Tanzânia, All Africa, Inglês

Kilimanjaro — KILIMANJARO: THE Director General of the Information and Communication Technologies Commission (ICTC), Dr Nkundwe Mwasaga, has affirmed the government’s commitment to advancing digital education across all school levels in collaboration with stakeholders, aimed at equipping Tanzanians with essential modern technology skills. Speaking at the recent launch of a computer laboratory at Manushi Secondary […]

Sudão, All Africa, Inglês

Rome — Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Dr. Abu-Bakr Omar, addressed the General Sitting of the Fifth-Second Session of the Committee on World Food Security in Rome on Monday. The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry reviewed, in his speech, the systematic destruction of infrastructure, focusing on production areas, livelihoods, and gene banks of plant and […]

Somália, Wardheer News, Inglês

By Adan Makina Editor’s Note: Looking forward into the future of the United States and the world over has been a driving factor in the political dispensation of author Adan Makina, who, in his pursuit of political philosophy, shared with us a previous article with the title “America Needs Madam President.” And now, with America […]

Somália, Hiiraan, Inglês

Monday October 21, 2024 Mogadishu (HOL) – Somali Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre has appointed Abdisalan Abdi Ali as the country’s Second Deputy Prime Minister, marking the first time since the interim government that Somalia has had a second deputy prime minister. Abdisalan previously served as Minister of Public Works, Reconstruction, and Housing, a position […]

Serra Leoa, News Net, Inglês

A Paris court has made history in convicting a former Liberian rebel commander for complicity in crimes against humanity under the principle of “universal jurisdiction”. Kunti Kamara was also found guilty acts of barbarity, including torture, cannibalism and forced labour during the country’s first civil war more than 25 years ago. He was given a […]

São Tomé e Príncipe, STP-Press, Português

São-Tomé, 21 Out. 2024 ( STP-Press) – O Primeiro-Ministro, Patrice Trovoada presidiu este sábado uma mesa redonda com os médicos, na qual analisaram a situação atual do sistema da saúde e encontram algumas medidas de urgência para melhoria e bom funcionamento do sistema. No final do encontro Patrice Trovoada disse que “nós temos que melhorar […]

Burundi, All Africa, Inglês

The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, the Government of the Republic of Burundi, the European Union (EU), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in collaboration with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), Danish Refugee Council (DRC), and Icirore c’ Amahoro (ICCA), together with refugees launched today a four-year project aimed at strengthening […]

Nigéria, All Africa, Inglês

Mr Abubakar, at an interactive session with stakeholders at Garin Barka Primary School in Gumel, distributed free uniforms, school bags, and stipends to about 1,800 children he identified and enrolled in schools. Some members of Jigawa State House of Assembly, with support from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), have enrolled children in schools in […]

Niger, Tam Tam Info, Francês

Quelle Place et quel Rôle attribuer à une catégorie sociale engagée dans le silence , et qui produit de la Réflexion stratégique ? Le Cercle Indépendant de Réflexion et d’Actions Citoyennes , CIRAC un ThinkTan avec unniveau de production de Réflexions stratégiques très appréciable, le Groupe de Réflexion sur la Refondation de la République G3R/ […]

Niger, Le Sahel, Francês

Partager vers les réseaux L’ambassade d’Italie au Niger a organisé une soirée mémorable, le 17 octobre 2024, pour célébrer le 40ème anniversaire du «Projet Keita», une initiative emblématique de coopération entre l’Italie et le Niger visant à lutter contre la dégradation des terres et la désertification. Ce concert a réuni de nombreux acteurs évoluant dans […]

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