Hong Kong

Hong Kong, Wenweipo, Chinês
2024-05-16 08:30:13
【元朗回收場二級火已救熄 初步疏散約20人】 香港文匯報訊 元朗白沙山路一個回收場,今日(16日)下午約1時4分發生二級火警,消防出動2煙帽隊及2條喉射水撲救,初步疏散約20人,火警至下午2時02分將火救熄。 由於火場期間冒出大量濃煙,消防一度發出火警特別通知,提醒市民若受到隨風飄散的煙霧和異味影響,請關閉門窗及保持鎮定。 Facebook
Hong Kong, South China Morning Post, Inglês
2024-05-16 08:29:23
People in Hong Kong Island will have only one office that issues passports and other travel documents from next month after the government moves the service from its Wan Chai office to a new one in Tseung Kwan O. The change, part of a plan to transfer the Immigration Department’s headquarters from Wan Chai to Tseung Kwan O, will leave the Travel Documents Issuing Office in Central’s Harbour Building as the sole travel documents issuer on the island. There are six other passport issuing centres, which also deal with identity documents for visas and re-entry permits, spread around the city, in East Kowloon, West Kowloon, Sha Tin, Ho Tan, Tuen Mun and Yuen Long. The department said that more automatic machines for travel document applications and collection will be added to the Tseung Kwan O and Central offices to cope with an expected rise in demand. Immigration Tower in Wan...
Hong Kong, South China Morning Post, Inglês
2024-05-15 19:32:24
Jockey Club and Institute of Philanthropy collaborate with the Palace Museum to promote Chinese culture and nurture arts tech talent in Hong Kong and the Mainland [The content of this article has been produced by our advertising partner.] The Hong Kong Jockey Club and the Institute of Philanthropy (“IoP”), a charitable organisation established by the Club and its Charities Trust, are pleased to announce last Friday (10 May) the signing of a Memorandum of Co-operation with the Palace Museum, which includes the establishment of The Palace Museum Hong Kong Cultural Exchange Hub in Beijing. Under the Memorandum, the IoP will donate approximately HK$440 million (RMB¥370 million) to promote Chinese culture and values in Hong Kong, the Mainland and worldwide and to support talent development initiatives in the arts technology and cultural sectors.  The Memorandum of Co-operation, namely “Promotion of Chinese Culture and Arts Tech Talent Development in the Mainland and...
Hong Kong, Wenweipo, Chinês
2024-05-15 15:38:14
斯洛伐克親俄總理遇刺身中多槍 斯洛伐克親俄總理遇刺身中多槍 斯洛伐克總理菲佐周三(5月15日)遇刺,身中多槍重傷,被緊急送院治理,警方拘捕一名疑兇,正調查其犯案動機。 據斯洛伐克TA3電視台報道,事發於距離首都布拉迪斯拉發東北面約150公里的漢德洛瓦市,當時菲佐在文化社區中心召開政府會議,並與支持者會面,但在中心前遭遇槍擊。據現場記者指出,當時聽到數聲槍響。報道指疑兇共開4槍,其中一槍擊中菲佐腹部。據報疑兇為一名71歲男子,他開槍後企圖逃走,被警察制服。菲佐由直升機送往比斯特里察的醫院救治。醫院發言人指菲佐送院時有意識,但據報斯洛伐克政府表示菲佐有生命危險。 多國領袖譴責 斯洛伐克內政部發言人證實菲佐遇襲,但未有透露其情況。即將卸任的斯洛代克總統查普托娃說,對菲佐遭遇「殘暴」襲擊感到震驚,希望他早日康復。 歐盟委員會主席馮德萊恩對菲佐遇襲件予以譴責。羅馬尼亞總理喬拉庫表示震驚,稱必須將兇手法辦。捷克總理費亞拉亦表震驚,盼菲佐早日康復。德國總理朔爾茨說,歐洲政壇不容暴力。烏克蘭總統澤連斯基亦譴責開槍事件,祝菲佐早日康復。 59歲的菲佐去年9月帶領左翼的方向黨勝出大選,第3度出任總理,領導民粹主義政府。他在競選期間採取親俄立場,並發表反美言論,批評者憂慮斯洛伐克將放棄原本的親西方路線,反對派曾多次在全國各地舉行集會,抗議菲佐的政策。 Facebook
Hong Kong, Wenweipo, Chinês
2024-05-15 01:56:04
【長洲飄色直擊】 Facebook
Hong Kong, South China Morning Post, Inglês
2024-05-15 01:49:25
The status quo is undoubtedly worrying. Only 211 Americans studied in mainland China between 2021 and 2022, with a slight rebound to 700 in 2023 – a downturn from around 11,000 before Covid-19. In 2023, for the first time in 15 years, China was no longer the top source of international students in the United States, overtaken by India. A recent Pew Research poll revealed that roughly four-fifths of Americans have an unfavourable view of China, while 70 per cent of Americans aged 65 or above view countering China as a top American priority. Reassuringly, only 28 per cent of those aged 18 to 29 share that attitude. Yet given the pressure on politicians to out-hawk one another in the US, as well as increasingly mainstream views of both the Chinese and American establishments that the two countries are locked in bitter, intense rivalry, improvements in bilateral relations should not...
Hong Kong, South China Morning Post, Inglês
2024-05-14 02:56:12
The organisers of Hong Kong’s annual bun festival on Cheung Chau are expecting about 60,000 visitors for Wednesday’s event, hoping to beat last year’s figure with help of the city’s recent promotion efforts targeting mainland Chinese tourists. But a local bun maker has said he is less optimistic since the festival, which takes place on Buddha’s Birthday, will not fall on a Friday unlike the year before, meaning most people will need to work the next day. Hong Kong Cheung Chau Bun Festival Committee chairman Yung Chi-ming, however, remained upbeat and said he believed attendance for this year’s event would surpass the 40,000 visitors recorded last year. “I believe there will be more visitors this year, hopefully about 60,000,” he said. “There has been much more promotion this year, including a drone show by the Tourism Board featuring bun towers over the past weekend, which could draw crowds.” Fanny Yeung...
Hong Kong, Wenweipo, Chinês
2024-05-13 13:17:32
阿sir 深圳灣幫旅客搬行李 內地網友:好客之都 為免的士上落客堵塞交通,有警員放下身段,幫旅客搬行李,使汽車盡快開走。 有內地網友話,阿sir 好有好客之道。亦有香港網友提醒的哥:「小心轉頭炒你牌!」 #深圳灣 #的士 #旅客 #行李 #港東港西 #港時港事 Facebook
Hong Kong, South China Morning Post, Inglês
2024-05-13 07:11:04
A Hong Kong judge hearing Jimmy Lai Chee-ying’s national security trial has asked prosecutors to refrain from making unfounded allegations against the mogul’s legal team for failing to raise a matter in contention during the cross-examination of a prosecution witness in earlier proceedings. A lawyer representing Lai took to the witness stand on Monday in support of a defence request to have former Apple Daily publisher Cheung Kim-hung testify in court again about the now-defunct tabloid’s internal messaging records. The application was made on the 75th day of what was originally listed as an 80-day trial, after Cheung and five other key prosecution witnesses completed their respective oral testimonies. Cheung had earlier said the abstracts of various “lunchbox meetings” among Apple Daily executives were uploaded to workplace communication app Slack. The prosecution argued Lai had made use of those meetings to deliver his instructions to senior editorial staff, including ones...
Hong Kong, Wenweipo, Chinês
2024-05-13 07:00:10
【全球首名基因豬腎移植者 出院後6周死亡】 全球首名接受經基因改造的豬腎臟移植手術的美國男子,於出院後約6周死亡。為患者動手術的麻省總醫院發聲明指,無跡象顯示患者是因移植手術而死,對家屬致以慰問。 62歲美國男子斯來曼(Richard Slayman)生前患有二型糖尿病及高血壓,在今年3月接受全球首個「基因豬腎」移植手術。主診醫生最初指手術非常成功,植入豬腎後,免疫系統沒有出現排斥狀況,血壓和生命體徵均保持穩定。 據報在出院前,男子曾一度懷疑出現器官排斥,但醫生評估後認為屬正常狀況。斯來曼家人發聲明稱,「我們全家對我們深愛的斯來曼突然離世感到非常傷心,但我們深感安慰的是,他激勵了如此多的人……全世界數以百萬計的人都瞭解了他故事。他為那些迫切等待移植手術的患者帶來樂觀,令我們感到(曾經感到,現在仍然感到)安慰。」 Facebook
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