abusos y maltratos durante seis años de noviazgo, estaba enloquecido y ella temía no solo por su vida, sino porque pensó que el empresario importador de llantas en una firma peruana habría podido enfrentarse armado a las autoridades. Ese viernes, la Policía y miembros del Cuerpo Técnico de Investigación (CTI), de la Fiscalía, trataban de entrar...


Camarões,, Francês - [original-title]
2025-02-12 06:19:05
CAMEROUN :: Vaincre la politique de l’inimitié pour remporter les présidentielles de 2025 :: CAMEROON Dans son ouvrage intitulé « Politique de l’inimitié », Achille Mbembe analyse la politique contemporaine orientée vers la globalisation de la relation d’inimitié, la militarisation des conflits et la multiplication des frontières. Ces frontières sont des clivages. La politique est devenue trop clivante. Il s’agit du populisme qui se manifeste principalement par l’accentuation des antagonismes sociaux et la catégorisation hégémonique. La volonté d’écraser les autres et non la volonté de rassembler. Le discours politique se limite de nos jours à donner de bons points à NOUS et de mauvais points à EUX. C’est le NOUS contre le EUX. Le EUX représente une menace pour le NOUS. La politique contemporaine consiste à vouloir neutraliser le EUX. Le postulat est que la communauté du NOUS sera en paix et en harmonie après l’exclusion du EUX. Or, c’est...
Senegal, Walf, Francês
2025-02-12 05:39:48
L’ancien Premier Ministre Amadou Ba est sorti de sa réserve pour exprimer sa vive inquiétude face à la recrudescence des accidents de la route au Sénégal. Dans une déclaration rendue publique, il « déplore le silence des autorités face à ces tragédies à répétition » et appelle à « une action urgente pour renforcer la sécurité routière dans le pays ». Face à cette série noire, Amadou Ba a tenu à exprimer sa solidarité avec les familles éprouvées et à souhaiter un prompt rétablissement aux blessés. « Depuis le début du mois de février, plusieurs accidents de la route ont endeuillé le Sénégal, coûtant la vie à de nombreux compatriotes et blessant plusieurs autres. En ces moments de douleur, j’adresse mes sincères condoléances aux familles éprouvées et souhaite un prompt rétablissement aux blessés », a-t-il déclaré. Le silence des autorités pointé du doigt L’ancien Premier Ministre n’a pas mâché ses mots pour dénoncer le silence des...
Senegal, Rewmi, Francês
2025-02-12 05:38:22
La volonté de Fadilou Keita de restructurer la CDC semble cacher une volonté de se débarrasser de recrues des ex DG de la boite, Cheikh issa Sall et Cheikh Tidiane Ba selon des écrits de l’inspecteur du Travail, Daouda Seck. Interrogé sur la question, ce dernier estime qu’en cas de licenciements économiques, l’employeur n’a pas le droit de faire le tri comme bon lui semble, mais il doit respecter les règles édictées par la loi. La volonté de Fadilou Keita de restructurer la CDC, selon des sources concordantes, semble cacher une volonté de se débarrasser de recrues des ex DG de la boite, Cheikh issa Sall et Cheikh Tidiane Ba. Interrogé sur la question, l’inspecteur du Travail Daouda Seck estime qu’en cas de licenciements économiques, l’employeur n’a pas le droit de faire le tri comme bon lui semble, mais il doit respecter les règles édictées par la loi. Dans le...
Senegal, Le Quotidien, Francês
2025-02-12 05:35:37
La présidente de la Cour pénale internationale (Cpi) a réagi à la décision de Donald Trump d’imposer des sanctions à cette juridiction internationale. La juge Tomoko Akane a regretté «la publication par les Etats-Unis d’un décret exécutif visant à imposer des sanctions aux fonctionnaires de la Cour pénale internationale, à porter atteinte à l’indépendance et à l’impartialité de la Cour, et à priver de justice et d’espoir des millions de victimes innocentes d’atrocités». Elle a par la même occasion appelé «tous ceux qui partagent les valeurs inscrites dans le Statut à s’unir pour défendre la Cour : nos 125 Etats parties, la société civile et toutes les nations du monde». Dans un communiqué publié hier, Tomoko Akane rappelle que la Cpi «est un organe judiciaire qui exerce des fonctions qui correspondent aux intérêts de la Communauté internationale en appliquant et en promouvant les règles universellement reconnues du droit international, notamment...


Tunísia, Alchourouk, Árabe - سعيد يجتمع برؤساء وسائل الاعلام الوطنية
2025-02-12 05:43:44
سعيد يجتمع برؤساء وسائل الاعلام الوطنية tahar_alchourouk mer 12/02/2025 – 01:29
Tunísia, La Presse, Francês - Billet: JAMC, plus de respect s’il vous plaît !
2025-02-12 05:42:14
Billet: JAMC, plus de respect s’il vous plaît ! | La Presse de Tunisie error: Content is protected !!
Ásia, Deutsche Welle, Inglês
2025-02-12 04:02:18
Police in Bangladesh have arrested more than 1,500 people since Saturday amid reports of mob violence across the country and a security crackdown.  The arrests came six months after Bangladesh’s embattled ex-Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was toppled in a student-led revolution. The police action was part of Operation Devil Hunt, a joint initiative by army troops and police to target groups behind a series of violent incidents that have taken place in recent months, committed both by groups connected to the ousted premier and groups which opposed her. On Monday, police took publisher Shatabdi Bhaba into protective custody after dozens of furious Islamist students surrounded his stall at the Amar Ekushey Book Fair in the capital, Dhaka, which was selling works by exiled feminist author Taslima Nasrin. “They had been campaigning to vandalize the book stall,” said Sanjana Mehran, who alongside  Bhaba co-founded Sabyasachi Publishers, according to AFP news agency. Interim leader...
Filipinas, Asian Journal, Inglês
2025-02-12 04:01:03
Share Post Viber icon Viber Email BACOLOD CITY – The Bacolod Golf Club is on the brink of making history as the firstsenior team to win the PAL Interclub title while competing in the Founders Division.As top teams across the country struggled, the host club seized the opportunity, building a10-point lead after an impressive 141-point performance at the Negros Occidental Golfand Country Club on Tuesday. This follows their solid 148-point showing at their homecourse on Monday, giving Bacolod 289 points. The competition in the championship flight remains tight, with Canlubang trailing at 279points, just three points ahead of Manila Southwoods. Cebu Country Club and Luisita aretied at 274, while Del Monte is close behind at 273. With Bacolod set to join the championship flight at its home course on Wednesday, anintense battle among the six clubs is expected. Aguinaldo and Cebu Country Club have both claimed the overall title while...


Austrália, News, Inglês
2025-02-12 06:25:21
An Australian socialite, who infamously was left by her fiance the night before their luxurious European wedding, has died, aged 70. RPT
Tuvalu, The Fiji Times, Inglês
2025-02-12 05:26:30
THE Commission of Inquiry has sought legal advice from a King’s Counsel (KC), a decision that will cost taxpayers $15,000. Senior Barrister and counsel to the Commission, Janet Mason, confirmed that the legal opinion would be provided by Professor Philip Joseph, a constitutional law expert from New Zealand. “He’s very learned and very experienced in these high-level constitutional matters,” Ms Mason said. “And his opinion is expected to be ready by Friday.” Ms Mason noted that the commission has yet to receive a response from the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) regarding FICAC Commissioner Barbara Malimali. However, they did receive a reply from the Attorney-General’s office, signed by the Solicitor-General, saying they did not wish to be involved in the matter. With the Attorney-General’s office declining participation, the commission has turned to the King’s Counsel, whose response is expected by Friday. “After which, we will report to the President about that.”...
Ilhas Cook, Cook Island News, Inglês
2025-02-12 05:20:33
Tupapa Panthers and Ngatangiia/Matavera Sea Eagles battled in round one of the Cook Islands Rugby League domestic 13s competition at Nukupure Park on Saturday. 25021013 The mostly-newbie team of Sea Eagles from Ngatangiia/Matavera remains optimistic about their next game despite losing to the Tupapa Panthers 28-12 in round one of the Cook Islands Rugby League’s (CIRL) domestic 13s competition. Held at Nukupure Park on Saturday, the men’s premiership clash saw the Panthers leading from the start. Daena Kataina, manager of the Sea Eagles, said this was just the beginning, and lessons were learned from it to improve for what is to come. “It was actually really good,” she said. “We had a lot of young players, we got three debuts, new team, so (Saturday’s) game is going to help us set the platform for the rest of the season especially taking it game by game but otherwise, despite the...
Ilhas Salomão, Solomon Star News, Inglês
2025-02-12 05:10:37
Five new Commissioners to the Solomon Islands Independent Commission Against Corruption (SIICAC) have been formally appointed and sworn-in by the Governor General His Excellency, David Tiva Kapu on Monday. SIICAC is now chaired by former Attorney General and senior lawyer, James Apaniai. The Deputy Chair is Ms. Florrie Alalo with three new commissioners including Mr. Jimmy Sendersley, Mr. Alfred Ghemu Kituru, and Ms. Michelle Lam. “On behalf of all SIICAC Staff and myself, we wish to congratulate the new Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, and 3 other Commissioners on their respective appointments and look forward to working closely with them as they discharge their duties and responsibilities in their new important roles as SIICAC Commissioners,” said Director General John Kouni.  Mr Kouni also thanked the Chairperson and all the members of the Nominating Committee, the Secretariat, OPMC, and the Government House for their work in ensuring strict compliance with required legal and...

América Central

Cuba, Cuba Si, Espanhol
2025-02-12 06:54:17
El níquel es un mineral de gran relevancia para la economía mundial utilizado en diversas industrias y Cuba es considerada la quinta reserva del orbe, afirmó hoy el director de Minería del Ministerio de Energía y Minas (Minem), Juan Ruiz. Durante su intervención en el programa televisivo Mesa Redonda, Ruiz explicó que el país posee depósitos lateríticos, ricos en hierro, y que también contienen litio y cobalto, ubicados principalmente en la zona oriental en las regiones de Moa, Nicaro, Mayarí y en la provincia de Camagüey. Ruiz esclareció que aunque se estima que el níquel podría acabarse en 17 años, la nación caribeña posee recursos no explotados que podrían prolongar su disponibilidad por más de un siglo. Al referirse al proceso industrial, el directivo explicó que se desarrolla de forma sostenible, contribuyendo a la economía, respetuoso con el medio ambiente y con responsabilidad social. Cuba posee un conjunto de legislaciones...
Cuba, Artemisa Diario, Espanhol
2025-02-12 06:53:14
Más de 40 años con cofia y vestida de blanco en el Hospital José Ramón Martínez Álvarez no le alimentan las ansias por las entrevistas y el protagonismo. A Sara Acosta López se le ve pausada, siempre diligente y un tanto reacia a cámaras y grabadoras. Lleva casi toda la vida entre los niños, tanto que confiesa su obsesión por la neonatología. “Me hice enfermera pediatra en el William Soler. El país necesitaba esta profesión y abrieron la matrícula cuando cursaba el noveno grado. Hice las pruebas de aptitud y comencé a estudiar allí”. Sara fue la primera “seño” graduada en incorporarse a este centro asistencial; las que trabajaban eran auxiliares y se fueron para el curso de convertidoras. En ese momento se quedó al frente de la Sala de Respiratorio, con solo 16 años. De aquel reto conserva muchas enseñanzas, asegura. “Tenía el conocimiento teórico; sin embargo, la práctica...
Barbados, Nation News, Inglês
2025-02-12 06:52:10
The man who stabbed a store assistant in her mouth with a knife on Monday is in police custody. Reports indicate that after launching the unprovoked and vicious attack on the 25 year-old woman, which was captured on video and circulated on social media, the man went to his Husbands, St James neighbourhood, where he also stabbed a male neighbour. He was subdued and held by neighbours until the police arrived. Residents told the DAILY NATION that the man had a history of mental illness and was in and out of the Psychiatric Hospital and prison. Both the store assistant and the neighbour are said to be hospitalized at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in critical condition. In the video, the man was seen walking into the J.E General Store at Black Rock, St Michael. The store assistant was standing behind the counter, apparently showing him items. When he was eventually handed...
Barbados, Barbados Today, Inglês
2025-02-12 06:50:09
171 The Barbados Fire Service and Emergency Service Complex at The Pine, St. Michael, is expected to be completed in April 2025. The initial cost of the project was $30 million; however, due to supply chain disruptions and structural modifications to improve storm resilience, the cost has risen by $3.5 million. Minister of Home Affairs Wilfred Abrahams toured the facility on Tuesday with contractors and fire officials and expressed satisfaction with the progress of the construction. (SB)

América do Norte

Canadá, Ottawa Citizen, Inglês
2025-02-12 06:36:04
Breadcrumb Trail Links Ottawa Senators Sports Hockey NHL Senators Extra ‘There’s not much to be said, right? It’s about letting your actions do the talking,’ Jordan Binnington says. Published Feb 11, 2025  •  4 minute read You can save this article by registering for free here. Or sign-in if you have an account. Canada goaltenders Adin Hill and Jordan Binnington (50) prepare for the team photo prior to a 4 Nations Face-Off practice in Montreal on Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025. Photo by Christinne Muschi /The Canadian Press Article content MONTREAL — Jordan Binnington has been chosen as the flag bearer for Team Canada in the 4 Nations Face-Off. Article content Article content As Team Canada prepared to hit the ice for its final skate in preparation for the tournament opener against Team Sweden on Wednesday night at the Bell Centre, coach Jon Cooper took the St. Louis Blues’ top goaltender...
México, El Pais, Espanhol
2025-02-12 04:21:04
Directo Ousmane Dembélé pasó el rodillo por el campo del estadio de Roudourou y pavimentó la eliminatoria del Paris Saint-Germain hacia los octavos de final. El delantero francés, la gran apuesta de Luis Enrique para reemplazar a Mbappé y abanderar su empresa, metió dos goles al Stade Brestois, redondeó el 0-3, y alimentó la llama de su esplendoroso estado de forma. Desde el 15 de diciembre Dembélé suma 18 goles en siete partidos, tres de Champions y dos en la Ligue 1. Un promedio de dos goles cada 90 minutos. Pura ebullición después de un comienzo de temporada decepcionante y conflictivo que ahora da paso a un periodo de felicidad en París. 0 Bizot, Brendan Chardonnet, Soumaula Coulibaly, Lala, Haidara, Mahdi Camara (Mathias Pereira Lage, min. 82), Hugo Magnetti (Edimilson Fernandes, min. 63), Romain Faivre (Kamory Doumbia, min. 72), Pierre Lees-Melou (Ibrahim Salah, min. 82), Ludovic Ajorque y Abdallah Sima...
México, AF Medios, Espanhol
2025-02-12 04:19:28
Colima.- Este martes, como parte de una gira de trabajo, el rector de la Universidad de Colima, Christian Jorge Torres Ortiz Zermeño, visitó diversas facultades y dependencias donde recientemente se renovaron directivos. En esta ocasión, acudió al Instituto Universitario de Bellas Artes (IUBA), las facultades de Enfermería y Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, así como a la Dirección General para el Desarrollo Integral y la Dirección General de Administración Escolar. Durante su recorrido, el rector destacó que la principal prioridad para los próximos cuatro años será fortalecer la vida académica de los estudiantes. “Es fundamental proteger, fortalecer y cuidar la vida académica de la Universidad. Ahora el escenario es diferente, con condiciones más favorables y alentadoras que hace cuatro años, cuando inicié mi primer período rectoral. Esto nos permitirá enfocarnos con especial atención en la vida académica y en las funciones sustantivas de la institución”, señaló. Asimismo, subrayó que el estudiantado...
Usa, The New York Times, Inglês
2025-02-11 18:21:44
Demi Moore is the star of one of the goriest, most audacious films ever nominated for an Oscar, the feminist body-horror satire “The Substance.” Onscreen, Moore, 62, dissolves and mutates in often grisly ways — nude, and in extreme close-up. And she could not be more self-actualized about it. The role required “wrestling with the flashes of my own insecurity and ego,” Moore explained. “I was being asked to share those things that I don’t necessarily want people to see.” She was speaking in a video interview last week, dressed in casual black and big glasses, twisting and tucking her legs under her, on her office couch, with every thought. Filming through that discomfort was a “gift — silver lining, blessing, whatever you want to call it,” she continued. “Once you put it all out there, what else is there? There’s nothing to hide. Being able to let go was...

América do Sul

Suriname, Waterkant, Holandês
2025-02-12 06:34:54
Volgens VHP-ondervoorzitter Asiskumar Gajadien neemt NDP-voorzitter Jenny Simons de Surinaamse samenleving in de maling. Simons beweerde vorige week dat de voormalige regering Bouterse-Adhin slechts 2,3 miljard USD aan schulden heeft overgedragen aan de regering Santokhi-Brunswijk en dat het bedrag van 4 miljard USD een leugen is. Tijdens een Ondro Oso Meeting van de Vooruitstrevende Hervormingspartij (VHP) aan de Cassialaan, stelde Gajadien echter dat Simons enkel het bedrag heeft genoemd dat bij het Bureau voor de Staatsschuld was geregistreerd. “Men vertelt niet over de niet-geregistreerde schulden van onder andere Staatsolie (1,2 miljard USD), EBS en SWM (bijna 500 miljoen USD). Dit wordt verzwegen om de samenleving te misleiden,” aldus Gajadien, die tevens voorzitter is van de vaste parlementaire commissie Financiën & Planning in De Nationale Assemblee (DNA). Gajadien benadrukte dat de Nationale Democratische Partij (NDP) kampioen is in misleiding, waardoor zij op verschillende momenten veel zetels heeft gewonnen. “Elke keer dat...
Suriname, Stabroeck News, Inglês - [original-title]
2025-02-12 06:33:38
Far from completed: This aerial photograph of the project area for the $688M contract at Good Hope controversially awarded to Tepui Inc by CH&PA shows that work is far from completed (Ganesh Mahipaul photo) – Mahipaul urges CH&PA to publicise terms Opposition Parliamentarian Ganesh Mahipaul yesterday called on the Ministry of Housing and Water’s Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) to make public the terms of the $688 million contract awarded last year March to controversial company Tepui Inc – for which Mikhail ‘Guyanese Critic’ Rodrigues is a principal. Mahipaul said that he has learned from sources that Tepui was given $120 million for mobilisation on the project which is for infrastructural development work at Good Hope. However, he said, the work was yet to begin and bemoaned the burden on taxpayers and house allottees of the area. He also wants the CH&PA to say what action will be taken...
Guiana, Guyana Times, Inglês - [original-title]
2025-02-12 06:29:06
GOGEC slams SGCC chair’s remarks on New River Triangle, demands apology – Guyana Times Home Top Stories GOGEC slams SGCC chair’s remarks on New River Triangle, demands apology The Guyana Oil and Gas Energy Chamber (GOGEC) on Monday said that it strongly disagrees with Chair of the Suriname-Guyana Chamber of Commerce (SGCC), Dr Vishnu Doerga’s recent statement regarding the New River Triangle.“We find it deeply concerning that Dr Doerga suggested an equivalence between Guyana’s sovereign claim to the territory and Suriname’s educational narrative, thereby failing to uphold Guyana’s internationally recognised territorial integrity unequivocally,” GOGEC said in a statement. According to GOGEC, the New River Triangle is and remains an integral part of Guyana, as affirmed by internationally recognised legal processes adding that any suggestion that its status is subject to differing “beliefs” is misleading and does not reflect the binding nature of...
Guiana, Guyana Chronicle, Inglês - [original-title]
2025-02-12 06:27:37
LINDEN’S Block 22 Flames put on a show to tame East Coast All Stars when action in the One Guyana Premier Basketball League on Sunday at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall kicked off.East Coast skipper Sheldon Legall had a game high 21 points in a losing cause as an all-round performance from Flames saw them earning a 28 points victory 78-40. Leon Joseph led Flames offensively with 17 points with 13 points from Jadon Reynolds and 18 from Shemar Savory to guide them to the impressive win.Flames led from start to finish after the tip off, taking the lead 23-8 after the first period before building a 42-23 lead at the break.They would lead 59-27 in the third period before clinching the win comfortably. Meanwhile, Amelia Ward Jets then won a nail biter against University of Guyana Trojans 66-65 after a see-saw tussle.UG got the jump after the opening whistle...


Holanda,, Holandês
2025-02-12 06:22:53
Lava op Sicilië, sneeuw in Drachten en teruggekeerde Syriërs De Telegraaf
Chipre, Dialogos, Grego
2025-02-12 06:14:43
Φωτιά εκδηλώθηκε τα ξημερώματα της Τετάρτης σε αυτοκίνητο, ενώ ήταν σταθμευμένο σε χωράφι, παρά τη λεωφόρο Δημοκρατίας, στην Πάφο. Σύμφωνα με το Γραφείο του Κλάδου Επικοινωνίας του Αρχηγείου Αστυνομίας, το αυτοκίνητο, ιδιοκτησία άντρα 21 ετών, μεταφέρθηκε στο σημείο την Κυριακή 09/02, με ρυμουλκό, μετά από μηχανική βλάβη που είχε υποστεί. Ακολούθως σήμερα τα ξημερώματα γύρω στις 04:25 εκδηλώθηκε φωτιά στο όχημα. Μέλη της Πυροσβεστικής μετέβησαν στην σκηνή για την κατάσβεσή της. Τα αίτια της πυρκαγιάς διερευνώνται από το ΤΑΕ Πάφου.
Chipre, Kribus Gazetezi, Turco
2025-02-12 06:11:42
Serbest piyasada Amerikan Doları 36,05 TL, Euro 37,37 TL, İngiliz Sterlini ise 44,90 TL’den işlem görüyor. Saat 08.06 itibarıyla Amerikan Doları’nın alış fiyatı 36,04 TL, satış fiyatı 36,06 TL. Euro’nun alış fiyatı 37,36 TL, satış fiyatı 37,39 TL, İngiliz Sterlini ise 44,88 TL’den alınıp 44,92 TL’den satılıyor.
Sérvia, Novosti, Sérvio - VELIKA AKCIJA POLICIJE: Uhapšena grupa, zaplenjeno 100 kg marihuane i više kilograma kokaina (FOTO)
2025-02-12 04:53:37
POTPREDSEDNIK Vlade i ministar unutrašnjih poslova Ivica Dačić izjavio je da je policija u Novom Sadu uhapsila dva lica iz Novog Sada i jedno iz Bačke Palanke i tom prilikom zaplenila veću količinu droge, što je u poslednjim mesecima jedna od najvećih zaplena. RPT
Áustria, Die Presse, Alemão
2025-02-12 04:47:26
Die Pläne von US-Präsident Donald Trump zur Neustrukturierung der Bundesbehörden nehmen weiter Form an. Die Agentur „Doge“ von Elon Musk erhält weitere Durchgriffsrechte. Worum geht es? Es war ein weiterer Tag im Weißen Haus, an dem sich die Nachrichten aus dem Oval Office geradezu überschlugen. US-Präsident Donald Trump hatte am Dienstag den König Jordaniens, Abdullah II., in seinem Amtssitz empfangen – und dabei seine Ankündigung wiederholt, den palästinensischen Gazastreifen einnehmen zu wollen. Dann folgte die fast schon zur täglichen Zeremonie gewordene Unterzeichnung von Exekutivanweisungen. Diesmal an Trumps Seite: Elon Musk. Der Chef der Social-Media-Plattform X, des Raumfahrtunternehmens „Space X“ und des E-Autoherstellers Tesla – und reichster Mann der Welt – leitet für den Präsidenten eine Agentur zur Straffung der US-Bundesbürokratie, das sogenannte „Department of Government Efficiency“ („Doge“). Zum ersten Mal seit dem Wahlsieg Trumps im vergangenen November stand Musk eine halbe Stunde lang im Oval Office Journalisten Rede und Antwort....
Dinamarca, , Dinamarquês
2025-02-12 04:46:13
En lang række lande bliver nu ramt af amerikansk 25 procent told på stål og aluminium. USA kan regne med kontante modsvar – som Trump så lover at møde med nye gengældelser RPT
Dinamarca, , Dinamarquês
2025-02-12 04:45:14
To gange på tre år er rød kølervæske væltet ud over passagerer, der rejste med et Go Collective-tog. Havarikommissionen peger nu på den sandsynlige årsag. RPT
Sérvia, Telegraf, Sérvio
2025-02-12 04:43:12
U Srbiji u sredu nakon vedrog i hladnog jutra, uz mraz, tokom dana naoblačenje. Posle podne i uveče na severu i zapadu očekuje se kiša. Tokom noći kiša, susnežica i sneg očekuju se širom Srbije, a kiša će se ponegde lediti i pri tlu. Duvaće umeren do jak jugoistočni vetar, u košavskom području povremeno i sa olujnim udarima. Jutarnja temperatura od -8 do -2°C, maksimalna dnevna od 3 do 9°C. U Beogradu u sredu naoblačenje, krajem dana sa kišom. U toku noći ledena kiša će se lediti i pri tlu, pa će postojati opasnost od poledice. Duvaće jak jugoistočni vetar. Jutarnja temperatura -2, maksimalna dnevna 6°C. ( RPT


Brasil, Brazil Journal, Português
2025-02-12 03:42:52
A Aena Brasil lançou uma concorrência para a operação dos ativos de out of home em seus 17 aeroportos no País, uma disputa que promete ser uma briga de foice entre as gigantes do setor. Eletromidia, JCDecaux e NEOOH devem entrar na disputa cujo grande prêmio é o aeroporto de Congonhas, a joia da coroa da Aena no Brasil. Hoje Congonhas conta com três empresas de OOH: NEOOH, Kallas Mídia e a Eletromidia, que está apenas nas telas de voo.  O mercado espera que a Aena bata o martelo até julho. Os aeroportos da Aena movimentaram mais de 43,3 milhões de passageiros em cerca de 480 mil pousos e decolagens no ano passado, o que faz da companhia a maior operadora aeroportuária do Brasil.  O mais movimentado foi Congonhas, com 23,1 milhões de viajantes – uma alta de 4,5% em relação ao ano anterior. Logo depois vem o aeroporto de...
Mato Grosso, Correio de Mato Grosso
2025-02-12 03:07:32
A Secretaria de Estado de Justiça (Sejus MT) realizou, nesta terça-feira (11.7), uma grande operação de revista em 33 unidades prisionais de Mato Grosso, em que foram apreendidos celulares, carregadores, armas artesanais e drogas. A ação ocorreu simultaneamente em todas as unidades e mobilizou todo o efetivo da Polícia Penal. Ao todo, foram apreendidos 39 aparelhos celulares, 278 porções de drogas, 15 armas artesanais, 23 carregadores tradicionais e um portátil, 15 chips telefônicos, 11 fones de ouvido, 18 litros de bebidas artesanais e uma balança de precisão. Das 33 unidades em que as revistas foram realizadas, em 20 não foi encontrado nenhum material ilícito, o que mostra o resultado das ações da Polícia Penal nas unidades prisionais desde o início do programa Tolerância Zero às Facções Criminosas. “O trabalho da Polícia Penal contra as facções criminosas tem sido constante e assim continuará. Um celular na mão de um preso é...
Zâmbia, Daily Mail, Inglês
2025-02-11 22:15:58
ALCOHOL abuse has become a significant concern in Zambia, and it affects various aspects of society. The issue of alcohol abuse in the country has garnered attention due to its wide-ranging impact which includes social, economic health and production-wise. Residents in both urban and rural areas of Zambia should consider reducing alcohol consumption and focus more on agricultural productivity among others. We welcome the wise counsel from Chief Moyo, of Pemba, Southern Province, who has urged residents in the chiefdom to prioritise productivity and desist from abusing alcohol. The traditional leader should be supported on this score as this is progressive for households and the country at large. Chief Moyo is concerned about the increasing levels of alcohol consumption among his subjects, a vice which is hindering development. “I am saddened to see people focusing more on consuming alcohol than engaging in productive activities. Beer has become their main activity...
Brasil, Brazil Journal, Português
2025-02-11 13:04:15
Quando Eduardo Latache trabalhava na Base Partners, uma gestora de venture capital, uma das melhores decisões que tomou foi contratar uma assistente pessoal.  Segundo ele, essa pessoa fazia o pagamento de suas contas, comprava passagens, agendava médicos, e cuidava de tudo em sua vida que não fosse relacionado ao trabalho. “Aquilo mudou o meu dia a dia,” ele disse ao Brazil Journal. “Essa pessoa se tornou o prestador de serviço mais importante para mim, apesar de ganhar menos do que outros prestadores.” No início do ano passado, Latache deixou a Base para fundar a Tempo, uma startup que está tentando massificar a experiência que ele teve. “Estamos resolvendo aquele ‘trabalho depois do trabalho’, que conforme você vai ficando mais velho vai ficando cada vez mais difícil de tocar.” Para escalar a ideia, a Tempo está aliando o atendimento humano com inteligência artificial, que ajuda os assistentes a fazer seu trabalho...
Mato Grosso, Correio de Mato Grosso
2025-02-11 12:31:51
Ondas de calor, insônia e perda de massa muscular são alguns dos sintomas que impactam a vida de mulheres durante o climatério e a menopausa. Com o objetivo de melhorar a qualidade de vida daquelas que vivenciam essa fase, foi apresentado na Assembleia Legislativa de Mato Grosso o Projeto de Lei 95/2025, que prevê a criação de uma política estadual de atenção integral à saúde feminina. O projeto é de autoria da deputada Janaina Riva (MDB) e foi proposto durante sessão plenária realizada na semana passada. Conforme o documento, a Política Estadual de Atenção Integral à Saúde das Mulheres no Climatério e na Menopausa tem o objetivo de promover ações de conscientização, orientação, prevenção e assistência à saúde das mulheres que se encontram nessa fase da vida, garantindo o acesso à informação, a qualificação do atendimento e o suporte necessário para garantir o seu bem-estar. “A falta de informações adequadas...
Zâmbia, Daily Mail, Inglês
2025-02-11 05:04:22
MARGARET CHISANGA Lusaka SHORTLY after attending the Cape Town International Scrabble tournament, where he was happy to be awarded the highest word score tournament, Justin Chansa landed in Zambia to another joyous occasion of being awarded a car in the last Johnnie Walker Win a Car competition. Mr Chansa emerged as the last winner, in the promotion launched last year by Diageo in partnership with Shoprite stores across Zambia. During presentation of the car in Lusaka, Mr Chansa expressed profound gratitude to Diageo and urged them to continue creating more opportunities for their clients. “I am very happy, in fact short of words. This has been a good start to the year for me,” he said. Mr Chansa, a markerter by profession, said the car would help with transportation around the city. The campaign offered customers the chance to win one of three vehicles. So far, two cars have already...
Brasil, Brazil Journal, Português
2025-02-10 21:46:14
A Azevedo & Travassos Petróleo (ATP) fechou a compra de 13 campos da Brava Energia, numa transação que aumenta substancialmente sua produção e acontece às vésperas do spinoff e listagem da companhia na Bolsa.  A compra foi feita em parceria com a PetroVictory, com quem a ATP já tem um contrato de ‘farm-in’ para explorar os campos da canadense na Bacia Potiguar.  Na transação com a Brava – a empresa resultante da fusão da 3R com a Enauta – a ATP e a PetroVictory compraram 50% dos ativos cada, pagando um total de US$ 15 milhões.  Esse valor será pago ao longo de oito anos e meio, com uma parcela inicial de US$ 600 mil na assinatura do contrato e outros US$ 2,9 milhões no fechamento da transação. Outros US$ 3,5 milhões serão pagos 12 meses após o fechamento, e há ainda US$ 4,5 milhões que serão pagos 24 meses...
Mato Grosso, Correio de Mato Grosso
2025-02-10 21:13:15
A Secretaria Municipal de Meio Ambiente, Agricultura e Pecuária fez a retirada de inúmeros pneus que estavam depositados em uma área verde no bairro João Moraes em Rondonópolis, na manhã desta segunda-feira (10). Os pneus estavam ao ar livre, com água acumulada, propiciando a formação de criadouros do mosquito Aedes aegypti transmissor de arboviroses como a dengue e a chikungunya. Os pneus foram retirados por uma equipe da pasta e encaminhados para uma das duas empresas que estão habilitadas para receber esse tipo de produto na cidade. Com a medida, os pneus terão a destinação correta, sendo enviados para a reciclagem, e a população não fica exposta a criadouros do Aedes aegypti. Conforme o secretário de Meio Ambiente, Agricultura e Pecuária, Álvaro Fachim, a pasta não tem a função de fazer a retirada desse tipo de material, porém como a cidade vive uma situação de emergência em saúde em função...
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