Serra Leoa, News Net, Inglês

A former Liberian rebel commander will go on trial in Paris on Monday charged with acts of barbarity including torture, cannibalism, forced labour and complicity in crimes against humanity during the country’s first civil war more than 25 years ago. It is the first trial in France of a non-Rwandan suspect accused of wartime atrocities […]

São Tomé e Príncipe, STP-Press, Português

São-Tomé, 22 Out.2024 (STP-Press) – A Taxa de Inflação Acumulada, referente ao Índice do Preço de Consumidor (IPC), no mês de Setembro de 2024, foi de 6.3 %, com uma variação mensal de 0,4% e variação homóloga de 11,6% de acordo com dados divulgados hoje pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatísticas, (INE). Segundo INE “ a […]

Nigéria, All Africa, Inglês

Abuja — The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), yesterday, replied the national chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Umar Ganduje, and told him that any attempt to capture the November 16 governorship election in Ondo State would be to invite whirlwind and its attendant consequences. Also, in an effort to decide on the proposed National […]

Niger, Tam Tam Info, Francês

« La Guerre intensive  » imposée à nos États, déjà entrevue par le Président du Faso le Capitaine Ibrahim TRAORE ,  s’exporte graduellement mais sûrement au TOGO.  Un Frère militaire à la retraite, expert en stratégie de guerre m’a expliqué que le niveau d’impact et d’attaque du Togo par le Terrorisme sera fonction du niveau de déstabilisation […]

Niger, Le Sahel, Francês

Partager vers les réseaux Le Secrétaire général adjoint du Ministère de la Santé Publique, de la Population et des Affaires sociales, M. Abdoulaye Alhassane, a présidé, le lundi 21 Octobre 2024, l’atelier de validation du guide de vérification de l’effectivité de la gratuité des soins et services au profit des femmes et des enfants de […]

Namíbia, Economist, Inglês

By Michel Haoses. The City of Windhoek witnessed a surge in building plan approvals in September, according to a report by IJG Research and Securities. A total of 131 plans were approved, valued at N$375 million, marking the highest monthly approval amount since September 2019. Commercial and industrial projects drove this increase, contributing N$264 million […]

Moçambique, Jornal Domingo, Português

498 “Não podemos permitir que exista lugar ao medo num Estado de direito democrático. Neste momento tão difícil para todos nós, exigimos que se faça valer a lei. Reafirmo o meu total repúdio a este crime e a qualquer tipo de violência e intolerância no nosso país, ao mesmo tempo que reitero o meu compromisso […]

Mauritânia, Agence Mauritanienne, Árabe

أضعط هنا ظهرت المقالة جريدة الشعب: العدد 13097 بتاريخ 22-10-2024 أولاً على الوكالة الموريتانية للأنباء. Source link

Mauritânia, Sahara Media, Árabe

قال وزير الصحة في الحكومة الموريتانية عبد الله سيدي محمد وديه إن مؤشرات الإصابة بالملاريا التي شهدتها بعض الولايات الموريتانية خلال الأسابيع الأخيرة،  بدأت في التراجع. وأضاف خلال جولة له في ولايات الضفة أن الزيارات التي قام بها أظهرت أن هناك عددا من الجوانب الإيجابية في النظام الصحي الوطني، ولكن بالمقابل هناك أيضا نواقص يجب […]

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